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Why You Need a Holistic Approach to Melasma Treatment

The management of this skin condition requires a multi-pronged treatment plan that is tailored to your particular skin type. Agave is #1 in San Antonio melasma treatments, and want you to know why a holistic approach is so important. Read more at https://agavelaserclinic.com/holistic-san-anotnio-melasma-treatment/<br>

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Why You Need a Holistic Approach to Melasma Treatment

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  1. WHYYOUNEEDA H O L I S T IC A P P R O A CH TO M E L A S MA T R E A T M E NT https://agavelaserclinic.com/holistic-san-anotnio-melasma-treatment/

  2. A holistic approach means the treatment plan of melasma is a multi- step, ongoing one. The management of this s kin condition requires a multi- pronged treatment plan that is tailored to your particular s kin type.

  3. What is melasma Melasmaisafacialpigmentation.Itisa common s kin condition that results in darker, brown, blotchy patches that appear mainly on the face. Another cause of melasma is sun exposure, which makes it m ore common in people wholiveinsunnyclimatesandhave a darker s kin tone.

  4. What are the common contributing factors for melasma S ome things that can contribute t o melasma are make-up and skin-care products, inflammation of the skin, the contraceptive pill or other hormone- affecting medications, and genetic predisposition to hyperpigmentation

  5. T his A r t ic le is originally a p p e a red on https://agavelaserclinic.com/melasma-treatment-san-antonio/

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