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Learn how to effectively manage, develop, and retain top performers in the hospitality industry with the Self Management Group tools. Understand how profiles and selection research influence successful recruitment strategies. The Customer Care Pro enhances the selection process and boosts team performance and customer satisfaction. Explore the various competencies and coaching tools for optimizing sales potential and service excellence.
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS and Hospitality Screen www.DeltaHotelsCareers.com
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS AGENDA • Introduction • How Profiles will be used at Delta • Interpreting Profile Scales • Understanding Hospitality Screen
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS • Founded in 1979 • Privately held • Head Quartered in Toronto, Canada with distribution in Canada, USA, Europe and Asia • For over 25 years we have provided selection profiles and training workshops to blue chip companies in financial services, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, retail, manufacturing and information technology • Over 4,000,000 profiles scored
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS INTRODUCTION • What is the Customer Care PRO? • Psychometric profile that predicts candidate success and supports effective coaching • What is the Hospitality Screen? • Combination Screen/Profile that directs the energies of the recruiter with the candidate • Why were SMG Profiles selected vs. other tools? • Identifies candidates strengths, assesses fit, multi-lingual, validated at Delta Hotels
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS INTRODUCTION • What is in it for me? • The Customer Care PRO helps you select the right person for the right job. It reduces turnover/increases retention • How is this good for the company? • Supports a great Delta team • Increased customer satisfaction – repeat business • Increased job satisfaction for both the employee and the manager
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS HOW WILL THIS BE USED? • Candidate Submits Resume and Completes Delta Hotels Application for Review • Candidate is contacted by People Resources for initial screening and comfort and appropriate candidates are invited to complete the Hospitality Screen • The candidate will complete the Hospitality Screen
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS HOW WILL THIS BE USED? • Results of the profile will be automatically sent to People Resources for review • Candidate is called for interview • Decision to proceed is based upon: • Interview process • Hospitality Screen prediction of candidate success • In some cases a full Customer Care Pro may be requested
Introducing The
The CustomerCarePro™ is designed for the selection, training and coaching of people for customer contact centers, call centers, hospitality and other roles that require first-rate client/customer relationship management.
. powerful coaching tool . selection tool . retention tool . personal development tool . strategic human asset management tool
Management Report Suitability for Customer Care Service and Sales I. Prediction of Sales and Service Potential II. Sales and Service Competencies III. Coach to Success IV. Communications Style V. Attitudes VI. Emotional Intelligence VII. Summary of Scores
I. Prediction of Sales and Service Potential Prediction of Sales Potential Outbound Sales Cross Selling Service/Inbound Business Development Coach to Excellence With Training Not Likely Approach to Client Tough/Persistent Soft/Persistent Potentially Weak Closer Need for Script and/or Structure Does not want Depends on It Works within Guidelines continued…..
I. Prediction of Sales and Service Potential (continued) Managing Rejection Handles Well Handles OK Very Uncomfortable A People Person? Definitely People are OK Not Interested Detail Orientation Analytical As Required Not Detail Oriented
II. Sales and Service Competencies Goal Orientation Short Term/Intense Long Term/Relaxed A Self Manager? A Natural With Coaching Needs Process Communications Style Ask/Listen Balanced Tell the Person Comfort with Conflict Comfortable Handles OK Uncomfortable Loyalty Company Focus Client/Company Self Interest continued…..
II. Sales and Service Competencies (continued) Decision Making Decisive Indecisive Overall Attitude Very Positive Some Concerns Confidence Feels in Control Average Confidence Low Confidence Managing Lifestyle Manages Very Well Manages Needs Coping Strategy
III. Coach to Success Self Management / Enterprising Potential Self Managing/ Self Evaluating/ Proactive/Seeks Opportunities Process Oriented, Responsive
ENTERPRISING POTENTIAL (EP) Enterprising Potential is based on the EP scale and provides information about personal planning, time management and self management to achieve specific goals. People who are not consistent self managers will be unlikely to sustain activity on a consistent basis. If one manages oneself effectively, it is an important factor in being credible and being able to manage others effectively. ScoreInterpretation < 10 Seeks coaching and feedback; responsive; supportive 10 to 20 Prefers a structured work environment; more responsive than proactive 20 to 30 Benefits from structure and feedback; coachable 30 to 40 High average potential to self manage effectively 40 + Good self-management potential; very proactive; low need for giving or receiving feedback
III. Coach to Success (MP) Motivational Potential/Approach to Client Results Focused; Bottom Line; High Sense of Urgency Relaxed/ Easy Going Service Orientation Long-Term Goals Loyalty
MOTIVATIONAL POTENTIAL (MP) Motivational Structure is based on the MP scale and is reflected in goal setting (long or short term), sense of urgency (low or high) and such factors as self interest vs. interests of others. ScoreInterpretation < -20 Very service oriented, relaxed and dependable -20 to -11 Motivated primarily by the people side of the business -10 to +10 Balance between people/service and challenge +11 to 30 Goal oriented with sense of urgency > +30 Very ‘bottom line’ risk taker. May be too strong for some cultures
III. Coach to Success (IP) Need for Script and/or Structure (Fit) Needs To Create Own Structure Too Independent For Some Cultures Potential Rule Breaker Depends On Script/Structure Relies On Team Members
INDEPENDENCE POTENTIAL (IP) Based on the IP scale, Independence Potential reflects the approach to structure and systems. Most managers would tend to exhibit some level of independence and comfort creating their own structure. This scale is very much a factor in fitting the individual to the environment. Some individuals are too independent for some environments. ScoreInterpretation < -25 Very Team Oriented -25 to -11 Strong Team Orientation -10 to +10 Able to integrate personal structure with most organizational structures +11 to +25 Independent and comfortable creating structure as required > +25 This candidate is very independent and may resist any existing structure
III. Coach to Success COMFORT WITH CONFLICT (CWC) Enjoys Conflict And May Even Create It To Further Own Goals Not Comfortable Dealing With Conflict
COMFORT WITH CONFLICT (CWC) Comfort with Conflict (CWC) measures the person’s comfort in situations where there is conflict or potential for conflict. Those on the left end of the scale are generally comfortable with conflict and those on the right end tend to avoid conflict. ScoreInterpretation < 0 Will avoid conflict and may become stressed or emotional in situations where conflict is a regular occurrence. 0 to 19 Can handle conflict. Will prefer to avoid. 20 to 39 Generally comfortable with conflict and able to deal with frank discussion. > 40+ Comfortable with conflict. At ease presenting unpopular points of view. May engage in debate. May use conflict to further own agenda.
COMMUNICATIONS STYLE People Orientation . Friendly, Outgoing . Reserved, Build Relationships slowly Analytical Orientation . Factual, analytical . Learns the essentials
IV. Communication Style People Orientation Outgoing, Very Friendly Shy, Reserved/ Builds Relationships Slowly
PEOPLE ORIENTATION (PO) The People Orientation (PO) scale provides an insight into the approach to building relations with other people and the degree that he/she is motivated by and derives satisfaction from the meeting and interacting with other people. This will be reflected in how much the person would enjoy and his/her approach to such managerial roles as providing feedback, giving presentations and recruiting people into the business culture. ScoreInterpretation < -20 Does not enjoy a lot of interaction with others outside personal friends and acquaintances. May appear aloof to others. -20 to 0 Builds relationships over period of time 0 to +20 Enjoys and is motivated by interacting with others
IV. Communication Style Analytical Orientation Analytical / Factual Pays Little Attention To Detail Learns The Necessities
INVESTIGATIVE ORIENTATION (INV) Based on the INV scale, the Investigative Orientation reflects the degree to which learning is important. The scores on this scale will be significant in issues such as learning and passing on technical information and attention to detail. An interest in continuous learning is important in developmental managers but may not be an issue for all managers. ScoreInterpretation < -20 Learning and education are not strong motivators. May lack attention to detail -20 to 0 Unlikely to view learning as a strong motivator. Will learn what is required. 0 to +20 Will find satisfaction in learning and show attention to detail > +20 Enjoy learning but may become absorbed in detail
V. Attitudes Self Confidence Possible Over-confidence Sees Self As In Control; Takes Responsibility for own Actions Controlled By External Circumstances
SELF CONFIDENCE Based on the Self Directed (SD) scale. It indicates the extent to which he/she believes in him/herself and feels in control of the issues in his/her life. Feelings of confidence are important in managing successfully and taking responsibility for one’s own actions. ScoreInterpretation 0 - 25 Demonstrate feelings of not being in control of circumstances 25 to 35 Modest level of self confidence 35 to 50 Quite Confident 50+ Feeling very much in control and assuming responsibility for own actions
V. Attitudes Lifestyle Management Possible Mentor Managing Lifestyle Effectively Has Difficulty Coping At Times
LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT (LM) The Lifestyle Management scale indicates how he/she is currently dealing with stress in his/her career and lifestyle. Numerous studies have shown that those who are having difficulty managing stress do not perform well. If that is an issue, they should be helped with counseling, mentoring and/or stress management training. ScoreInterpretation 0 - 25 Appear to be having difficulties coping with stress 25 to 35 Modest level of lifestyle management 35 to 50 Handling well 50+ Show very strong coping skills (could mentor others)
V. Attitudes Networking and Self Promotion Possible Mentor Comfortable Networking and Promoting Self Needs coaching
NETWORKING AND SELF PROMOTION (NSP) The Networking and Self Promotion scale indicates his/her willingness to promote him/herself and the business. This scale is an important factor in determining his/her suitability for careers that require a degree of self promotion, building personal networks, handling rejection and to a lesser degree, having an interest in sales as a career. A low score on this scale would be considered an attitudinal block to performance in some customer service roles. ScoreInterpretation 0 - 25 Not comfortable promoting self or company 25 to 35 Modest comfort promoting oneself or business 35 to 50 Strong attitude to NSP 50+ Very strong networker and business builder
V. Attitudes Listening Style Possible Mentor Good Listener Needs Mentoring
LISTENING STYLE (LS) Listening Style is an scale based on the answers to a series of questions which describe the individual’s approach to listening to the concerns of other people. The questions deal with patience, actually trying to understand the other person and overall courtesy. ScoreInterpretation 0 - 25 May appear impatient, or indifferent. 25 to 35 Modest level of listening 35 to 50 Handling well 50+ Show very strong listening skills (could mentor others)
UNCERTAINTY COEFFICIENT (UC) PROVIDES: insight into validity of answers by showing extent that candidate is responding in socially desirable manner
VII. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE(continued) Customer Care Pro - Sample Report
THE SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP SELECT . DEVELOP . RETAIN . TOP PERFORMERS DELTA HOTELS CURRENT CUSTOMIZED RANGES The following 4 slides represent Delta Specific customizations based on the most recent validation data. These customizations will be updated and will form part of the actual report generated when a candidate completes their profile. These are to be used as guidelines when making an informed selection decision.
The ADMIN PRO™ is a state-of-the-art psychometric profiling tool that measures the potential for success and suitability to specific careers in an administrative environment including the following: • Office Manager • Marketing Assistant • Administrative Assistant • Staff Support
The Personal Orientation Profile (POP™) has been used to select competitive sales people for over 20 years. It has been validated in a wide variety of competitive sales cultures and has been shown to predict performance and retention. Use the POP to select for sales positions where compensation is primarily based on commissions. The POP provides sales management with feedback, interview questions and coaching suggestions on: • Business Development • Motivational Structure • Closing Style • Approach to Structure • Communication Style • Probable Performance Levels • Probable Retention • Self Confidence • Managing Call Reluctance • The POP provides each candidate with an overview of strengths and some career counseling on what to seek and what to avoid in career paths.
The MANAGEMENTPRO™ is a state of the art profiling tool that assesses the factors that allow managers to manage people and performance together effectively. The MANAGEMENTPRO™: • is an essential selection and succession planning tool • provides an overview of personality traits as they apply to management roles • assesses emotional intelligence • assesses leadership style, comfort with conflict, lifestyle management and much more • provides coaching and development strategies • provides feedback on matching to mentors, peers and staff • The MANAGEMENTPRO™ provides each individual with an overview of strengths and some career counseling on what to seek and what to avoid in career paths.