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Understanding Colon Cancer and its Symptoms

<br>Read here Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer http://dldsa.com/services/colon-cancer/<br>

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Understanding Colon Cancer and its Symptoms

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  1. UnderstandingColon Cancerandits Symptoms

  2. Colonandrectumcanceristhe fourthmostcommoncancerinthe UnitedStates,accountingfor8 percentoftotalnewcancercasesin America.

  3. Demographics Colorectalcancerisslightlymore commoninmenthaninwomen. Also,thoseofAfricandescentare morelikelythanotherethnicitiesto developcolonandrectalcancer.

  4. Symptoms Intheearlystages,coloncancer doesnothavesymptoms.Asa result,screeningisincredibly important,sinceitisunlikelyfor patientstonoticetheirgrowing healthriskuntilamajorproblem hasdeveloped.

  5. Stages Itmaybetemptingtowritethe abovesymptomsoffas hemorrhoids.Don’t!Earlydetection isincrediblyimportanttotreatany cancer.

  6. Treatments Inallbutthelateststage,surgery isveryeffectiveattreating colorectalcancer.

  7. Thisarticleisoriginally appearedon http://dldsa.com/understanding-colon-cancer-symptoms/

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