1. 22 March 2010 Resp-Volumes.ppt 1 Pulmonary Volumes Measured with spirometer
Inverted “bell” in double walled cylinder
Water fills space between double walls
Hose connects subject to volume of bell
2. 22 March 2010 Resp-Volumes.ppt 2 Pulmonary Volumes Tidal volume
Volume (ml) of air moved in one breath
Rest = 500 ml (0.5 L)
After exercise = 2 – 3 L
Inspiratory reserve volume
Expiratory reserve volume
Residual volume
3. 22 March 2010 Resp-Volumes.ppt 3 Pulmonary Capacities “Capacities” are sums of volumes.
Vital capacity = TV + IRV + ERV
Total Lung Capacity = Vital capacity + Residual volume