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Answers to the study guide for the Unit 1 Geography Test

Answers to the study guide for the Unit 1 Geography Test. Number 1: When and where did the accident in Chernobyl occur?. In April of 1986 In Chernobyl Ukraine, close to Belarus and Russia. Number 2: What was the lasting impact of the accident?.

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Answers to the study guide for the Unit 1 Geography Test

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  1. Answers to the study guide for the Unit 1 Geography Test

  2. Number 1: When and where did the accident in Chernobyl occur? • In April of 1986 • In Chernobyl Ukraine, close to Belarus and Russia

  3. Number 2: What was the lasting impact of the accident? • Hazardous material spread throughout Europe contaminating several countries. • People became sick from exposure

  4. Number 3: Describe the issue the United Kingdom is having with air pollution • Harmful chemicals are added to the atmosphere causing the air to become polluted. • London in particular is suffering significantly from this. • The harmful chemicals affect the health of people as they breath in the polluted air.

  5. Number 4: Describe the issue Germany is having with acid rain • Air pollution mixes with the clouds and comes back to earth through acid rain. • Germany’s plants and crops are especially affected by this (black forest). • It affects humans when the acid rain gets into our drinking water and the food we eat.

  6. Number 5: • Where do people live in the United Kingdom? • South, center, along the coast, and near major cities (London) • Why do they live there? • Climate (nicer weather), good area for crop growing, and for jobs • What attracts people to London? • JOBS!!!!

  7. Number 6: • Where do people live in Russia? • West, near major cities • Why do they live there? • Closer to Europe for business and because it is warmer

  8. Number 7: What European country is the most densely populated? • Germany- it has the most people per square mile

  9. Number 8: What country is the largest country in the world? • Russia

  10. Number 9: Why does Russia need a warm water port? • For trade all year round • Its ports on the Arctic Ocean freeze and ships cannot move through the ice

  11. Number 10: What are the 3 major religions found in Europe? • Judaism • Christianity • Islam

  12. Number 11: How are these three religions alike? • They are all MONOTHEISTIC- believe in ONE God • They all view Abraham as their PATRIARCH

  13. Number 12: What are the two major divisions of Christianity in Europe? • Roman Catholic Church • Protestants

  14. Number 13: Where is the place of worship for Christianity? Judaism? Islam? • C- Church • J- Temple/Synagogue • I- Mosque

  15. Number 14: What are the holy writings for Christianity? Judaism? Islam? • C- Bible • J- Torah • I- Quran

  16. Number 15: What significance does Abraham have on the three religions? (How is he viewed in each?) • Patriarch- father of all three religions

  17. Number 16: What have Europeans done to try to solve the problem of so many languages? • Require schoolchildren to learn one or two other languages besides their native language • Have all laws available in multiple languages

  18. For numbers 17 and 18 expect questions like this: • Which country is a long and boot-shaped peninsula? • Italy • Which country is located between Spain and Germany? • France • What mountain range separates Europe and Asia? • Ural Mountains • What river starts in the south of Germany and ends in the black sea? • Danube River

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