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Kumbaya Zoo

Kumbaya Zoo. By Kristen McKnabb and McKenna Scott. Animals of Africa. The Zebra Their large teeth are equipped for chomping and chewing grass Zebras are important prey for lions and hyenas. No animal has a more distinctive coat than the zebra. Animals of Africa. The White Rhinoceros

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Kumbaya Zoo

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  1. Kumbaya Zoo By Kristen McKnabb and McKenna Scott

  2. Animals of Africa • The Zebra • Their large teeth are equipped for chomping and chewing grass • Zebras are important prey for lions and hyenas. • No animal has a more distinctive coat than the zebra.

  3. Animals of Africa • The White Rhinoceros • There are five separate species of rhinoceros' in the world. • Rhinos mark their territory with urine. • They enjoy bathing in mud to cool down on hot days

  4. Animals of Africa • The Giraffe • Giraffes move in loose herds on the open woodlands and grasslands of the African Savannah. • When caring for their young, the female Giraffe will leave their calves together during the day to feed • Eating mostly at dusk and dawn on leaves and fruit, the Giraffe's main food source is the acacia tree.

  5. Animals of Africa • The Cheetah • In ratio to their body size, cheetah's have a small head; one of many attributes that contribute to their unbelievable speed. • Cheetahs running speed is around 100 kph (62 mph). • Cheetahs can not roar.

  6. Animals of Asia • The Bengal Tiger • They drag kill remains into brush and bury return to eat later • They are located in east India and Bangladesh • They stalk their prey because can't always outrun them

  7. Animals of Asia • The Komodo Dragon • They live on the Indonesian islands • As sun rises and warms blood, they become active and set out to search for food • They are fast moving and agile on the ground

  8. Animals of Asia • The Tarsier • Their hind legs are twice as long as its body • They use their excellent hearing to locate prey • They get water from pools, streams, trunks, or leave cavities

  9. Animals of Asia • The Caracal • They during day rests among rocks/holes • Their main food is birds up to the size of a guinea fowl • They use their ears as signaling devices

  10. Animals of Europe • The Eurasian Wolf • While generally these wolves don't hunt humans, if they get hungry enough and there are enough of them, they may not think twice about the meal at hand • They mainly eat Boar, deer, sheep, goats, and chamois • Their thick fur keeps them warm in the harsh, cold weather

  11. Animals of Europe • The Moose [elk] • They eat Grass, twigs, roots, bark, and plants • If a moose charges at you, it's actually a good idea to run from it, as they are more prone to stop chasing you • They weigh 900-1,600 pounds, and are usually 5-7 feet tall

  12. Animals of Europe • The Wolverine • It’s average speed is 30 mph • It weighs 30-60 lbs, and is 3-5 feet long • They are known for attacking prey 2-3 times bigger than themselves, as long as they think they stand a chance.

  13. Animals of South America • The Anaconda • It likes the streams, rivers, swamps, and pools of the Amazon Rainforest • It spends it’s day lying in the shallows of basking in the sun • They uses trees for refuge from predators

  14. Animals of South America • The Piranha • They live in enormous packs called shoals • They attack typically by swimming right into a school of prey fish • They are capable of sensing unusual vibrations in water (like sharks)

  15. Bibliography • http://www.africanfauna.com/. • http://library.thinkquest.org/5053/Asia/asiamain.html • http://www.animaldanger.com/europe.php • http://library.thinkquest.org/5053/SouthAmerica/southamericamain.html

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