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FISIOLOGIA DIGESTIVA (BCM II). Clase 10: Fisiología del colon. Dr. Michel Baró A. The anatomy of the colon is shown. Circular and longitudinal muscle layers in colon. The layers of the colonic wall are shown. Normal colonic mucosa in biopsy specimen.
FISIOLOGIA DIGESTIVA (BCM II) Clase 10: Fisiología del colon Dr. Michel Baró A.
Maturation process of colonic epithelial cells (3 a 5 días)
Distinct motor patterns as measured by manometry Contracciones de corta duración: estacionarias, de mezcla Contracciones de larga duración: estacionarias o migratorias breves Contracciones de gran amplitud: movimientos de masa
Colonic electrical control or slow-wave activity Borde submucoso Borde mientérico
Electrical activity from the human colon SSB: Short spike burst. LSB: Long spike burst. MLSB: Migrating long spike burst
Motility of colon over 24-hour period Colonic motility index
Motor activity of colon modulated by vagal activity (ferret) Actividad fásica espontánea del colon proximal
Colonic motor function can be significantly altered Am J Med 1951
The reflex responsiveness of the anal region Reflejo inhibitorio rectoanal