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Digital Asset Management (DAM) is the process by which a company successfully stores and manages all digital assets and shares them with employees, partner organizations, and other third parties in the most efficient way.
Z Asset OptimizerOverview Are you gettingthe mostout of your mainframeinvestment? Contact us:ZIO@hcl.com Meet Our Expert:www.zio.community.com Copyright © 2020 HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
Introducing ZAsset Optimizer Batch Inventory Discovery HCL ZAsset Optimize(ZAO) is amarket leading software asset discoveryproduct for IBM® z/OS® mainframetechnology ZAO recognizes over 15,000+mainframe software products and featuresfrom IBM and other software vendors andprovidescomprehensive software inventory reports Tracksandreports usage of In-house z/OS applications – Batch workload, CICS , IMS transactionswritten in COBOL,PL/I, C/C++, REXX , Java Usage Monitoring Software assets and their usage are discoveredautomatically by a batchinquisitor and a real- timeusagemonitor Audit and compliance – Effectively used for discusslicensing and auditcompliancewith software vendors Reporting Optimize Mainframe software cost by eliminatinglessfrequently used software andensuring supported software is being used FlexiblePricing options Copyright© 2020 HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com 2
ZAsset Optimizer ValueProposition InfrastructureOperation management SoftwareCost Optimization Auditing& Compliance APIs’ for Operational Analytics Asset&License Management ✓ ReportProductusage by LPARS,SysplexandCEC’s ✓ Integrate ZAO Software asset data with local Configuration management database for betterinsights on Changeimpact ✓ AnalyzetheSoftwareusage of allIBM& ISV Products and OptimizeMainframe SoftwareLicensingcost ✓ Audit the usage of z/OS load modules and Unix executables ✓ Support complete End to End Software inventory managementandreporting ✓ DetailImpacton Applications , Batch Jobs& Usersthathelpsin Planning, Validation& Testingstages ✓ Complywith Licenseand Contractsanddemonstrate complianceto software vendors ✓ Detail analysis and reporting of Product, Vendor,Version,Release, Featurecode(stateall versionsif multiple versions are installed),LPAR(s)they run on, Status of the product, Installation Libraries &Dataset naming conventions. ✓ KeySoftwareusageReports to negotiatelicensingcost withvendors. ✓ Integrate ZAO data for Operational Analyticswith SMF & Syslog data for Problemdiagnosisandbest practice implementation ✓ Go-totoolforSysprogson Software/Hardware Upgrade or Migration projects(e.g.COBOL Upgrade) ✓ Eliminate Less frequently Software products orNot usedproducts ✓ Automatetheprocessof up-to-datesoftware inventory ✓ Automationandalertson noncompliant situations ✓ Consolidate Product with overlappingcapabilities Copyright© 2020HCL TechnologiesLimited | www.hcltechsw.com
ZAO Deployment option on z/OS Remote Mainframe Components CentralMainframe Components STC Raw UsageData TSO ZAO Analyticreports Usage Import JAVA Batch Usage Monitor CICS Analyzer Repository IMS RawIQ Data IQImport In-HouseApplication registry (maintainedbycustomer) Inquisitor GKB LKB AllDASD GlobalKnowledgeBase LocalKnowledgeBase Vendorproductregistry (maintainedbyHCL) Copyright© 2020HCL Technologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com 4
ZAO Deployment option on“Container technology onLinux on Z” Asset Report License Validation Report ▪ Simpler Maintenance:ZAO for Containersisbuiltreadyfor deploymentintoatargetcontainerenvironment Usage Monitor Inquisitor ▪ Reduce Cost: ZAO for Containers runs on Linux on Z insteadofz/OS– which can be anLPAR or assimpleasa z/VM guest ▪ Proven Reliability: The Usage Monitor and Inquisitor are provencomponentsofZAOproduct with<1%overheadto monitoryourmainframesystems Analyzer ZAO for Containers ▪ Repository License Validation:Identifyareasofimprovement& concernsto keep your mainframesystemsoptimal Docker CommunityEdition ▪ APIs to Extract Data: APIs are provided to extract asset management data from ZAO for Containers – consume datawhenyouneedthem Linux onZ 5 Copyright© 2020 HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
ZAOSample Reports Inventory report: Reporting a list ofsoftwareproducts discovered on your systems Usage report: Reporting the trending of softwareusage 6 Copyright© 2020 HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
New: LicenseVerification Feature Inputrequired: ▪ ThefollowinginformationmustbeimportedintoZAOinteractivelyorinXML file: ▪ Software Details:productID, productname,feature,version,etc ▪ License Datils:Scope (LPAR, Machine,Enterprise),LicenseDate,License RenewDate, Capacity,etc Inventory ▪ Vendordetails:name,contact info Software Usage LicenseVerificationInsights: ▪ Thefollowingreportsareproduced: Software License Information 1. Productswith a License: noattentionisrequiredimmediately License withoutaproduct: productlicensedbutnotonthesystem→ candidateforremoval 2. 3. Productswithoutalicense:possiblyinstalledduetobundledsolutionbya vendor 4. EntitledandNot Used: candidatesforremovaltoreducecost LicenseVerificationInsights 5. Entitledandused:noattentionisrequiredimmediately 6. Not EntitledandUsed: Need immediateattentiontoavoidauditpenalty Copyright© 2020HCL TechnologiesLimited | www.hcltechsw.com 7 Confidential
New: LicenseVerificationFeature Sample 1:All LicenseReport Copyright© 2020HCL TechnologiesLimited | www.hcltechsw.com 8 Confidential
New: LicenseVerificationFeature Sample 2:Not Entitledand Used Copyright© 2020HCL TechnologiesLimited | www.hcltechsw.com 9 Confidential
ZAO pricingillustration ZAOTermLicense option Machine Capacity MSU convertedinto Valueunits(VU) ZAOPricingis based on per VU 118MSU 49VU ZAOPerpetual Licenseoption Mainframemachine model# IBM z14 3906-404 10 Copyright ©2020HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
Successstory : US based Banking customer TheChallenge & need Reducetheoverallmainframesoftwarelicenseexpense witha largestIndependentsoftwarevendor Vendor Contract Summary • $71M 3-yearEULA endingMarch 30,2018 • 153 non-IDMSmainframeproductsusageupto41,138 • 31 IDMSmainframeproductsupto6,917 • 36 distributedproducts(variouslevels) • No cost access toadditionalmainframeproducts HCLApproach Establishfactsaroundsoftwareassetsandusageto enable the customer to re-negotiate the overall softwarelicense cost withinthecontextof overall EnterpriseLicenseAgreement. ZAO Asset ManagementReportsrevealsignificant costsavings in software license CostReduction!! Mainframe product utilization level is 30%: ❖ Only 56 of the 189 mainframe products are in use ✓ 78%ofnon-IDMSmainframe products are not in use (only 34 out of 158non-IDMS mainframeproducts in use) Overlicensed mainframesoftware: ❖ 82%of non-IDMS products areusing less than40,000 MIPS–less than originally licensed! ▪ MaxMIPSusedis 43,955 byonly1 product ▪ 62% (22 outof34) using less than20,000 MIPS ❖ 81%of IDMS product MIPS are unused ▪ IDMS productslicensedto 6,917 MIPS,butonly using 1,325 MIPS ✓ 29%of IDMSmainframeproducts arenotin use (only 22 out of31 IDMSproducts in use) 11 Copyright ©2020HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
Top Financialservicescompany– Oneof Largestbanking institution inUnited States with over US $3trillion in client assets. Business challange Solutionbenefits Monitor the usage of 40,000+ in-house developedapplicationsin ChangeMan which was written in Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C/C++, Java and need for an in-depth analysis of program executionin z/OS environments. ▪ Where the application areexecutingin Mainframe environment– LPARs ? ▪ What are the libraries names andDASD volumes (locationofprograms)? ▪ What workloads arecalling these application – Batch,Transactions, users ? ▪ What Programming language (COBOL,C/C++,PL/1)and complier version? ▪ Listthe dependency ofapplication toIBM& other vendor Mainframe software’s ▪ Data & Time ofprogram execution ✓Simplified the monitor of thousands of in-house applications. ✓Increased Productivity byreducing manual& complexefforts. ✓Automation indiscovery andusage reporting of applicationprograms Automated Solution : The company exploited the Local Knowledge Base(LKB) feature to register their thousands “BatchTagger”utility andwroteansimple REXX program toautomatically identify the new in-house programs fromthe Loadlibrary. of in-house applications through the 12 Copyright ©2020HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
Areyou getting the most out of Z software investment? ▪ Howare you currentlymonitoring your System z software assets, usage and licenses? ▪ Doyouknowhowmanysoftwareproductsyouhavecurrently deployed? ▪ Do youknow what theyare and what they cost? ▪ Do you knowwho is using those software products? ▪ Do you knowhow often those products arebeing used? ▪ Do you have aclear understanding of the multiple versions of productsinstalled? ▪ Do youhavea clearunderstanding of products that may be installed in multiple locations? ▪ Do youknow if you areyou over or undersubscribed? ▪ Doyouknowifthereareany applications that are redundant, out of dateor not being used? ▪ Can anyapplications be eliminated or consolidated? ▪ Are all of yoursoftware licenses up todate? ▪ Would you be in legal or financial danger if you were audited? Enhance assetreliability and availability todeliver themost optimal service tothebusiness Improve Service Software Asset Management Reduce Cost Manage Risk Avoidsoftwareover-purchases andfinancial impactoffailed license compliance audits Improvecompliance with licensing requirements 14 Copyright ©2020HCLTechnologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com
Additional Information Need help? ▪ OurSMEconsultantscanhelpto install and configuretheproductwith minimal disruption of your daily tasks ▪ Recommendation basedonconsultation to implement theproductmosteffectively basedon your requirements ▪ Customization to ensureISVsoftware products as well as in-house applications arecorrectlyreported ▪ Reviewproductreportsandassistin preparing project plan to optimize your mainframe systems Copyright© 2020HCL Technologies Limited | www.hcltechsw.com 15