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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Activities in the STES area

Learn about UNECE's activities in statistical division, international comparability projects, seasonal adjustment pilot projects, and online statistical database. Improve economic statistics comparability among member countries.

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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Activities in the STES area

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  1. United Nations Economic Commission for EuropeActivities in the STES area Artur Andrysiak Economic Statistics Section, UNECE artur.andrysiak@unece.org

  2. Overview • Brief introduction of UNECE Statistical Division • UNECE International Comparability Project • UNECE Seasonal Adjustment Pilot Project • UNECE on-line Statistical Database

  3. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE strives to foster sustainable economic growth among its 56 member countries. UNECE provides a forum for communication among States; brokers international legal instruments addressing trade, transport and the environment; and supplies statistics and economic and environmental analysis.

  4. UNECE Statistical Division • Main activities • Technical assistance and training • International cooperation • Promotion of internationally accepted standards and best practices • Methodological work • Organizing meetings • Provision of secretariat to the Conference of European Statisticians • Data work

  5. International comparability of short-term economic statistics • In 2006 and 2007 the ESS conducted a thorough investigation of available STES in CIS and SEE countries • 17 CIS and South-East European countries • Statistics published on the NSOs websites (in English) • Compilation and dissemination methods and practices • 5 key indicators: • Consumer Price Index • Producer Price Index • Index of Industrial Production • Retail Trade Turnover • Wages and Salaries • http://www.unece.org/stats/documents/ece/ces/bur/2008/14.e.pdf

  6. Key Findings Lack of international comparability in the area of STES - main causes: • Lack of seasonally adjusted series • Unavailability of longer time series • Lack of fixed base indices and absolute values • Insufficient metadata • Poor dissemination practices • Poor compilation practices

  7. Seasonal Adjustment Pilot Project Lack of SA is a key factor affecting international comparability • Objectives: • To produce and publish reliable and accurate seasonally adjusted time series for countries for which such series are not available and subsequently improve international comparability (short-term perspective). • To support building up of NSOs capacity in the area of SA (longer-term perspective). • Scope: • 16 CIS and South-East European countries • IIP

  8. SAPP – Findings/Outcomes • Findings • 14 out of 16 SEECIS countries publish monthly total IIPs that are suitable for SA. • In 3 out of the 14 countries (Russia, Georgia and Serbia) the NSOs/CBs compile SA IIP. • For the remaining countries the SA series produced by ESS are suitable for publication. • For Russia and Georgia the series produced by ESS are very similar to those published by the countries themselves. • Outcomes • Publication of the SA series • Improved comparability of the SEECIS countries with the remaining countries in the UNECE region. • Improved cooperation with the NSOs in the area of SA

  9. SAPP - Lessons learned • ESS can produce SA series for selected statistics on a regular basis for SEECIS countries who do not publish SA series. • Where feasible countries should be encouraged to undertake SA themselves. • There is a need of methodological and/or technical assistance to countries to support the implementation of SA methods and practices. • There is a strong demand for methodological material and practical guidelines in Russian

  10. Example of SA IIP – Russian Federation

  11. UNECE Statistical Database on-line • http://www.unece.org/stats/data.htm • Statistics: • Economic • Gender and Social • Transport • Statistics for 52 of 56 MC (remaining 4 being added) • Free access • Easy and fast to use • Constantly being improved

  12. Questions? • THANK YOU

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