Use of Tuning Fork in Healing Tuning forks come equipped with two prongs and one stem and are usually made up of aluminum or calibrated steel. Tuning forks possess a surprising capability of healing pain and other medical complications by harnessing the energy generated with help of vibrations and harmonic sounds. These amazing tools play a pivotal role in the process of sound therapy, especially the role of weighted tuning forksthat are equipped with round weights on the end of each prong, in the process of sound therapy is exceptional. The principle of sound therapy that harnesses the vibrating capability of tuning forks is built around the principle that the entire universe exists as a result of vibrations. It also says that healing process through sound and vibration is possible because the human body is not solid rather rhythmic or harmonic. A medical complication occurs when the body has lost its rhythm or natural vibration frequency. Therefore, tuning forks can effectively help simulate the human body and trigger its self healing process. Further details are listed below: Use of Tuning Forks in Healing Process: Made up of special aluminum alloy, tuning forks are powerful tools that tend to transfer the vibrations to the entire energy system. These tools can produce sounds and vibrations of varying frequencies which can be used on different part of the body for healing process. Here are some benefits of using tuning forks in sound therapy to rigger the process of self healing by the body: ● Vibrations generated using tuning forks tend to tune natural cycles of the body in a rhythmic fashion. ● The sound and vibrations created using tuning forks can help synchronize passages in the body and boost the process of digestion in the body. ● The vibrations produced as a result of striking tuning forks with a surface are naturally useful for reduction of inflammation on a specific part of the body. ● The sound therapy which involves the use of tuning forks for a variety of purposes is observed to enhance the density of bones in the body and trigger the healing process of strained muscles in the body. It is also helpful in making tendons and ligaments stronger. ● The energy produced as a result of vibrations created by tuning forks is also helpful for wellbeing of brain and tends to balance nervous system effectively. ● A sound sleep is the key to a healthy body, those people who face problems in sleeping peacefully and are unable to work effectively to perform their daily chores can benefit from the vibrations and harmonic sounds produced by tuning forks during the process of sound therapy. ● Sound therapy involving the use of tuning forks can also help promote balance and homeostasis in the body. ● The use of tuning forks during the sound therapy is helpful in opening the energetic pathways of the body, this results in enhancing stasis and reducing the pain in the body.
● ● Tuning forks also facilitates relaxation of muscle tension during the sound therapy. Sound therapy and use of tuning forks also help in avoiding stress and anxiety effectively.