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What is Colon Cancer and Why Should I Get a Colonoscopy?

Colon cancer occurs when cancerous cells and growths start to appear in the large intestine which is made up of the colon and the rectum.For more details visit at https://dldsa.com/services/colon-cancer-san-antonio/<br>

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What is Colon Cancer and Why Should I Get a Colonoscopy?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Colon Cancer and Why Should I Get a Colonoscopy?

  2. Coloncanceroccurswhencancerouscellsandgrowthsstartto appearin the largeintestinewhich ismadeupofthecolonandtherectum.

  3. Therearesomelifestylefactorsthatcancontributeto thedevelopmentofcolon canceraswell,likehighfatintake,smoking,andasedentarylifestyle.

  4. Thereareacoupleofsymptomsthatthebodycanexperienceif theyhavecolon cancer.Commonsymptomsincludefatigue,weakness,changeinbowelhabits, diarrhea

  5. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsandwouldlike to speaktoourprofessionalstaff orsetanappointment,pleasegiveusacallat(210)941-1662orbookan appointmentonlinetoday.

  6. This article is originally appeared on

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