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What You Need to Know About Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is proving to be a successful treatment option for patients living with orthopedic conditions, like arthritis. Read here for mroe info http://stemcellorthopedicinstituteoftexas.com/about-orthopedic-stem-cell-therapy/<br>

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What You Need to Know About Orthopedic Stem Cell Therapy

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  1. Source- http://stemcellorthopedicinstituteoftexas.com/about-orthopedic-stem- cell-therapy/

  2. U n d e r s t a n d i n g S t e m C e l l s Our bodies are made up of many cells, each designed for specific purposes. We have liver cells, fat cells, bone cells, etc. Each of these cells can duplicate, but they cannot change their purpose.

  3. There are different kinds of stem cells, but the Stem Cell Orthopedic Institute of Texas only uses adult stem cells that are found in bone marrow. Here’s why:

  4. Can only be found in adult tissue Excellent source of Cartilage and Bone Stops growing appropriately (contact inhibition) NOT potentially cancerous Raises less ethical issues Reduces possible immune responses by using the patient’s cells

  5. H o w i t W o r k s The patient will receive a light sedation and will lie down. The doctor will perform a bone marrow biopsy by placing a very small needle into the hip to numb the area. Remember, the hip is rich in mesenchymal stem cells. Under a live x-ray, a bigger needle will be inserted into the desired area of the hip, and 60 cc’s of bone marrow will be extracted.

  6. H o w i t W o r k s To remove the unwanted cells and retrieve the desired stem cells, the cells are processed through a bedside centrifuge for 10 minutes. The stem cell concentration will then be injected into the exact treatment area with the help of a live x-ray or ultrasound.

  7. V i s i t t h e S t e m C e l l O r t h o p e d i c I n s t i t u t e o f T e x a s If you live in San Antonio, you have access to innovative treatments and the best doctors. At the Stem Cell Orthopedic Institute of Texas,

  8. Note- This arti cle is originally appeared on http://stemcellorthopedicinstituteoftexas.com/about -orthopedic-stem-cell-therapy/

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