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Moriond QCD week 18-24 March 2001. Other Searches at LEP. Sylvie Braibant CERN. RPV-SUSY GMSB Technicolor Excited leptons Leptoquarks. Searches Variants. • R-parity conserving SUSY (LSP stable Æ missing energy) • Standard SUSY: neutralino LSP (see T. Alderweireld’s talk)
MoriondQCD week 18-24 March 2001 Other Searches at LEP Sylvie Braibant CERN RPV-SUSY GMSB Technicolor Excited leptons Leptoquarks
Searches Variants • R-parity conserving SUSY (LSP stable Æ missing energy) • Standard SUSY: neutralino LSP (see T. Alderweireld’s talk) • GMSB: gravitino LSP G • light G (eV Æ GeV) with possibly long lifetime of slepton or neutralino NLSP: either c1 or l • super-light G (meV) • R-parity violating SUSY (LSP decays to SM particles) • vast field with very different signatures • Exotics • Technicolor • Leptoquarks • Excited Leptons ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY: Superpotential Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY: R-Parity • Assumptions • exactly 1l-like coupling different from 0 at the time • mean path of flight < 1 cmÆ l> 10-4 Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY: Production Mechanisms Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY:Gaugino Searches Sylvie Braibant - CERN
mc1 > 40 GeV ~ 0 RPV SUSY: Gaugino Searches for l Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY: Gaugino Searches for l’ Final states contain many jets and leptons Sylvie Braibant - CERN
mc1 > 38 GeV ~ 0 RPV SUSY: Gaugino Searches for l’’ Final states with up to 10 jets Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY: Slepton Searches Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY: Slepton Searches - MSSM limits l’’ l Similar results for squarks, sneutrinos for RPV l, l’, l’’ decays Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY: Sneutrino Searches - Resonant Production Sylvie Braibant - CERN
RPV SUSY • Searches for Rp-violating production and decay of SUSY particles are complementary to searches with Rp-conservation • Under the assumption of Rp-violation, searches have been performed for gauginos, sleptons, sneutrinos and squarks for all Yukawa couplings l, l’, l’’ • No evidence for SUSY with Rp-violation • Exclusion limits are similar to the Rp-conserving case Sylvie Braibant - CERN
GMSB SUSY Searches: Light Gravitino Scenarios Sylvie Braibant - CERN
GMSB SUSY Searches Sylvie Braibant - CERN
l 0 GMSB SUSY Searches: Neutralino NLSP L << LDet Acoplanar photons Zero Lifetime L ~ LDet Single non-pointing photon Non-zero Lifetime Sylvie Braibant - CERN
GMSB SUSY Searches: Neutralino NLSP Acoplanar photons Zero Lifetime Sylvie Braibant - CERN
GMSB SUSY Searches: Neutralino NLSP Non-pointing single photons Non-Zero Lifetime Sylvie Braibant - CERN
GMSB SUSY Searches: Slepton NLSP l 0 Zero Lifetime Acoplanar leptons Exclusion plots for Sleptons in gravity-mediated Heavy stable charged particles dE/dx or RICH detectors Large IP + kinks Large IP Æ L=O(1 mm)-O(40 cm) Kinks Æ L=O(10 cm)-O(2 m) Sylvie Braibant - CERN
~ Combining searches in various regions of l lifetime GMSB SUSY Searches: Slepton NLSP Intermediate lifetime Searches for large impact parameters+ Searches for kinks Sylvie Braibant - CERN
s - mf 2 Eg = 2 √ s GMSB SUSY Searches: Sgoldstino e+e-Æ fg Depends on mf and √ F Most relevant decays: f Æ gg (4-11%) f Æ gg (96-89%) M1 M2 M3 1) 200 300 400 2) 350 350 350 Sylvie Braibant - CERN
• Provides a scheme to generate W/Z masses. EW symmetry broken dynamically by strong interactions of gauge bosons. • Introduces new technifermions which obey a QCD-like Interaction with an effective scale LTC >> LQCD • At LTC , TC interation becomes strong Æ techniquark condensates replace non zero VEV of Higgs field: <TT> = Fp~ 246 GeV • Extensions are worked out to solve problems: • These extensions call for a large number ND of technidoubletsÆ additional scalar (pT, p’T) and vector (rT, wT) mesons which can be light enough to be observed at LEP2. TVa TDa Technicolor _ Sylvie Braibant - CERN
- e+e-ÆrTÆ ff (below WW threshold) e+e-ÆrTÆ W+W- (above WW threshold) - - Important decays pT+Æ bc, bu Technicolor rTÆ W±pT±, pT0g rTÆpT-pT+ Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Technicolor No significant contribution of technicolor production is observed Æ 95% CL exclusion region in the (MrT, MpT) plane Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Excited Leptons Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Exited Leptons Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Flavour95% mass limits (GeV) e* 102.9 m* 102.9 t* 102.8 Excited Leptons Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Leptoquarks Single Production Pair Production Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Leptoquarks Production Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Leptoquarks Vector Leptoquarks Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Leptoquarks Scalar Leptoquarks Sylvie Braibant - CERN
Conclusions • LEP has been a great success until its very end • A broad spectrum of new particle searches have been and are actively pursued… but no indication for Physics beyond the SM • Results are interpreted in various models • Existing limits have been extended: plenty of preliminary results using all the data collected at LEP LEP SUSY working group combining results on: GMSB and RPV LEP exotica working group starting to combine results on: single top, excited leptons, leptoquarks • We are working towards FINAL LEP results • Apologies for results which were not shown • Many thanks to my LEP colleagues who helped me to prepare this talk Sylvie Braibant - CERN