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Primenjena lingvistika i nastava engleskog je zika 3 (PLINEJ3) Teaching Grammar

Primenjena lingvistika i nastava engleskog je zika 3 (PLINEJ3) Teaching Grammar. I ntroductory lecture. Pardon my French. . What is grammar?. C ourse introduction. Lectures – interactive Wiki: http://teachinggrammar3.pbworks.com E mail: teachinggrammar3@gmail.com Consultation hours:

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Primenjena lingvistika i nastava engleskog je zika 3 (PLINEJ3) Teaching Grammar

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  1. Primenjenalingvistikainastavaengleskog jezika 3 (PLINEJ3)Teaching Grammar Introductory lecture

  2. Pardon my French.  What is grammar?

  3. Course introduction • Lectures – interactive • Wiki: http://teachinggrammar3.pbworks.com • Email: teachinggrammar3@gmail.com • Consultation hours: • Monday 1 pm - 3 pm (room 524) • Assessment: • 60% oral exam • 40% assignments (portfolio) • Coursebook: How to Teach Grammar,Scott Thornbury(available at the Department library) + handouts (Piramida)

  4. House rules • If you’re late... • If you miss a class... • If you’re hungry... • If your phone rings... • If you don’t do the reading... • If the class is cancelled...

  5. Topics • What is grammar? • Why teach grammar? • How to teach grammar from rules / from examples / through texts? + Discovery techniques • What do we know about the learning of grammar? How to practise grammar? • How to deal with grammar errors? • Testing students / How to test grammar? • How to integrate grammar?

  6. Oral exam – 60% • Send in all your assignments before the oral exam (if you want…). • Send them on time. • Use the proper email and respect the format. • Bring your assignments (portfolio) to the oral exam and be prepared to discuss them. • Oral exam: one question + discussing the assignments if necessary. • Mind your grammar! 

  7. Assignments (portfolio) – 40% • Assignment 1 • Reflection paper: My L2 learning experience (grammar) • Assignment 2 • Design the material/activities typical of one of the following methods: Grammar-Translation, The Direct Method, The Audio-Lingual Method or Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) • Assignment 3 • Microteaching: planning a short (grammar) activity, writing a plan, teaching it, reflecting on the process and observing a colleague • Assignment 4 • Designing tests: creating 3 exercises to test particular grammar points

  8. Assignment 3: Microteaching • Teach a grammatical structure in class (November) • Presentation plan (download the grid from the wiki) • Groups of five; 1 teacher + 3 students + 1 observer • Time frame: • presentation – 5 minutes; • self-reflection – 1 minute; • peer/teacher trainer feedback – 1 minute • Teaching materials (board, marker, handouts, visual) • Reflection paper (1-2 pages)

  9. Signing up (end of October) • Form groups of five. • Pick a date. • Get someone to sign you up. • The lists will be on the notice board at the department (2nd floor). • Remember the time slot you picked. • Show up on time! • November 7, 2016 3 pm – 3.45 pm Group 1: • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • November 7, 2016 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm Group 1: • _________________ • _________________ • _________________ • _________________ • _________________

  10. Course theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc

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