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The Angel of the Lord

The Angel of the Lord. The Angel of the Lord. Genesis 16:7-14 Appears to Hagar She called Him God Genesis 18:1-5,9-10,16-22,33; 19:1 The Lord appeared to Abraham 18:1 Three men 18:2, 22 The Two who go to Sodom are angels 19:1 The Lord remains to talk to Abraham 18:22 Genesis 22:11-18

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The Angel of the Lord

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Angel of the Lord

  2. The Angel of the Lord Genesis 16:7-14 • Appears to Hagar • She called Him God Genesis 18:1-5,9-10,16-22,33; 19:1 • The Lord appeared to Abraham 18:1 • Three men 18:2, 22 • The Two who go to Sodom are angels 19:1 • The Lord remains to talk to Abraham 18:22 Genesis 22:11-18 • He speaks directly from Heaven

  3. The Angel of the Lord • Genesis 32:22-32 • Wrestled with a man • Wrestled with God • Exodus 3:2,6,14 • Identified Himself as God • Said His name is I AM • Judges 6:11-24 • Angel of the Lord is the Lord v.11,14 • Receives offering from Gideon

  4. The Angel of the Lord • Judges 13:3-6, 15-23 • Parallels with Gideon (Judges 6) • Zechariah 3:1-7 • Spoke the word to Joshua • Zechariah 12:8 • The house of David is compared to God, the Angel of the Lord • The Lord will be their defender

  5. His Work as Defender • Numbers 22 • He carries a sword to destroy Balaam • 2 Kings 19:35 • Destroyed 185,000 Assyrians overnight • Psalm 34:7 • He defends His people • Psalm 35:5-6 • David prayed for His help against enemies

  6. Angel of the Lord • Is God Zechariah 12:8 • Is worshiped as God Judges 6:18 • Is messenger (work of the Spirit) • Name is unknown • Spoke from heaven Gen. 22:11,15 • The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

  7. The Spirit of the Lord2 Peter 1:21 • Created us Job 33:4 • Power to interpret dreams • Genesis 41:38,Daniel 4:8-9 • Power to see visions • Ezekiel 2:2, Micah 3:8, Numbers 11:16-30 • Power to do mighty works • Judges 14:6,19; 15:14 • Wisdom and skill Ex. 31:3, 1 Chron. 28:12 • Wisdom to lead Deut. 34:9, 1 Sam. 10:6, 2 Sam. 16:13-14, 23 (Psalm 22:3)

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