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BACKGROUND OF CHOOSING THE SUBJECT In conducting this study, the researcher interested inthis subject for some reasons. First, the researcher is interested in learning linguistics, especially Syntax. As a branch of linguistic study, syntax has it own function in the research of language that is to analyze phrase and noun phrase. In this case, researching noun phrase in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery” the researcher can understand the linguistic structure of noun phrase in the short story and to understand the meaning and goal of the short story easier. Moreover, there are some noun phrases used in the short story which are difficult for the readers to understand. In this research, the writer tries to analyze the English noun phrases used in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery”.
PROBLEM FORMULATION The writer focuses on discussing some important problems in this analysis. The problems are formulated as follows: 1. What are the patterns of noun phrase in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery” ? 2. What are the functions of the noun phrase in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery” ?
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY In accordance with the problem formulation mentioned above, the writer will present objectives of the study as follows: 1. To analyze the patterns of noun phrase in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery”. 2. To analyze the functions of the noun phrase in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery”.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY In every research a limitation of problem is extremely needed in order to make the research more focus and specific. In this research, the writer limits the problem of the noun phrase in the Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery”, especially the constructions, and the distribution of noun phrase by using grammatical structure analysis based on structural approach.
REVIEW ON THE RELATED STUDIES The writer wants to present previous research dealing with syntactic analysis. The researcher is Khairun Nisa (2009). She wrote a thesis entitled ‘An Analysis of Noun and Verb Phrase In D. H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons and Lovers”’. Khairun Nisa’s thesis analyzes noun and verb phrase by using theory of Transformational generative Grammar (TGG). The writer tries to conduct different research entitled “Syntactic Analysis Of Noun Phrase In Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery”.In this research, the writer analyzes English noun phrases based on the structural grammar using tree- representation. The data are taken from the short story entitled The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. This research tries to complete the previous ones.
METHOD OF RESEARCH In his thesis, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. It means that the research is based on the characteristics of phenomena and the data were analyzed using the description not numbers. Arikunto (2012: 159) says that if the researcher intends to know something about what and how, how many, how high, etc, then the research is called descriptive.
SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY This study is expected to be beneficial for the following persons: 1. For teachers This research will give advantages for teachers in improving their linguistic knowledge especially in Syntactical study. 2. For students This research can be useful for English language learners to improve their language component especially about Noun Phrase. 3. For the researcher This research may offer some information to other researchers who are interested in developing a similar research related to noun phrase in certain object, like short story.
PRESENTATION This thesis will be presented in four chapters. The first chapter is introduction that consists of background of choosing the subject, problem formulation, objective of the study, scope of the study, method of research, theoretical approach, theoretical framework, review on related studies, and presentation of the thesis. The second chapter is theoretical Review which underlies the writing of the study. The third chapter is analysis. And the last chapter contains the conclusion and the suggestion of the study.
THEORETICAL APPROACH According to Kyle Johnson (2012: 01). In Linguistics, Syntax is the study of the arrangement of words into phrases and sentences. It attempts to describe at least two aspects. First, it describes which arrangements of words are grammatical. And second, it describes the relationship between the meaning that some particular group of words has and the arrangement of those words. For this reason, the writer uses syntactic approach to know the patterns of noun phrase and functions of noun phrase in “The Lottery” short story.
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK • Linguistics • Syntax • Phrase • Noun Phrase • The Pattern of English Noun Phrase • The functions of noun phrase
The patterns of the noun phrase in “The Lottery”short story are as follows : • Pre-Modifier + Head (M + H): Determiner + Noun (H), Adjective + Noun (H), Noun + Noun (H) and Determiner + Adjective + Noun (H). • Modifier + Head + Modifier: Determiner + Noun (H) +Prepositional Phrases, Determiner + Noun (H) + Adjective and Determiner + Noun (H) + Adverb. • The functions of noun phrase are used by the writer is according to Heather Marie Kasor (2012: 1). The ten functions are: subject, subject complement, direct object, object complement, indirect object, prepositional complement, noun phrase modifier, determinative, appositive and adverbial.
PATTERNS OF NOUN PHRASE 1. Pre-Modifier + Head (M + H) a. Determiner + Noun (1) The girls stood aside, talking among themselves. (datum 8) NP Pre. M Head det N The girls
2. Modifier + Head + Modifier a. Determiner + Noun + Prepositional Phrase. (1) The feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them. (datum 4) NP Pre.M Head Post.M det N Prep. phrase Prep N The feeling of liberty
FUNCTIONS OF NOUN PHRASE 1. Subject: The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, withthe fresh warmth of a full-summer day. 2. Subject complement: There was a great deal of fussing to be done before Mr. Summers declared the lottery open. 3. Direct object: Mr. Summers holding his slip of paper in the air. 4. Object complement: The researcher does not find the noun phrase in the short story which function as object complements. 5. Indirect object: The researcher does not find the noun phrase in the short story which function as indirect object. 6. Prepositional complement: She watched while Mr. Graves came around from the side of the box. 7. Noun phrase modifier: The sound of the whisper reached the edges of the crowd. 8. Determinative: Bobby martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand. 9. Appositive: “Watson” a tall boy, came awkwardly through the crowd. 10. Adverbial: The night before the lottery, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves made up the slips of paper and put them into box.
CONCLUSION Based on the research, the writer focuses on discussing the patterns and the functions of noun phrase. In the theory, there are three patterns of noun phrases. But, the writer only finds two patterns of noun phrases in this short story of The Lottery. The patterns of the noun phrase in the Lottery short story are as follows : • Pre-Modifier + Head (M + H): Determiner + Noun (H), Adjective + Noun (H), Noun + Noun (H) and Determiner + Adjective + Noun (H). • Modifier + Head + Modifier: Determiner + Noun (H) + Prepositional Phrases, Determiner + Noun (H) + Adjective and Determiner + Noun (H) + Adverb. The functions of noun phrase are used by the writer is according to Heather Marie Kasor (2012: 1). The ten functions are: subject, subject complement, direct object, object complement, indirect object, prepositional complement, noun phrase modifier, determinative, appositive and adverbial.
SUGGESTION The writer would like to give some suggestion due to some which correlate with the study. The writer suggests the readers who are English students or not to aware of the kinds of noun phrases its elements and the writer suggests other researchers who are interested in linguistic field, to analyze not only syntactic study, but also some other linguistic studying is and take other objects.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsimi. ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik: EdisiRevisi V. Jakarta: RinekaCipta, 2002. Nisa, Khairun. "An Analysis of Noun Phrase in D. H Lawrence's Novel" Sons and Lovers". Medan: University of North Sumatra, 2009. Johnson, Kyle. Phrase Structure. Monday October 2012 <http://people.umass.edu/afarudi/Phrase%20Structure%20Rules Kyle%20Johnson.pdf>. Kasor, Heather Marie. The Functions of Nouns and Noun Phrases in English. Friday March 2012. Saturday April 2013 <http://www.brighthubeducation.com/english-homework-help/32754-the function-of-noun--and-noun-phrase/>.