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B e n e f i t s o f O r t h o p e d i c S t e m C e l l T r e a t m e n t
Orthopedic stem cell treatments offer many benefits to patients. The more you know about the stem cell therapy, the better you can decide if it’s worth considering
W h a t i s a s t e m c e l l ? Most of the body’s cells serve a specific purpose, like liver cells or fat cells. These cells can replicate themselves into more cells, but they can’t differentiate into different types of cells.
H o w d o e s o r t h o p e d i c s t e m c e l l t h e r a p y w o r k ? Orthopedic stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine, which capitalizes on the natural processes your body uses to heal itself without invasive surgery.
W h a t o r t h o p e d i c d i s e a s e s c a n b e t r e a t e d w i t h s t e m c e l l s ? Orthopedic conditions that have been treated and studied with the use of stem cells include acute and chronic injuries of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and cartilage.
W h a t a r e t h e b e n e f i t s ? Avoid the risk of rejection or infection by using the patient’s own tissue Stimulate a natural healing response avoiding the use of artificial implants or replacements The ability to potentially end a patient’s need for surgery
T h i s a r t i c l e i s o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n http://stemcellorthopedicinstituteoftexas.com/benefi ts-orthopedic-stem-cell-treatment/