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Connected speech

Connected speech. KELOMPOK 6. Bambang Hermanto 10411721060050 Habib Maulana 10411721060042 Husen Husaeni 10411721060027 Narti Angraeni 10411721060020 Nindi Adawiyah 10411721060006 Nuraeni 10411721060019 Romli Muhajir 10411721060031. connected speech.

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Connected speech

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connected speech

  2. KELOMPOK 6 • Bambang Hermanto 10411721060050 • Habib Maulana 10411721060042 • Husen Husaeni 10411721060027 • Narti Angraeni 10411721060020 • Nindi Adawiyah 10411721060006 • Nuraeni 10411721060019 • Romli Muhajir 10411721060031

  3. connected speech Connected speech, or connected discourse, in linguistics, is a continuous sequence of sounds forming utterances or conversations in spoken language. It's analysis shows sounds changes affecting linguistics units traditionally described as phrases, words, lexemes, morphemes, syllables, phonemes or phones.

  4. Aspects of Connected Speech • Weak Forms

  5. Assimilation of Place of Articulation BEFORE A VELAR (/k/, /g/)

  6. BEFORE A BILABIAL (/m/, /b/, /p/)

  7. Yod Coalescence /t/ + /j/ = /tʃ/ 

  8. /d/ + /j/ = / dʒ/

  9. Elision 1)     Alveolar consonants /t/ and /d/ when ‘sandwiched’ between two consonants (CONS – t/d – CONS), e.g.

  10. 2)     A second form involves the omission of the schwa /\/ before liquids /l/ and /r/, e.g.

  11. Assimilation of Voicing 1. Have to

  12. 2. Used to • 3. Supposed to

  13. R-linking

  14. The Glottal Stop • N.b. these pronunciations are not recommended to learners of English

  15. THANK YOU SOURCES : • www.google.com • http://davidbrett.uniss.it/phonology/aspects_of_connected_speech_inde.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected_speech

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