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Welcome to our Psychology Research Night. Please take a seat. If you need to borrow a pencil please let us know.
Welcome to our Psychology Research Night Please take a seat. If you need to borrow a pencil please let us know.
We will be conducting four studies. Each will begin with a brief explanation for consent purposes. To reduce repetition, we will go over your rights as a participant now. This applies to all four studies. Your participation is completely voluntary. If you want to withdraw from the study at any time, you may do so without penalty or repercussions. If, after you have being provided with the purpose, procedure and potential risks and benefits of participating in a study you decide you do not want to participate, you can simply refrain from filling in the questionnaire for that study.
The information gathered will be recorded in an anonymous form. You are identified only by your participation number which we will be providing you with. No data or summarized results will be released in any way that could identify you.
At the end of the study, you have the right to a complete explanation (“debriefing”) of the study. If you have questions afterward, please ask your experimenter. The debriefing information will also provide written information about who to contact if you have if you have any questions about your treatment as a participant in this study. The person you would contact is : Dr. Barb Barnet, Chair, UW – Platteville IRB (608) 342- 1942 barnetb@uwplatt.edu