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DEVELOPMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL BOOKLET FOR HIV VERTICAL TRANSMISSION PREVENTION: TECHNOLOGY FOR CARE. Ana Carolina Maria Araújo Chagas Costa Lima* Karine de Castro Bezerra* Deise Maria do Nascimento Souza* Joanna de Freitas Rocha* Mônica Oliveira Batista Oriá*
DEVELOPMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL BOOKLET FOR HIV VERTICAL TRANSMISSION PREVENTION: TECHNOLOGY FOR CARE Ana Carolina Maria Araújo Chagas Costa Lima* Karine de Castro Bezerra* Deise Maria do Nascimento Souza* Joanna de Freitas Rocha* Mônica Oliveira Batista Oriá* *Universidade Federal do Ceará (BRAZIL)
INTRODUCTION • However, despite the high efficacy of prophylaxis to reduce the chances TV, studies suggest several factors that still hinder lower rates of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, among them the lack of knowledge on the part of pregnant women in relation to preventive measures. • In this context, the lack of conducting participatory and dialogued educational activities targeted to pregnant and postpartum women seropositive by the allied health professionals to failures in the degree of knowledge of the same TV on the prevention of HIV negative impact on the vulnerability of the mother-son. Nevertheless, studies show that health education is an effective means for the prevention of vertical transmission.
MATERIALS AND METHOD • This is a methodological research;
RESULTS • The firststepoftheconstructionprocessof primer correspondedtothesurveycontent. To do so, weperformed a searchofscientificpapersonthethemeofthebookleton bases ofnationalandinternational data andpublicationsoftheMinistryof Health ofBrazil. • This search aimed at surveying the existing information in the studies about the care that mothers should have for the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in order to enrich the primer complementary to the guidelines recommended by the Ministry of Health. • Thatdone, therewastheselectionofthekeyinformationtobeaddressed in thebooklet. Thentookplaceand BOOK REPORT perusaloftheselected material, andchronologicalandcoherentorganizationofthecontentsofeachsectionofthebooklet, consideringthatthis material shouldhavecombinedwealthofinformationtoobjectivity.
RESULTS • The secondstepoftheconstructionprocessofthebooklet, characterizedbythedevelopmentofguidelines. Washeld, initially, thecreationoftexts, followedbythepreparationoftheillustrationsandendedupwiththe layout.
RESULTS • In designingtheillustrationsstep, one expert wascontacted for design creationandcompositionofgraphics. • We attempted to assemble a graphics-rich material in order to facilitate the understanding of covered care, especially for those patients with difficulty in reading.
RESULTS • A primer onthestudyconsistedoftwenty-eightpages. Allpagesofthebookletwerecountedsequentially, butthenumbers in Arabicnumeralsonlystartedtoberecordedfromthefirstpagetext in its lowermargin. The bookletwaswith A5 papersize (148x210 mm). • The cover of the booklet was composed by the title "How to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child?” Get inside! Institution linked to the development of the material (Graduate Program in Nursing, Federal University of Ceará) and name of the authors.
RESULTS • Finally, to complete the layout of the booklet, the designer sent a pre-validation version of the booklet for printing and mailing the expert judges, with a view to validating appearance and content data to be presented at another time.