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Join us at the IIA NY Chapter's organizational meeting at Baruch College on June 16, 2017. Discover our strategic objectives, budget, and upcoming events. Become a part of our Ruby Chapter!
The Institute of Internal AuditorsNew York Chapter 2017-2018Organizational Meeting June 16, 2017 Baruch College
We are now a Ruby Chapter! Alex.Cacanando@Protiviti.com Alex Cacanando2016-2017 NY IIA Chapter Past President
Agenda 2017 – 2018 Chapter Strategic Objectives & Goals Chapter Budget / Financials Board Action Required • Board Meeting Dates • Annual, Govt & Workshop Dates and Pricing • Chapter Auditor • Budget Approval • Increase Chapter Reserve • CIA and Beginning Auditors Training
Chapter President Scott Kenney SVP & General Auditor of Moody’s Corporation Scott.Kenney@Moodys.com 212.553.0482
Board & Annual Meeting Dates • September 29th, 2017 – Baruch 2-4PM • November 17th, 2017 – Baruch 2-4 PM • January 12th, 2018 – Baruch 2-4 PM • March 16th, 2018 – Baruch 2-4 PM** Annual Membership Meeting following the board meeting. • May 4th, 2018 – Virtual 2-4PM THE INSTITUTE OF INTERNAL AUDITORS - NEW YORK CHAPTER, INC.-BYLAWS ADOPTED ON December 13, 2013 ARTICLE IV BOARD OF GOVERNORS AND THEIR ELECTION • Section 6. All Governors are expected to attend at least three meetings during a chapter year. • Section 10. The Board of Governors shall fix the time and place for each Annual Meeting pursuant to Article VIII. • Section 11. The Board of Governors shall meet at least five times annually, at such times and places as it may elect. A quorum at all Board meetings in the Chapter year shall constitute no less than fifteen (15) (of which 8 are non-officers).
Simplified Governance Committee Structure Chapter President Board Advisory Committee * Finance & Audit Committee Chapter Auditor CAP, CAE Round Table, Nominating Committee, Outreach VP & Treasurer VP & Secretary VP of Professional Services VP of Professional Development Executive Vice President Newsletter Financial Reporting Membership Workshops & Luncheons Annual Audit Seminar Website Technology Group Subscriptions Certification Public Sector Audit Conference Business & Industry Academic Relations Committee Managers & Directors Round Table President & Chapter Awards * Includes Strategic Planning - Long Term Plan, History, Standards, Contracts and Lifetime Achievement Award committees
Notes: 1. All members of the Board and the Executive Committee will be responsible for involving/engaging volunteers. 2. All members of the Executive Committee will incorporate Diversity in all events. Proposed Structure and Roles
Executive Vice President Uday Gulvadi ugulvadi@acatelavance.com
Annual Audit Seminar Committee Uday Gulvadi (Chair), Ellen Isaacs, Scott Kenney Annual Audit Seminar May 18, 2018
Business and Industry Special Events Committee Chair Stacey Guardino Provide education on topics of interest to specific segments of our membership Conduct 3 - 4 events over the chapter year Maintain industry diversity Have the events be sponsored by member companies Partner with other professional associations such as SIFMA, ACFE
Business and Industry Special Events(contd.) IIA/SIFMA joint event – June 22, 2017
President and Chapter Awards Committee Chair OPEN Obtains gifts in recognition for member service to chapter. Coordinates the Chapter awards program.
Managers and Directors Roundtable Committee Chair Juan Perez Discussion on hot topics and sharing of best practices. 2 CPEs to be provided 6 – 8 roundtables for IA Managers and Directors. Similar format as CAE Roundtable
VP Professional Development Ellen Isaacs ellenisaacs.iia@gmail.com
VP of Professional Development Committees • Budget and Financials – Ellen Isaacs • Speaker Coordination – Mike Fucilli
Workshops Committee Co-Chairs • Registration (Pre & On-site): Cristina Porto • Speaker Coordination: Ellen Isaacs Plans and arranges monthly CPE qualified educational programs, which provide internal auditors with practical solutions to challenging audit issues
Luncheons • Ellen Isaacs Committee Chair Plans and coordinates monthly luncheon speakers
Workshop and Luncheon Schedule Note: Government Audit Conference: January 26, 2018
VP Professional Services Matthew Meisel Matthew.Meisel@moodys.com
Newsletter Committee Chair Jessica Kendzor Publish monthly newsletter for members to promote upcoming events and feature articles impacting the Internal Audit profession Identify a new format/layout of the monthly newsletter Explore opportunities to meet with other chapters newsletter chairs in the district
Website/Technology Committee Chair Christopher Cariello Maintain social media presence with current content including newsletters, job opportunities, training and other Chapter events as communicated. Update historical chapter information in IIA NY Chapter Website database. Streamline chapter’s use of various tools including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, mobile app, etc.
Academic Relations (ARC) Committee Chair Mark Springer Increase student awareness of internal auditing as a career path Presentations/job fairs at local colleges Spark student/educator interest in the Chapter and its programs Attract more student memberships – Career Day with Etiquette presentation Coordinate - Chapter scholarships Identify internship opportunities Partner with University Leadership
Academic Relations (ARC) Work with schools interested in pursuing the Internal Audit Education Partnership (IAEP) recognition. IAEP program schools are schools teaching an internal auditing curriculum within a degree program (undergraduate or post-graduate) endorsed by The IIA. The schools have gone through a rigorous application process and are monitored by The IIA’s Academic Relations Committee (ARC). A solid partnership among the school, the local IIA chapter/Institute, and The IIA help ensure the success of the IAEP program at the university.
VP & Secretary Elena Dobinda Elena.dobinda@gs.com
Membership Committee Chair Sophie Chan/Franck Rocco Maintain regular communication with members including: Welcome to new members Responding to members’ inquiries Analyze feedback and update the Board Organize luncheons or social events for networking opportunities for new members Promote interest in the IIA chapter memberships leveraging media, e-mail and social events channels. Prepare membership analysis to identify trends and define targeted populations
Certifications Committee Chair Alex Cacanando Promote the CIA review courses via website and newsletter, and during the IIA Networking events Recognize successful completion of CIA and specialty exams by acknowledging newly certified members at luncheons and in the chapter newsletter Conduct targeted outreach (e-mails, educational materials) to student and fresh graduates for the participation in the CIA program
Vice President & Treasurer Carlos Perdomo Carlos.Perdomo@columbia.edu
Treasurer Goals Enhance / Continue implementation Treasury internal controls and best practices in consultation with Chapter Board and IIA Head Office. Maximize CAP opportunities through the timely reporting of financial information to head office. Provide relevant financial information and reporting to support Chapter objectives. Streamline cash receipts and vendor payment through use of electronic payment processing.
Financial Reporting & Controls Committee Chair OPEN Present budget-to-actual and cash position. Monitor payment processing and disbursements. Prepare, maintain and report chapter financial activity including budget and accounts to Board of Governors. Reconcile bank account.
Group Subscriptions Committee Chair Bill Morello Promote the subscription program to the NY Chapter training events (i.e. workshops and annual conference) Identify organizations, based on prior attendance of workshop/annual conferences, that will benefit from participating with the group subscription program.
Group Subscriptions (continued) Committee Chair Bill Morello Expand advertising of the subscription program through contacts within other NY Chapter committees (Membership, Outreach, Annual Audit Seminar & Business and Industry). Strengthen participation and purchases of subscriptions to new member companies.
Chapter Budget & Financials • Budget and Variance 2016-2017 • ~ $25,000 in expenses not yet paid • ~$90,000 paid IIA Museum Donation • ~$35,000 in subsidies for 2016 International • ~$318,000 in proceeds from 2016 International • Budget 2017-2018 • Modest 3% increase in fees for members • ~$446,000 in cash, $383,000 unrestricted • Forecasting ~$20,000 drawdown • Subsidizing membership on program • Funding volunteer award dinner
Board Action Required Annual, Govt & Workshop Dates and Pricing Chapter Auditor - Wenny Formane MTA 2017 / 2018 NY IIA Chapter Budget CIA and Beginning Training Discussion Increase Chapter Reserve Board Meeting Dates
CIA and Beginning Training Discussion • Summary: • Certified Internal Auditor - As IIA Headquarters will not be performing an IIA course during the 2017/2018 Chapter Year, the NY IIA Chapter has been asked to administratively support the course. BOG member Mike Fucilli will continue to facilitate. • Beginner Auditor - A three day training program that will be held at St. John's Manhattan Campus and will take place from August 16-18. BOG members Nick DiMola and Paul Flora will facilitate the course. • Chapter Ask: • Advertise programs in our Newsletters • Initiate online registration campaign on CVent utilizing NYC IIA Membership data • Collect funds and disburse proceeds to respective instructors less agreed upon administrative fees / technology / processing costs • Provide analysis of registration and finances • Chapter will not be: • Providing support for the event through any planning, logistics, onsite registration, etc. • Branding the event as an IIA event, providing insurance coverage, etc. • Providing members with CPE credits