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past, present and future. Michael Stanton michael@rnp.br RNP and CLARA EELA Workshop Itacuruçá, 24.06.2006. Agenda. Introduction A very brief history of academic networking in Latin America The ALICE project and RedCLARA EELA NRENs in LA Benefits for EU-LA cooperation in R&E
past, present and future Michael Stanton michael@rnp.br RNP and CLARA EELA Workshop Itacuruçá, 24.06.2006
Agenda • Introduction • A very brief history of academic networking in Latin America • The ALICE project and RedCLARA • EELA NRENs in LA • Benefits for EU-LA cooperation in R&E • Conclusion CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Introduction to RedCLARA • New regional network in Latin America interconnecting 14 of the 18 targeted countries of the @LIS program of the CE’s DGEuropeAid (see http://europa.eu.int/alis ) • Built by the ALICE project, coordinated by DANTE, and with participation of 4 EU NRENs and existing and new R&E initiatives from the targeted countries in LA (see www.dante.net/alice) • Objective of providing connectivity to Europe (GÉANT) and enabling R&E collaboration between EU and targeted countries in LA CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Argentina (AR) Brazil (BR) Bolivia (BO) † Chile (CL) Colombia (CO) Costa Rica (CR) Cuba (CU) † Ecuador (EC) El Salvador (SV) Guatemala (GT) Honduras (HN) † Mexico (MX) Nicaragua (NI) Panama (PA) Paraguay (PY) † Peru (PE) Uruguay (UY) Venezuela (VE) Countries targeted by @LIS † country not yet connected to RedCLARA CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RedCLARA topology –2006 Main features: • 155 Mbps backbone ring(BR, AR, CL, PA, MX) • Spur links from 10 to 45 Mbps to other countries • 622 Mbps link from Brazil to GÉANT in Madrid • Routers by Cisco CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Starting in 1986, LA countries participated in R&E networking through BITNET and Internet Table shows date of first connections With emergence of commercial Internet in 1990s, many NRENs in LA became “uncompetitive” and closed or became commercial Resurgence of dedicated NRENs after 2002 with ALICE project A history of R&E networking in LA CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Telecom infrastructure • Until around 2000, only satellites available for data networks • cost independent of distance • no incentive for establishing links within the region Thus, US became the LA network hub • Recent important changes (since late 1990s): • end of state telecom monopoly in many countries • competition and lower prices • new transnational operators (from US, EU and MX) • new submarine fibre optic cables (from 2000) New topologies possible and cheap CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Advanced networks pre-RedCLARA AmPath (www.ampath.net) • used Global Crossing (South America Crossing) • links from AR, BR (2), CL, VE to Miami • 45 Mbps Mexico • cross-border connections to USA (Texas and California) AmPath CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
NRENs in LA before ALICE • With dedicated int’l “advanced” R&E connections: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela • With dedicated int’l connectivity:Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay • All other national R&E initiatives of the 1990s had either been abandoned or had become commercial ISPs (as in PA and PE) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
CLARA – a regional R&E networking organisation for LA • EU’s IST funded the CAESAR project (2002-2003), a feasibility study of establishing an LA connection to GÉANT, conducted by DANTE, FCCN (PT) and RedIRIS (ES) • At the CAESAR workshop in Toledo in 2002, participants from 12 LA countries resolved to create a regional R&E organisation, like TERENA, for LA • CLARA was incorporated in Uruguay in 2003, and currently has 15 members from the targeted countries, and has as aims: • to promote advanced R&E networking in LA • to build and operate a regional R&E network connected to the global R&E internet (see www.redclara.net) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
The ALICE project • The CAESAR feasibility study led to the submission to the EC of the ALICE project, coordinated by DANTE, with the participation of NRENs from FR, ES, IT and PT, and of networking initiatives from 18 LA countries, coordinated through CLARA • The main objective of ALICE is to provide good R&E connectivity from the targeted LA countries to GÉANT, through the establishment of a regional LA network (RedCLARA) with a single link to Europe • ALICE was approved in 2003 with a budget of 12.5 M€, including CE contribution of 10 M€ and 2.5 M€ from LA partners • LA partners have participated extensively in ALICE project management, as well as in the design, deployment and operation of the RedCLARA network and its external links CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Wide variations in telecom costs in LA reflect the fact that some countries have more developed and competitive markets than others. (data from the ALICE connectivity tenders in 2003 and 2005) This has naturally led to the deployment of lower bandwidth links to the high-cost countries, e.g. 10 Mbps to Central America, Colombia and Ecuador. Economics of LA networking CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RedCLARA rollout • The initial connectivity tenders were conducted in 2003, and the first circuits were activated in Sep 2004 (CL-AR-BR-ES) • The most recent addition was in Feb 2006 to Colombia, the 14th country to be reached. CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Technical activities • Most technical activities are under CLARA responsibility, through the following bodies: • Technical Forum (CLARA-TEC) meets twice yearly and provides general oversight • Network Engineering Group (NEG)subcontracted to RNP (Brazil) • Network Operations Centre (NOC)subcontracted to CUDI (Mexico) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RedCLARA connections to the US • In 2004, NSF launched the IRNC (International Research Network Interconnections) programme • CLARA participated in WHREN/LILA, the successful proposal made by FIU and CENIC to create 2 new links between the US and LA: • San Diego to Tijuana (MX) – cross-border dark fibre • shared by RedCLARA and CUDI (MX) • Miami to São Paulo (BR) • shared by RedCLARA, RNP and ANSP (BR) (see http://whren.ampath.net) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Augmented RedCLARA topology US-W US-E New links are: • MX US-W (3Q05)initially 2x 1 Gbps (CWDM) • RedCLARA has 1 Gbps • BR US-E (1Q06)initially 1.2 Gbps • capacity shared between RedCLARA and Brazilian partners (RNP and ANSP) WHREN-LILA PoPs 1 – 2 Gbps CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
EELA NRENs in Latin America • RedCLARA interconnects the NRENs of 14 countries in LA. • Here we give some information about these NRENs, concentrating on countries involved in EELA • These fall into 3 categories: • “old” NRENs (i.e. those predating CLARA)Argentina, Brazil, Chile, México, Venezuela • “new” NRENs (i.e. created after CLARA)Peru, Colombia (CO not EELA, but interested in grids) • Unconnected NRENs:Cuba • As will be seen, there is great variation on the networking infrastructure within the region CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Argentina: RETINA • Red Teleinformática Académica (www.retina.ar) • Membership organisation • Connects to RedCLARA (contract b/w is 90 Mbps) through PoP-AR in Buenos Aires CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RETINA: connectivity Abundante Media Escasa 4 with advanced connectivity 8 in the near future 57 with low speed connectivity CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Brazil: RNP • Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (www.rnp.br) • Private non-profit company contracted by Brazilian government to operate and develop national network. • Network use without charge for qualified connectors (higher education and research). • National backbone (up to 10 Gbps) provides connectivity to all state capitals • Access bandwidth up to 1 Gbps • Access to RedCLARA (155 Mbps) at PoP-BR in S. Paulo CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RNP’s Ipê network (Nov 2005) Connections to all 26 state capitals and Brasília: • Network core (12,000 km): • 10 Gbps to 4 capitals • 2.5 Gbps to 6 capitals • Access links • 34 Mbps to 11 capitals • < 34 Mbps to 6 capitals CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Brazil: optical metro networks • The use of multigigabit backbone requires an urgent solution to the Last Mile problem • Since 2004, RNP is designing and deploying dark fibre networks in state capitals based on: • setting up condominia of user institutions for design and future operation • physically reach all campi of user institutions (to solve internal access problems) • install own fibre, if not possible to obtain access from current fibre owners • 15 M€ financing from federal government, complemented by state and private contributions • first networks to be deployed in 2006 CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RNP: MetroBel and Redecomep • Pilot project is for the city of Belém, capital of Pará state (MetroBel project) • design began in 2004; network to be delivered by June, 2006 • links 29 campi of 12 institutions in Belém metro area • own 48 and 36 core aerial cable being used • GigE switches used for communications • Project Redecomep includes remaining 26 capitals, with deployment by December, 2006. • www.redecomep.rnp.br (in Portuguese) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Belém: 30 km ring; 25 campi CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Chile: REUNA • Red Universitária Nacional (www.reuna.cl) • Membership organisation • 155 Mbps backbone runs north-south from Arica to Valdivia. • Connects to RedCLARA (contract b/w is 90 Mbps) at PoP-CL in Santiago • Members connect to backbone and contract international transit bandwidth through REUNA • Note: UTFSM is not currently connected to REUNA or to RedCLARA CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
REUNA: topology CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Mexico - CUDI • Corporación Universitária para el Desarrollo del Internet (www.cudi.edu.mx) • Membership organisation • 155 Mbps backbone connections provided without cost by TelMex and Avantel • Access links paid for by connecting organisations – current maximum is 34 Mbps • International links through • 2 cross border optical links at 1 Gbps to USA • Link to RedCLARA PoP in Tijuana (contract is 45 Mbps) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
CUDI: topology RedCLARA CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Venezuela – REACCIUN 2 • Red Académica de Centros de Investigación y Universidades Nacionales (www.reacciun2.edu.ve) • Network maintained by Ministry of S&T, through CNTI (Centro Nacional de Tecnologias de Información) • Phase I interconnects 8 universities to CNTI • Universidad de Carabobo (UC) • Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) - Caracas • Universidad Simon Bolívar (USB) - Caracas • Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) - Caracas • Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) – Barquisimeto • Universidad de Los Andes (ULA) – Mérida • Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC) - Altos de Pipe • Universidad de Oriente (UDO) – Cumaná • International links via RedCLARA and AMPATH (both at 45 Mbps) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
REACCIUN 2: geography CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
REACCIUN 2: topology CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
REACCIUN 2 – external connectivity CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
New NRENs in LA • The @LIS programme and the ALICE project have led to a resurgence of interest in dedicated R&E networks in LA. • As a direct result new NRENs have been established in the following countries: • CO (RENATA) • EC (CEDIA) • GT (RAGIE) • NI (RENIA) • PA (RedCyT) • PE (RAAP) • SV (RAICES) • Some details on PE and CO follow. CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Peru: RAAP (with Daniel Díaz) • Rede Académica Peruana (www.raap.org.pe) • Membership organisation • Currently, all connected institutions are located in the capital, Lima: 1 - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) 2 - Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) 3 - Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) 4 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) 5 - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) 6 - Instituto Peruano de Energía Nuclear (IPEN) 7 - Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Capacitación en Comunicaciones (INICTEL) • International link to RedCLARA PoP in Santiago (45 Mbps) • Note that SENAMHI is not currently connected to RAAP or to RedCLARA CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP RAAP - architecture INICTEL to the CLARAPoP CISCO 3725 IPEN FE CISCO 3725 2 Mbps 2 Mbps FE MPLS network - VPN - ACADEMIC NAP CISCO 3725 CISCO 7204 2 Mbps FE UPCH T3 FE FE FE 2 Mbps LAN PUCP FE CISCO 3725 2 Mbps 10 Mbps La Molina 2 Mbps FE CISCO 3725 FE UNMSM CISCO 3725 UNI CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Colombia: RENATA • Red Nacional Academica de Tecnología Avanzada • Supported by the national government • NREN currently interconnects 6 regional networks with links at 10 Mbps • International connectivity to RedCLARA with 10 Mbps link to PoP in Panamá CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Colombia: RENATA(with Martha Giraldo) REDES REGIONALES CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RENATA – present situation NETWORKS: • Bogotá – RUMBO 12 institutions www.rumbo.edu.co • Barranquilla – RUMBA6 institutions www.redrumba.edu.co • Bucaramanga – UNIRED 9 institutions www.unired.edu.co • Cali – RUAV8 institutions www.ruav.edu.co • Medellín – RUANA8 institutions • Popayán – RUP7 institutions www.rup.unicacuca.edu.co Under study: • Armenia • Pereira • Manizales • Pasto • Santa Marta • Villavicencio • Montería • Tunja 6 Regional Networks, 50 institutions Characteristics: • National connectivity (10Mbps) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RedCLARA and EU-LA cooperation • Main beneficiaries (applications formerly impractical) • Bandwidth greedy applications (HD video) • Intensive distributed computing (grids) • First EU-IST collaboration projects using RedCLARA connectivity • EELA - extension of EGEE to LA • AugerAccess - cosmic ray physics • EXPReS - e-VLBI • RINGrid - remote instrumentation in next-generation grids CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
CLARA and US collaborations • Apart from participating in the WHREN/LILA project, CLARA maintains ongoing contacts with other initiatives in the US: • FIU (AMPATH) has agreed to cede to CLARA the free use for 3 years of three 45 Mbps point-to-point connections on the Global Crossing network, which may be converted into a single 155 Mbps connection • LAUREN (LA Universities R&E Network) has agreed to share with CLARA a new 155 Mbps link between Santiago and São Paulo, which will be operated by CLARA. LAUREN is also discussing other similar possibilities within the region. CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Conclusion • Achievements of RedCLARA: • intra-LA traffic now remains within LA • better service • improved collaboration • facilitates collaboration within LA and between EU and LA • more than 700 universities in LA and 3500 in EU • plus unique sites for scientific research, especially in geo- and astrophysics, climate, oceanography, biodiversity, environmental and human cultures CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
RedCLARA sustainability • RedCLARA deployment has depended heavily on the 80% financing provided by EuropeAid • Half of the participating NRENs (including all the new NRENs) have only connected to RedCLARA since mid-2005 • ALICE Project lifetime currently expected to terminate in March, 2007 (+ a few months) • To maintain the current international connectivity after March, 2007, of interest both to LA and EU, it is essential to seek continued partial funding of RedCLARA from outside the region, until the new NRENs are able to bear a fair share of these costs • This subject has been discussed at the highest political levels in April 2006 (EU-LAC ministerial forum, Lisbon) and May 2006 (EU LAC summit of heads of state and heads of government, Vienna) CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Declaration of Lisbon, April 2006 13. We acknowledge the progress made in the interconnection among the Latin American (redCLARA) and European (GEANT) networks, which provides a solid basis for scientific bi-regional cooperation, contributing to achieve the objectives adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society of Tunis. In this regard, we want to bring to the attention of the Heads of State and Government the importance of maintaining the political and financial support to initiatives that consolidate the ICT based scientific collaboration space, such as redCLARA and its interconnection with GEANT, to guarantee its continued operation and bring an extension to the Caribbean region. We express our support to the strengthening of EU-LAC research & development cooperation, notably in the context of Seventh EU Framework Programme for research, which will cover the period 2007-2013, based on common priorities jointly identified and building on the potential extension of the interconnection between redCLARA and GEANT; CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Declaration of Vienna, May 2006 51. We recognise the role of Information and Communication Technologies to support social cohesion, regional integration and the competitiveness of our economies. We attach great importance to working together towards their further development in our regions, and towards the promotion of universal, equitable and affordable access to ICTs, notably through comprehensive strategies addressing the new challenges and opportunities of technological convergence. We welcome the outcome and the declaration adopted at the IV EU-LAC Ministerial Information Society Forum "An alliance for social cohesion through digital inclusion" held in Lisbon in April 2006. We acknowledge the encouraging achievements of the on-going bi-regional activities in this field and consider that it is important to maintain the political and financial support to initiatives that consolidate the ICT-based scientific collaboration space. CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
The future • On the assumption that a solution will be found for bridging the financial gap in 2007, CLARA will shortly begin planning future evolution of the RedCLARA infra-structure, to meet expected demands for future traffic • This future will probably also include improved cooperation with US-led network projects, as already evidenced in the WHREN/LILA project and recent contacts with LAUREN (Latin American University R&E Network), which is establishing links in Latin America for support of scientific collaboration projects CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06
Thank you very much! www.redclara.net CLARA: past, present, future Itacuruçá, 24.06.06