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SonoBat QuickStart: basic operations. Alternative: Drag and drop a file or directory here. open file. help info. SonoBat works best with individual files of bat pass events. . notes embedded with wav file. compressed view removes pauses between calls.
Alternative: Drag and drop a file or directory here open file
help info SonoBat works best with individual files of bat pass events. notes embedded with wav file
same file displayed in real time view displays entire recording
select file with one click drag to scroll click to jump
pull down to navigate up directory hierarchy previous file highlighted
playback of time expanded files in real time for audible sounds simulates a bat detector for ultrasound to hear actual call cadence play sound moving cursor tracks playback
popup help messages Contextual Help- Cntl-H (Windows); Cmd-Shift-H (Mac)
zoom selection selectable to only zoom time scale (eliminates need to capture freq to maintain scale of view)
Individual calls may be processed into high resolution standard views. This enables viewing calls in standard time scales that facilitate comparison and recognition without further manual zooming and resetting scales.
In compressed view mode, calls may be selected for processing into std views by just selecting any area near the call. buttons for manual std view time selection press to have std view time automatically selected
In real time mode, std view selections and centering may be selected manually. Initial coarse zoom initiate std view final centering zoom, then invoke std view
Std view selections may be saved to the reference library with attached notes.
Any std view saved as a reference view may be used for subsequent comparison to sequences and std views. Reference views may be assembled into compilations. appended reference view
appended compiled reference view of different calls to show a species repertoire at a glance ruler enabled to show a frequency line for comparison
filter applied New with version 2.9, SonoBat can automatically select a filter, or accept a manual selection
Careful: leaving manual filters enabled can miss low freq signals
Quantitative analysis of calls in std view mode with automated call trending. More than fifty quantitative parameters written to a spreadsheet.
Intelligent call trending algorithm can recognize the end of calls buried in echo and noise.
SonoBat can also successfully establish trends through noise and from low power signals.
Files may be edited in real time mode to crop noise or other undesirable sections.
Filenames may be edited from within SonoBat. File notes and attributes may be edited.
default panel size The SonoBat panel may be stretched to fit any screen size. stretched panel size
The SonoBat preferences panel enables customization and automation of many default settings.