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Tying It All Together …

Tying It All Together …. Quick Review …. Overview of College Strategic Planning since 2002 Overview of activities related to “MSU Engineer of 2010” Update on Multi-D initiatives ENGR 310. Outcomes …. Refined strategic goals and objectives Continue development of “2010 Engineer”

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Tying It All Together …

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  1. Tying It All Together …

  2. Quick Review … • Overview of College Strategic Planning since 2002 • Overview of activities related to “MSU Engineer of 2010” • Update on Multi-D initiatives • ENGR 310

  3. Outcomes … • Refined strategic goals and objectives • Continue development of “2010 Engineer” • Focus on integration of “value-added” components • Aggressively market areas of excellence and uniqueness • For sustainability and growth

  4. “Value-Added” Components • Must grow and integrate “non-commodity” fundamentals • Systems design and complex problem solving • Global and societal relevance • Research/creativity and innovation • Business/finance, marketing, entrepreneurial • Project management • Cross-disciplinary experiences

  5. Needs for Sustainability and Growth • State will continue to fund at a level supportive of technical fundamentals • Expect us to be very efficient • Expansion of our excellence and uniqueness will require new sources of revenue • Multiple non-State partnerships

  6. Other Needs • New pedagogical methods • Our Multi-D strategy is only part of story • Enhance diversity of faculty • Gender and ethnicity • Ability to support and deliver “richer” curriculum • Facilities that enable and enhance new pedagogies and curriculum

  7. ExPloration & Innovation CenterChanging the Face of Engineering Education Goal: Create a world-class teaching and research space fostering true inter-disciplinary environment for faculty and students at all levels • Create a “show-case” for the execution of such a goal • Similar in concept to Ford Center at NW, or Engineering Research Center at WMU, but broader in application

  8. EPIC Facility Layer Concept Potential Areas: Entrepreneurship Energy systems Advanced mat’s Nanotechnology Bioeng/biomed Environmental Large-scale systems SSEL Communications Featuring: Demonstration and Product Development “Transparent” work spaces and grid-system labs Flexible assignment of space—short term and long term Facilitation of team experiences Collaborative Faculty Research Advanced Student Research Multi-disciplinary design and research experience for undergraduates Engineering, Computer Science, Eng. Tech., Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Ecology, Business, Finance, Architecture, Economics, Social Sciences, Learning Sciences

  9. Other Features • Collaborative teams of cross-disciplinary faculty • Assignment of space based upon programmatic need in “signature area” • Enhanced learning areas based upon team-centered engagement • Enhanced design/fabrication areas for students • First “LEED” building in Montana • Energy design

  10. Other Outcomes • Enhancement in integration of faculty research and teaching • Potential for “marquis entryway” to MSU • “Magnate” for prominent researchers and teachers • Enhanced positioning for Federal funding

  11. Other Outcomes • Enhancement in integration of faculty research and teaching • Potential for “marquis entryway” to MSU • “Magnate” for prominent researchers and teachers • Enhanced positioning for Federal funding • Change the face of engineering education

  12. Your Role … • All of these initiatives will be featured in upcoming campaign • Student support • Faculty support • New and greatly enhanced facilities • Need your help in refining and charting our direction

  13. We will continue to seek your guidance • Hope that you will extend your commitment to follow up and provide us your counsel • We wish to work with a number of you individually over next several months • Help establish feasibility of various plans

  14. I can’t wait for the Engineer of 2020—I want to hire that student today! Jean Sweeney, Senior Executive, 3M

  15. Tentative Scope of Project • Approx 80K NASF (105K gross) • Approx 40K NASF for: • Project labs for design/build/inquiry • Team-centered meeting/study areas • Integrated instructional areas • Faculty offices in direct support • Approx 40K NASF for: • Student/faculty research labs in signature areas • Incubation for new project/process development • Team-centered meeting areas • Offices for faculty teams

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