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HD fleet provides GPS tracking camera/gps in truck for trucks and commercial vehicles, it helps to keep an eye on your truck and driver at all times. A truck accident can affect your company financially in more ways than one. Read this info-graphic and know more about it. Contact HD fleet for GPS cameras.
HDFLEET Notjustadascham! Cameras + GPS Thefleetindustryspecificallyhasa higher-than-averagetruckaccidentrate, withmanyofthoseincidentsinvolving fatalities. Truckshavealargervehicular weightandlongerstoppingdistance whichmakesthemmorelikelytobe involvedinacrash. Becauseoftheir sheersize, atruckalsohasthepotential todomoredamagethanastandard passengervehicle. GPStracking cameras havecaughtsomebreathtakingfootage showingjusthowsignificantthe damagedonebytruckscanbe. CONTACT HDfleet 5870 Long Prairie Rd Suite 100, Flower Mound, TX, 75028, USA 833-433-5338 info@hdfleet.com W W W . H D F L E E T . C O M