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Cuyahoga Falls City Schools

Cuyahoga Falls City Schools. District Leadership Team January 31, 2014. Agenda/Outcomes. Review data and analysis from last DLT Meeting Analyze progress on winter iReady data Compare BLT and Teacher-based Team (TBT) intent

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Cuyahoga Falls City Schools

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  1. Cuyahoga Falls City Schools District Leadership Team January 31, 2014

  2. Agenda/Outcomes • Review data and analysis from last DLT Meeting • Analyze progress on winter iReady data • Compare BLT and Teacher-based Team (TBT) intent • Become more proficient in the 5-step process by reviewing TBT protocol • Practice using the TBT protocol around student data • Gain a greater understanding of the connections between TBTs and our other work

  3. Future work and expectations… • February 4 – Administrative Council – Instructional; 9:15 a.m. at Price- common formative assessment activity • February 5 – ERW; Facilitate formative assessment activity with staff members • February 14 - Waiver Day; BLT members demonstrate and facilitate use of TBT protocol for rest of staff

  4. DLT Meeting Review from 10/14/2013 • Step 1. Collected and Charted iReady Data • Step 2. Analyzed district benchmark iReady data • Identified strengths • Phonics • High Frequency Words • Identified weaknesses • Vocabulary • Informational Text • Step 3. Established shared expectations • Suggested building strategies: Daily 5, SQ3R, Text Immersion • Step 4. Implement change (Sept. – Jan.) • Step 5. Collect, chart and analyze post data (today)

  5. DLT Meeting – 1/31/13 Step 5. Review benchmark to mid-year iReady data Overall Reading Level

  6. DLT Meeting – 1/31/13 Comprehension: Informational Text

  7. Step 5. (continued) Discuss with your BLT: What was the overall effect of the adaptation? What adaptations (instructional strategies) do we want to do more of, start doing, and stop doing?

  8. BLT Protocol How is the use of the BLT protocol working so far? • In building groups identify Advantages, Areas of growth, and Suggestions (10 minutes) • Share out (10 minutes)

  9. Differences between BLTs and TBTs • Building Leadership Teams • Review building benchmark data (iReady, OAA, OGT) • Decide, collect data and check effectiveness on building-level strategies • Identify effective teacher-level strategies for replication • Teacher-based Teams • Review student work and/or classroom data (formative assessment) • Decide and commit to classroom strategies • Collect data and check effectiveness on classroom strategies

  10. The Ohio 5-Step Process: A Cycle of Inquiry

  11. Cuyahoga Falls - OIP • Each team works interdependently with others • The TBTs are the largest for a reason • Capacity • Importance • Closest to instruction • Communication is critical among teams

  12. TBT Protocol • Process • Understand the 5 step process for teacher teams • Gain an understanding of the collaborative dialogue teachers should be having around student data • Form • Understand how the actual TBT form works • Learn where to get the TBT form and how it makes your team work more efficient

  13. Goals of the Cuyahoga FallsTBT Protocol • Simplify data collection for teachers • Focus on instructional strategies and professional dialogue • Clear up misconceptions about the 5 step process • Improve classroom instruction in every Cuyahoga Falls classroom through collaborative inquiry

  14. TBT protocol Review -Roles and Dates Itwill be helpful to keep the roles consistent through a TBT cycle, but that is a team decision. If you have a strong team member it is not necessary to rotate roles. Date of 2nd meeting: Post-test Data Step 5 Date of 1st meeting: Pre-test Data Steps 1-4

  15. TBT Protocol Review - Assigning Roles and Stating Definition of Proficient for the Standard These two items are determined when the Common Formative Assessment is created . This occurs outside the formal TBT Process, but is critical to getting to the instructional strategies in step 3. As a team discuss what you expect the students to know and be able to do at the Proficient level per your assessment.

  16. TBT Protocol Review -STEP 1 The new form is an active Excel spreadsheet that will automatically calculate percentages for you in order to save time. This error message will show until actual data is entered. There is nothing wrong with the spreadsheet. It merely indicates you are working with a live spreadsheet formula.

  17. TBT Protocol Review –Performance Groups in STEP 1 It should be noted that in the form there are only two performance groups that are tracked after your team has given the pre-test.

  18. TBT Protocol Review - STEP 2 The Strengths and Weaknesses boxes will expand when you type into them This is intended to determine what students knew or didn’t know when they took the Common Formative Assessment This section DOES NOT require an item analysis of every question on the assessment.

  19. TBT Protocol Review – Strategy vs. Activity STEP 3- Instructional Strategy vs. Activity Here is where teams should spend most of their time during the TBT meeting. An instructional strategy is chosen that the team agrees to use in teaching students in each of the performance levels. It should be noted that teachers only commit to using the same instructional strategy. They can use a variety of different activities that support the instructional strategy in their classrooms .

  20. TBT Protocol Review – Step 3 Step 3: Determine rigor, relevance, strategies and activities • Rigor – Bloom’s Taxonomy • Relevance – Depth of application • Strategies – Marzano/ CF Toolkit • Activities – CF Toolkit /Model Curriculum

  21. TBT Protocol Review Rigor - Level of Bloom’s

  22. TBT Protocol Review

  23. TBT Protocol Review Strategies - Marzano’s 9

  24. TBT Protocol Review – Step 3 Activities - Model Curriculum http://www.ode.state.oh.us/GD/Templates/Pages/ODE/ODEDetail.aspx?page=3&TopicRelationID=1696&ContentID=83819&Content=136599 Model Curriculum • Kindergarten • Grade 1 • Grade 2 • Grade 3 • Grade 4 • Grade 5 • Grade 6 • Grade 7 • Grade 8 • Grades 9-10 • Grades 11-12

  25. TBT Protocol Review –STEP 3- Proficient Outcome Remember this is transferred from the definition of proficient box on the front page of the form. This box should not require discussion. Press Alt + Enter in order to not leave the text box.

  26. TBT Protocol Review STEP 3- Advance Outcome In Step 3 the team begins to differentiate for instruction. Here the team needs to determine what students who are already proficient on the pre-assessment will need to know and be able to do to become advanced on the post-assessment.

  27. TBT Protocol ReviewSTEP 3- S.M.A.R.T. Goals SMART goals will automatically fill from the data entered in Step 1. Remember the goal is 100 percent proficient or advanced. Teachers will need to set a date for when they want to achieve their goals.

  28. STEP 4- Questions for Reflection TBT Protocol Review Step -4 Questions for Reflection This box will expand as the team types in their reflection on how and when they will implement the agreed instructional strategies. Not all of the questions have to be addressed at each meeting.

  29. TBT Protocol Review Step 5 – Chart & Collect Data STEP 5- Chart and Collect Data This is where teams can assess how close they were to meeting their S.M.A.R.T Goals. Here teams can provide information to their BLT about support needed.

  30. Let’s Practice • Teacher-based Team practice

  31. Your Turn • A team member needs to access the CF TBT protocol from the ‘S’ drive in the T & L folder under DLT. • BLT needs to use information provided to complete steps #1-5 of the TBT protocol (electronically). • Handouts: -Standard to be reviewed -Formative Assessment (pre & post) -Student Data (pre & post) -Specific class strengths and weaknesses

  32. Why is this work so important? • Clearly outlines what is quality collaboration • Aligns with high achieving schools and teacher-team research • Builds systems and structure for current initiatives as opposed to “flavor of the month”

  33. Links to other work • Teachers understanding of Common Core/state standards • Match rigor of instruction to assessment • Instructional technology practices • Formative assessment • OTES

  34. The OIP and OTES are aligned!

  35. Connections between the important work OIP Goals OTES Goals Improve classroom instruction A teacher’s instructional planning and assessment reflects alignment to standards, collaborative practice, and formative practices • Improve classroom instruction • Teachers collaborating are making instructional decisions based on formative assessment

  36. From here… • February 4 – Administrative Council – instructional; 9:15 a.m. at Price- formative assessment activity • February 5 – ERW; Facilitate formative assessment activity with staff members • February 14 - Waiver Day; BLT members demonstrate and facilitate use of TBT protocol

  37. Waiver Day2-14-2014 • All in your buildings! • Opening message on day and the related activities • Overview of Teacher-based Teams – importance & connections to other work • TBT practice activity led by principal and trained BLT members for all teachers • Formative assessment with teams or individual teachers • Exit survey online at completion of day

  38. Thanks! • For your attention to our work today • For being leaders in each of your buildings • For helping the students of Cuyahoga Falls be successful by our collaborative work as professionals

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