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Join us for an informative Kindergarten Curriculum Night at Allen ISD. Learn about the daily schedule, reading and writing strategies, math methods, social studies, science concepts, technology integration, and testing assessments. Discover how we enhance learning through group collaboration during CASTLE sessions. Make sure to sign up for your Parent/Teacher Conference before leaving. Stay connected with your child's progress through reading logs and homework folders. Get involved and support your child's educational journey!
WELCOMETOCURRICULUM NIGHTKINDERGARTEN2019-2020*Please sign up for your Parent/Teacher Conference at the table by the door. *
Kindergarten Curriculum Allen ISD Curriculum *To access the state curriculum guidelines for Kindergarten… go to www.allenisd.org click “Parents” click “Parents Guide to AllenISD” click “Kindergarten Guide” click on curriculum link (it will take you to the TEA website) **Many of your questions can be answered by navigating to the Allen ISD website or to the Norton kindergarten website.
Our Kindergarten Day(sample schedule) 7:45-8:00 Arrive and unpack 8:00-8:15 Announcements/Morning Work 8:15-8:45 Morning Meeting 8:45-9:45 Reading Workshop/Social Studies 9:45-10:45 Writing Workshop/Social Studies 10:50-11:20 Lunch 11:20-12:50 Math 12:50-1:20 Science 1:20-2:05 Specials 2:05-2:35 CASTLE 2:35-2:50 Free Play 2:55 Dismissal
Reading Reading Skills One to One Inferring Sight Words Schema Fluency Connections between reading and writing Comprehension Book Baggies Book Baggies go back and forth to school daily. Use the strategy card and other tools in the bag to help with reading at home. Don’t give them the words, but encourage them to use the tools they have been taught to use. These are books that have been practiced with the teacher and should be very familiar to your child. Remember to log nightly reading.
Home Reading Log Please remember to read everday for 10-15 minutes.
Writing Mini-Lessons-The teacher demonstrates/models writing strategies (spacing, punctuation, spelling, handwriting, meaning). Student Writing Journals-Students pick a writing topic and work through the writing process to publish their narrative. This is a focused time where students work on their writing goals. Handwriting-Students are working on handwriting each day learning the proper stroke formation. Writing in all capital letters is no longer acceptable. Homework-Homework is a way to practice previously taught skills. Students should be generating their own work and using sound spelling to write. This is their homework, not mom’s or dad’s.
Mathematics Math is fun and hands on everyday. At this stage, we learn through concrete methods that evolve over time into mental math. It is about knowing the right answers and being able to talk through your thinking evidence. We incorporate the following methods throughout the year to develop our skills. • Everyday Math • Rote Knowledge • Fluency • Vocabulary • Flexible Strategies/Mental Math • Number Talks/Chats • Math Tools • Subitizing
Social Studies Social Studies concepts are integrated into our daily ELA curriculum. Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the grade level objectives and make real-world connections.
Science Science objectives are taught through investigation and reasoning. Students are expected to: • Follow safe practices during these investigations • Conduct simple descriptive investigations • Record observations and communicate their thinking
Technology We incorporate technology into our learning. Students will have objectives related to IPADS, Desktops and Laptops.
Testing • I Station Reading will be administered at the beginning, middle and end of the year. A reading assessment is a state requirement. This is an assessment that measures your child’s reading readiness, phonemic awareness and comprehension. The scores will be sent home after each administration. • I Station Math will be administered at the beginning, middle and end of the year. A math assessment is a state requirement. This is a test that measures your child’s mastery of fundamental mathematical thinking and skills. The scores will be sent home after each administration. • CogATwill be administered to all students the first week of December.
CASTLE Collaboration Among Students and Teachers for Learning Effectively • Kindergarten has a scheduled CASTLE time Monday through Thursday for 30 minutes. • Teachers will collaborate on what enrichment or intervention each student will receive. • Students will meet with a group to address specific learning needs. These are very flexible groups that change frequently. • Sometimes students may be with their classroom teacher, sometimes not. • Students who receive special services such as ESL and speech are scheduled during this time. This allows for the least number of interruptions to our instructional time.
Folders • Daily Folder– Sent home each day and returned each morning; please initial each night on the conduct sheet; remove contents and return any correspondence in this folder. • White Homework Folder– Sent home each day and returned each morning; A short homework assignment will be assigned each week. Please have your child complete each activity. This can be done nightly, on the weekend, etc.. We will check for completed homework the following Monday . Occasionally, an additional special homework project or unfinished work may be sent home. These will be found in the left pocket of the folder.
Report Cards and Progress • A report card will be sent home each nine weeks. • NO progress reports will be sent home for kindergarten students. • The district’s report card guidelines can be found on the kindergarten website. • Parent conferences will occur on October 28th. Please plan to sign up tonight. • No other formal conferences will be scheduled for the Spring semester unless a need arises.
Attendance/Tardies • It is important for your child to understand the value of being in school each day and on time. Please help your child learn this important life skill by being in their classroom no later than 7:45. • If an absence must occur, please be sure to send a note explaining the absence within 3 days. • Kindly remember that your child should be without fever, vomiting, and/or diaherea for 24 hours before returning (without any aid of medication).
Additional Nuts and Bolts • If your child’s regular dismissal procedure changes, please let us know IN WRITING as soon as possible. Do not rely on e-mail as notification as we often don’t have the opportunity to check our e-mail most days until school is out. • For the safety of our students, please do not linger in your car and observe kids on the playground. We are unable to determine if you are a parent or a stranger. • Please complete your volunteer background check online if you wish to help in the classroom or go on field trips. This can take 2 to 3 weeks to complete.
Thank you for coming to support your child’s education! We look forward to working with you to make this year a SUCCESS!!!