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Learn about maps, globes, continents, and oceans in this interactive guide for Grade 3 students. Explore longitude and latitude, equator, hemispheres, and cardinal directions. Uncover the significance of the Prime Meridian and map symbols.

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  1. Review Maps/Globes Grade 3

  2. globe sphere A ______________ is a model of the Earth that is shaped like a ball or _______________. It shows large bodies of land and water that make up the Earth’s surface. A_______________ is another way of showing land and water on the Earth. This type of model is not round like a globe but flat. The Earth has seven bodies of land called ______________ and four bodies of water called ______________. . map continents oceans

  3. Longitude and latitude lines on a globe are like a grid system. They help us to locate places on a map or globe. Lines that run east and west are called ______________ lines. Lines that run north and south are called ______________ lines. latitude lontitude

  4. hemisphere If the Earth were divided in half, each half would be called a _______________. The ________________ is a special line of latitude that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemisphere. equator

  5. compass Some maps have symbol called a ______________ rose. It shows directions on a map. The _____________ directions or main directions are north, east, south, and west. The ______________ directions or in between directions are northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest. cardinal intermediate

  6. There is also a special line of longitude that divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western hemisphere. This special line of longitude is called the _______________. Latitude and Longitude lines together on a map form a ____________________________ system, that helps us find our exact location. Prime Meridian grid

  7. compass Some maps have symbol called a ______________ rose. It shows directions on a map. The _____________ directions or main directions are north, east, south, and west. The ______________ directions or in between directions are northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest. cardinal intermediate

  8. Page 6_____________

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