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Heaven is nothing but a fantasy, do we really think God has nothing better to do than cater to billions of us sitting around doing nothing for Eternity? That is the Grand Plan of God? "Go live on earth a few years, come back and it's easy living for eternity?" To read more, visit the website. https://www.heavenvsreincarnation.com/<br><br>
Why Reincarnation? Let's do it! Let's dive right in - here I summarize the main points and we will explore them in detail in the book 1. Everyone knows the first - it's called Responsibility - you made the mess, you clean it up. You took on a debt, pay it back! The concept of begging one's way out by asking for forgiveness is not there in Hinduism. This is treated more like getting an F in a test - no amount of pleading will make the Teacher change your grade and no student should even ever ask for such a change. Retake the test and earn a better grade - that is the Right thing to do
2. This is ALL there is - sadly most religions promise a fantasy land in the sky - all one has to do is die and it is right there waiting for us - the eternal good life. Makes you wonder what was the purpose of life? To make sure you join the "right" religion and pray to the "right" God? God created this world for us, Religions created Heavens for cowards and the weak, telling them one can run away and hide under the bed. Choose to live in the world God Created for us, one can't live in fantasies or dreams. Drug-addicts, online worlds, Heaven - all share a common thread - worlds that are more pleasing, no pain or suffering in such worlds. Reincarnation is simply asking us to wake up and live in the Real World
3. Heaven is not elsewhere, it is right here! When people talk about Heaven, what do they say? Happy, Joyful, no worries or responsibilities! A nice, retired life. Well, my sister's cat does nothing all day, just eats, poops and sleeps. That cat has zero worries and responsibilities! That cat is in Heaven! Heaven means refusing human life and accepting a lower life form, that's all Heaven is! A life as a Tree, a bug or a Pet - what a foolish choice!