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Who is a Competent Person and their Role in Excavation Safety and Fall Protection

A qualified individual is essential to the implementation and observance of OSHA regulatory requirements 1926. Excavations under Subpart P, and fall protection under Subpart M.

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Who is a Competent Person and their Role in Excavation Safety and Fall Protection

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  1. WhoisaCompetent PersonandtheirRolein Excavation Safety and FallProtection

  2. WhoisaCompetent Person? AccordingtoOSHA,a“competentpersonis definedasonewhoiscapableofidentifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has the authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminatethem"[29CFR1926.32(f)].”

  3. TheRoleandResponsibilitiesoftheCompetent Person in Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring Operations OSHA’sExcavationStandards29CFR1926SubpartPspecifiesorganizationsinvolved inexcavationandtrenchingoperationsappointanemployeeasa“competentperson” onlyifthey: Havetraininginsoilanalysis, AreknowledgeableaboutprotectivesystemsandOSHAexcavationrequirements, Areabletoidentifyhazardsinexcavationwork,and Havetheauthoritytotakepromptactiontoremoveorminimizehazardsidentified atexcavationand/ortrenchingworksites.

  4. TheRoleandResponsibilitiesoftheCompetent Person in Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring Operations At excavation sites, a competent person is required on-site whenever workers are enteringexcavations.Acompetentperson’sresponsibilitiesatexcavationsitesinclude: Classifyingsoil Designingstructuralrampsforheavyequipment Inspectingworksitesdaily,asoftenasneeded Examiningequipmentandmaterialstomakesuretheyareingoodworkingorder Monitoringwaterremovaloperations Maintainingtheauthoritytotakeprompt,correctiveactiontoeliminateexisting andpredictablehazards,andstoppingworkwhenrequired.

  5. TheRoleandResponsibilitiesoftheCompetent PersoninFallProtection Accordingly,anemployermustappointacompetentpersonwhoisresponsible for: Theidentificationandevaluationoffallhazardsandwarningotherworkers abouttheseconditions. DeterminingwhetherthesafetynetsmeettheprovisionsoftheFall ProtectionsStandardsaccordingtoSubpartM. The inspection of the personal fall arrest system (PFAS) after a fall. Evaluating any alterations in a personal fall arrest system and its safety. Trainingemployeestorecognizefallhazardsandfollowsafeworkpractices.

  6. To better understand the compliance requirements of OSHA’s Excavations Standards,enrollemployeesinourOSHA Competent Person for Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring Training course withoutdelay. ForcomprehensivetrainingonOSHAFall ProtectionStandards,enrollinourOSHA Competent Person for Fall Protection Trainingcoursetoday!

  7. ThankYou https://hazwoper-osha.com/

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