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South Sudan Program

Detailed insights and best practices of socio-economic reintegration for children in South Sudan. Shows success in livelihood improvement and protective networks establishment.

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South Sudan Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. South Sudan Program FSL Cluster Meeting Presentation 4th September, 2019 By Dr. Kevin Miheso

  2. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences in FSL-Child Protection Reintegration Programmes in Pibor (Boma) and Southern Unity

  3. Background UNICEF Funded Socio-Economic Reintegration Project - part of a multi-year, multi-disciplinary & multi-organization community based reintegration project targeting CAAFAGs & MVCs

  4. Background Beneficiaries were part of demobilized 1,300 children in Pibor in 2015 (Framework of UNICEF-SPLA Action Plan and National DDR Commission) Informal releases – Boma & Unity 1: 1 targeting criteria

  5. Background... Enhance livelihoods, creation of diverse and sustainable food sources, IGAs, strengthened CP mechanisms, prevent and respond to child protection issues including recruitment of children PSS provision, peace building & recreational activities

  6. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences Community engagement via setting up Child Protection Committees/ Volunteers – part of PMC, trained and supported, advocated and championed the rights of the child among others

  7. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences... Integrating CP in FSL activities eg. during mobilization, sensitizations, trainings with protection messaging - child protection and prevention messaging to sensitize and create awareness on protection issues which included recruitment and use of children in armed ranks

  8. Recreational activities/ PSS in FSL

  9. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences..... Vocational Trainings – targeted high risk CAAFAGs/ MVCs who lacked adequate skills, training & financial resources – at Juba MTC

  10. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences..... Vocational Trainings – Welding, Driving, Automechanics, Electrical Wiring, Tailoring & Fashion Design, CAHW

  11. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences... Other IGAs – Bee Keeping , Hair Dressing, Livestock Husbandry/ Management, CBAHWs

  12. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences..... Support Packages of CAAFAGs/ MVCs with livelihood inputs & training Demonstration Plots

  13. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences Livestock restocking – shoats, hybrid chicken and related livestock husbandry and management trainings

  14. Lessons Learnt, Best Practices & Experiences Strengthened community led protection mechanisms/ protective networks in place Children’s rights protected during programming Successful reintegration of at least 566 children Improved livelihoods, socio-economic and employment opportunities

  15. Acknowledging Financial Support Through UNICEF FAO USAID/ OFDA (Partnership with VSF Germany)

  16. Contact Information Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF Suisse) Plot No. 136, Block AX111, Stadium Road, Hai Malakal, Juba Email: kevin.miheso@vsf-suisse.org

  17. VSF SUISSE -WHAT WE DO Our goal: Sustainable livestock based livelihoods to promote Environmental Health to ensure People’s Health to support Livestock Health

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