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Pray. Our core curriculum 1. Pray at all times! Matthew 27.51: The veil in the temple was torn in two. When the Holy Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost in an ordinary room, not the temple ordinary people, not Levites or priests
Pray Our core curriculum 1. Pray at all times! Matthew 27.51: The veil in the temple was torn in two. When the Holy Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost in an ordinary room, not the temple ordinary people, not Levites or priests it signified that any believer, anywhere, could be filled with the Spirit and have a living relationship with Jesus Following Jesus: Lesson Eight
God has invited us into this amazing relationship that is not based on ritual. It is 24/7! And it is up to us to set the pace! He wants to walk with you as He did with Adam and Eve in the garden. He is waiting for you! You can talk with Him throughout the day and include Him in all you do. Try to develop the habit of continuous prayer, in your car, while you do the dishes, while you wait for the bus or walk to the shop. Wherever you are, talk with Jesus. Following Jesus: Lesson Eight
Praying in tongues helps us: • to bring Him into our daily lives. • to make us conscious of His presence with us. • to build up our spirits – the inner part of us. • to make us more sensitive to His voice. 2. Pray together Something special happens when we join with others to pray together. Why do you think that is? • Small group prayer – 2 or 3 friends or family • The church gathered in prayer • Read together (Acts 4.23-31) Following Jesus: Lesson Eight
3. Pray persistently (Luke 11.5-8) never The word translated “boldness” Luke 11.8 could be translated as “doggedness, impudence, or persistence.” faith Following Jesus: Lesson Eight
God will not hear you unless you pray with the right kind of language. Yes / No • Prayer is a matter of relationship with God, friendship and worship. Yes / No • Agreeing together in prayer with another believer is a key to blessing. Yes / No • It is rude to God to persist in praying the same thing over and over. Yes / No • The Lord’s Prayer is given to recite over and over/ as a pattern for prayer We learn by practising Following Jesus: Lesson Eight
Memory verse Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ( Matthew 18.19-20) Following Jesus: Lesson Eight