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IPUMS-Eurasia, 2003-2007: Preserving Eurasian census microdata, making them useful, and promoting their use * * * Robert McCaa, Steven Ruggles, Matthew Sobek, Deborah Levison and Miriam King University of Minnesota Population Center rmccaa@umn.edu. ?.
IPUMS-Eurasia, 2003-2007: Preserving Eurasian census microdata, making them useful, and promoting their use* * *Robert McCaa, Steven Ruggles, Matthew Sobek, Deborah Levison and Miriam KingUniversity of Minnesota Population Centerrmccaa@umn.edu www.ipums.org/international
? If so, the following needs to be done now: IPUMS-Eurasia before Europe • Official: • Formalize agreement • Release 1989 & 1994 samples for project development • Unofficial, agree upon: • Sample density: entire long-form preferred; 10% OK • License fee: $$$ proportional to sample density • Division of tasks (provisional): equitable • Calendar (provisional): begin in 2003 • 1989 sample: OK? Or will a new one be drawn? • 1979 and 1970: do any microdata tapes still exist? www.ipums.org/international
…official statistics that meet the test of practical utility are to be compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honor citizens’ entitlement to public information.-- UN Statistical Commission, 1994 Widespread Internet Technology diffusion is“a pre-requisite for the development of civil society based on free access to information through the global Internet.“--President Putin, March 6, 2001 http://president.kremlin.ru/events/178.html www.ipums.org/international
IPUMS Imagine a new statistical product: scientifically anonymized, integrated census microdata samples made up of unidentifiable individuals... INTERNATIONAL » Easy-to-use web-interface» Highest scientific standards» Proven, powerful integration» A quantum leap in usage » 1998: 1 country signed» 1999: 3 countries» 2000: 9 » 2001: 15 » 2002: 32; first release, 6 countries www.ipums.org/international
IPUMS-EURASIA Eurasia Phase: 2003-2007 • Advantages of a Eurasia-phase, before Europe • Statistical coherence of 1989/2000 censuses • Readily organizable • 12 countries, not 40 • One linguistic standard: Russian Progress on negotiating agreements • Technical OKs: Belarus, Moldova Republic • Negotiating: Armenia, Azerbaijan Republic, Georgia, Kazahkstan, Kyrghz Republic, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan • Not participating: none, as yet. BeforeEurope? www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi » Researchers, world-wide:free, high quality data harmonized, comprehensive BENEFITS » National Statistics Institutes: increased usage enhanced cost-benefit ratio payment for license fees, expertise » People: who we are what the future may bring how policies might improve www.ipums.org/international
IPUMS-International, a global collaboratory of National Statistical/Research Institutes: • 1. Inventories the world’s census microdata • 2. Preserves endangered microdata and documentation * * * • 3. Integrates datasets of selected countries using UNSD, Eurostat and other standards • 4. Anonymizes census microdata to preserve statistical confidentiality, using highest standards • 5. Disseminates customized extracts free of charge (with complete copies on CDs to all partners) Integrated Public Use Microdata Series - International www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi Phase 1: 1999-2004 Brazil 1960, 1970, 1980, 1991, 2001 Colombia 1964, 1973, 1985, 1993, 2003 Mexico 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 France 1962, 1968, 1975, 1982, 1990 Hungary 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 Spain 1981, 1991, 2001 Kenya 1989, 1999 Ghana 1984, 2000 China 1982, 1990, 2000 Vietnam 1989, 1999 USA 1850-1880, 1900-1930, 1940 - 2000 PARTNERS www.ipums.org/international
IPUMS-Latin America, 2003-2007: 16 countries, ~500m. people Funded! • Scope: Latin Americancensus microdata, 1960-present • Work Plan ( funded by National Institutes of Health) • 2001-2: Sign licensing agreements with official agencies • 2002: Obtain funding from U.S. NIH • 2003: Develop/translate microdata & metadata • 2004: Country expert teams design national integrations • 2005: MPC/expert teams design regional integration • 2006: MPC integrates microdata and metadata • 2007: MPC disseminates to bona fide researchers who sign non-disclosure license. National census/research institutes via CDs/web. www.ipums.org/international
IPUMS-EUROPE Europe Phase: 2004-8 Phase 1 European partners: INSEE-France 1962, 1968, 1975, 1982, 1990 CSO-Hungary 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 INE-Spain 1981, 1991, 2001 Phase 2, 2004-2007: 10 OK: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, UK 5 Approval pending: Finland, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Portugal 11 Negotiating: Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Yugoslavia 2 Not participating: Estonia, Slovakia PARTNERS www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi PRESERVES UN Demographic Center for Latin America (CELADE, Santiago, Chile)~3000 microdata tapes preserved and metadata (documentation) www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi SAMPLES www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi National Statistical Institutes are paid a non-exclusive license fee for integrated data PAYS National experts are paid to: • Assemble microdata and documentation • Develop samples • to minimize confidentiality risks • and to maximize robustness • Design national/regional integration plan • census-by-census • concept-by-concept • code-by-code • Write integrated documentation www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi INTEGRATES Census documentation compiled for Colombian microdata Standard:UN/Eurostat Principles & Recs... Photos from Colombia integration project, February-March, 2000:4 experts from DANE (census office)+7 academics (3 universities) www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi integration principles • 1. Respect absolute anonymity and confidentiality • 2. Preserve all original data, except adjustments to insure privacy (top codes, blurrings, masking, re-ordering, etc.) • 3. Harmonize codes using international standardsoccupation: ISCO, HISCO (detailed, general)education: ISCED “ “family: IPUMS, etc. “ “ • 4. Enhance with constructed variables www.ipums.org/international
Variable availability, preliminary release www.ipums.org/international
Composite coding scheme example:marital status www.ipums.org/international
Occupation: the ISCO standard, preliminary release: “1” digitfinal: 2-3 or 4 digit, depending upon country www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi Using the highest standards available:administrative (license), legal, and technical (US Census Bureau, Eurostat, & others) ANONYMIZES » Suppress geographical detail» Blur/aggregate sensitive codes» Convert dates to ages (blur key vars.) » Swap cases between districts» Scramble records www.ipums.org/international
‘statistical confidentiality’ shall mean the protection of data related to single statistical units which are obtained directly for statistical purposes or indirectly from administrative or other sources against any breach of the right to confidentiality. It implies the prevention of non-statistical utilization of the data obtained and unlawful disclosure. --COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 322/97 of 17 February 1997 www.ipums.org/international
Kenya: Anonymization Based on Unique Characteristics Threshold (100,000 for geographic variables; 10,000 for other variables) Variable Name Aggregated 10,000/1,000 minimum: Tribe/Ethnicity, Occupation, Employment Status Sensitive Type Procedure Key Suppressed Division, Location, Sublocation, Enumeration area Aggregated 100,000 minimum: Province, District of Residence, Birth and Past Residence None Sex, Marital Status, Relationship to Head Transitory (information is considered too changeable to be used to identify individuals from microdata). None Age, Urban/Rural Residence, Literacy, Educational Status, Educational Level, Labor Activity, Children Everborn/Alive/Dead, Last Birth Year, Mortality variables Note: For greater detail and a reproduction of the 1989 enumeration form, see Appendix 3. Anonymization plan: Kenya, 1989 www.ipums.org/international
EUROSTAT statistical anonymity standards(Thorogood, 1999)--all used by IPUMS-International • 1. small sample size • 2. limited geographical detail • 3. top and bottom coding of unique categories • 4. signed non-disclosure agreement • 5. prohibit redistribution of datasets to third parties • 6. prohibit attempts to identify individuals or the making any claim to that effect • 7. require users to provide copies of publications www.ipums.org/international
EUROSTAT statistical anonymity standards(Thorogood, 1999)--all used by IPUMSi and more • 8. Age (constructed, where necessary) • 9. Never identify date of birth • 10. Never identify place of birth • 11. Migration: timing and place not identified in detail • 12. Place of residence identified by major civil division (pop>60k, 120k, 250k, 1 million--national rule) • 13. Sensitivity analysis of variables by national experts • 14. Confidentiality assessment by national experts www.ipums.org/international
International Monetary Fund’s General Data Dissemination System52 countries with uniform standards • All embrace strict standards of statistical confidentiality • All prohibit disclosure of information which may identify individuals or entities • And 37 of 52 countries distribute census microdata samples • Why not Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan Republic, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, or Uzbekistan? ? www.ipums.org/international
IPUMSi Web-based extraction system DISSEMINATES Legally-binding license agreement • protects privacy and confidentiality • assures proper use; • new sanction: loss of employment. Researcher selects • Countries, • Censuses, • Cases/sub-populations, • Variables, and • Sample densities--makes chronological &/or cross-national research possible Open architecture software and mirror sites www.ipums.org/international
IPUMS-Eurasia, 2003-2007: 12 countries, >280 m. people • Scope: Eurasia census microdata, 1989-present • Work Plan (contingent upon funding): • Jan 2003: Sign licensing agreements with official agencies • Nov 2003: Obtain funding from US NIH • 2004: Pay licenses/sign contracts to develop/translate microdata & metadata • 2005: Country expert teams design national integrations • 2006: MPC/expert teams design Eurasia integration • 2007: MPC integrates microdata and metadata • 2008 and beyond: MPC disseminates to bona fide researchers who sign non-disclosure license. National census/research institutes disseminate via CDs/web. www.ipums.org/international
On a millennial scale, censuses and census microdata survive for only a short, but significant period ? www.ipums.org/international
IPUMS-Eurasia, 2003-2007: What needs to be done now? • Official: • Formalize agreement • Release 1989 & 1994 samples for project development • Unofficial, agree upon: • Sample density: entire long-form preferred; 10% OK • License fee: $$$ proportional to sample density • Division of tasks (provisional): equitable • Calendar (provisional): begin in 2003 • 1989 sample: OK? Or will a new one be drawn? • 1979 and 1970: do any microdata tapes still exist? ? www.ipums.org/international
additional information at:www.hist.umn.edu/~rmccaa/ipums-eurasiacontact:rmccaa@umn.edu * * * * *Thank you www.ipums.org/international