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The role of the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Prof. Caterina Petrillo Italian Delegate to FP7 Capacities - Infrastructures Director of the Physics Department - University of Perugia. Mission of ESFRI The Roadmap mandate 2020 Vision.
The role of the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Prof. Caterina Petrillo Italian Delegate to FP7 Capacities - Infrastructures Directorof the PhysicsDepartment - Universityof Perugia • Mission of ESFRI • The Roadmap mandate • 2020 Vision Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
WhyResearchInfrastructures? • ResearchInfrastructures in the ERA • catalyze the knowledgecreationprocess • facilitate the networkingofresearchers • stimulateknowledgeflows • enhance the prospectsfor downstream impacts • haveimportantacceleratoreffects on • localeconomies Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Characteristics of a PanEU Research Infrastructure • Offers cutting-edge, essential service to research, on a non-economic basis, within an ERA outlook • Awards free open access through international peer-review competition at world level • Results published/shared in the public domain • Proprietary and/or training access is marginal • Clear pan-European added value: e.g. at least 30% of selected users coming from non-host countries Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
ResearchInfrastructuresToday • Today the economic contingency and the globalization of the challenges may jeopardize the efforts for a new European renaissance. • A concentrated effort on common, internationally shared research infrastructures that will keep producing new knowledge, could be a cheaper solution than the fully distributed effort. • We should therefore elaborate the concept that investing in large RI is the best strategy in time of crisis. Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
ResearchInfrastructures Tomorrow EUROPE 2020 Vision InnovationUnioncommitments 5.By 2015, Member States together with the Commission should have completed or launched the construction of 60% of the priority European research infrastructures currently identified by the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). The potential for innovation of these (and ICT and other) infrastructures should be increased. The Member States are invited to review their Operational Programmesto facilitate the use of cohesion policy money for this purpose. Research Infrastructures contribute to implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and “Innovation Union” Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Whatis ESFRI? • ESFRI is a strategic instrument created in 2002 by the Member States and the European Commission to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach. • ESFRI gives national authorities the opportunity to explore common and integrated activities for the best development and use of Research Infrastructures of pan-European relevance. • In this way, ESFRI contributes to the implementation of a critical, strategic part of the Lisbon agenda by integrating national policies and bringing together national and EU resources to develop the European Research Area. • The ESFRI delegates are nominated by the Research Ministers of the Member States and Associated Countries, and include a representative of the Commission. Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia
Mission of ESFRI • To support a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on new and existing pan-European and global RIs • To facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to the better use and development of Research Infrastructures, at EU and international level
The Roadmap Mandate • The Competitiveness Council of the EU mandated ESFRI on November 2004 to develop a strategic roadmap in the field of RI for Europe • The ESFRI roadmap identifies new pan-European Research Infrastructures (RIs) or major up-grades to existing ones, corresponding to the needs of European research communities in the next 10 to 20 years, regardless of possible location
Roadmap ESFRI 2010 and thematic Reports
ESFRI Success Stories • From more than 260 proposals, 50 projects have been identified through several review stages between 2006 and 2010 • Projects meets the “grand challenges” • Update in 2010 in the areas Energy and Biological and Medical Sciences (3+3 new projects) • The Roadmap 2010 contains 48 projects in total; 2 have been removed • 10 of the projects are in theimplementation phase and further 16 are proceeding towardsthe implementation phase until end of 2012
Support through the FP7 Preparatory Phase action call • 34 projects on the 2006 ESFRI Roadmap (Call 1 – 2007) • 10 projects on the 2008 ESFRI Roadmap (Call 6 – 2009) • 6 projects on the 2010 ESFRI Roadmap (Call 10 – 2011)
State of Progress of PP projects Publication of call Call deadline Start of support
ESFRI Projects –SSH • in the implementation phase CESSDA is a distributed Research Infrastructure providing and facilitating access to high quality data and supports their use. It includes 20 social science data archives in 20 European countries. Collectively they serve over 30.000 researchers, providing access to more than 50.000 data collections per annum. Construction costs: 30 M€ Operation costs: 3 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Steering committee established, will go forERICapplication soon.
ESFRI Projects –SSH • in the implementation phase European Social Surveyis adistributed Research Infrastructure -Upgrade of the European Social Survey, set up in 2001 to monitor long-term changes in social values. It produces data relevant to academic debate, policy analysis, better governance. Construction costs: 2 M€ Operation costs: 2 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Steering committee established, will apply for ERIC status soon.
ESFRI Projects – SSH • in the implementation phase SHARE-ERIC isa data Infrastructure for the socio-economic analysis of ongoing changes due to an ageing population. The panel database contains data of about 45.000 Europeans aged 50 or over. The data are harmonised with the U.S. Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Construction costs: 23 M€ Operation costs: 1.4 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable 5 countries have already signed the ERIC Statutes; 8 more have signed the MoU and 6 of these have already announced to step into the ERIC-agreement soon; SHARE-ERIChas its seat at first in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
ESFRI Projects –EPS • in the implementation phase ESRF is the Upgrade of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, located in Grenoble, France. Supported and shared by 17 European countries and Israel. It operates the most powerful high energy synchrotron light source in Europe; and covers a wide range of disciplines. Industrial applications are pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, petrochemicals and microelectronics. Construction costs: 241.3 M€ Operation costs: 93.5 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Capital costs241.3 M€(in 2010 prices), of which 67 M€ from the regular budget, recurrent costs 16.4 M€, personnel costs 18.5 M€.
ESFRI Projects –EPS • in the implementation phase European XFEL, the Hard X-Ray Free Electron Laser, under construction in Hamburg, Germany, will be a world leading facility for the production of intense, short pulses of X rays for scientific research in a wide range of disciplines. Construction costs: 1.082 M€ (incl. commissioning) Operation costs: 77 M€/year Decommissioning: 80 M€ Limited Liability Companyunder German law with international partners founded in 2009; Council, Scientific Advisory Committee and Administrative and Finance Committee are working.
ESFRI Projects – EPS in the implementation phase ILL 20/20 Upgrade of the European Neutron Spectroscopy Facility, the reactor-based laboratory at the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France is recognised as the world’s most productive and reliable source of slow neutrons for the study of condensed matter. Construction costs: 171 M€ Operation costs: 5 M€/year Decommissioning: 161 M€ Construction costs include15 M€ of regional and local governmentfunding towards additional infrastructural aspects for the proposed joint site together with ESRF; Upgrade is ongoing.
ESFRI Projects –EPS • in the implementation phase FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research will provide high energy primary and secondary beams of ions of highest intensity and quality, Including an "antimatter beam" of antiprotons allowing forefront research in five different disciplines of physics. Construction costs: 1.027 M€ (2005) Operation costs: 118 M€/year (2005) Decommissioning: to be estimated Limited Liability Companyunder German law with international partners founded in 2010; Council, Administrative and Finance Committee and Scientific Committee are working; civil construction will start at the end of 2011.
ESFRI Projects – EPS in the implementation phase SPIRAL2is a newfacility for the production and study of rare isotope radioactive beams with intensities not yet available with present machines, to be built at GANIL laboratory in Caen, France. SPIRAL2 will reinforce the European leadershipin the field of nuclear physics based on exotic nuclei. Construction costs: 196 M€ Operation costs: 10-12 M€/year Decommissioning: to be estimated The construction phase is being coordinated within a consortium between CNRS, CEAand theregion of Basse-Normandieand in collaboration with French, European and international institutions.
ESFRI Projects –E-Infrastructures in the implementation phase PRACE - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe is a European strategic approach to high-performance computing. A limited number of world-class top-tier centres are forming a scientific computing network as distributed RI at European level connected to national, regional and local centres. Different machine architectures will fulfil the requirements of different scientific domains and applications. Construction and operation costs: 100 M€ within the next 5 years + fees Decommissioning: not applicable Companyunder Belgian law founded.
ESFRI Projects –Energy in the implementation phase JHR - Jules Horowitz Reactor – is a high flux reactor for fission reactors material testing. It will be built on the CEA research centre at Cadarache, France, optimising efficiency and demonstrate safe operations of existing power reactors as well as support future reactor design. Construction costs: 750 M€ Operation costs: 35 M€/year Decommissioning: ~80 M€ Construction costs come from consortium agreement (~500 M€) plus support from French "emprunt national" (~250 M€).
new!ESFRI Projects –BMS • on the roadmap 2010 ANAEE- Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems will be a distributed RI which aims at developing a coordinated set of experimental platforms to analyse, detect, and forecast the responses of ecosystems to environmental and land use changes. Estimated Costs Construction costs: 210 M€ Operation costs: 12 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Coordination:FRANCE Preparation phase: 2011-2014 Construction phase: 2012-2017 Operation phase: 2015-2035
new! ESFRI Projects –BMS • on the roadmap 2010 ISBE-Infrastructure for Systems Biology-Europe - will be a distributed RI which interconnects hubs of technological excellence in Systems Biology, offering experimental and modelling facilities, establish and make available repositories of data and models and enable real-time connections within and between components and with external ‘user’ laboratories. Estimated Costs Preparation: 6 M€ Construction costs: 300 M€ Operation costs: 100 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Coordination:UNITED KINGDOM Preparation phase: 2012-2014 Construction phase: 2014-2017 Operation phase: 2017 onwards
new!ESFRI Projects –BMS • on the roadmap 2010 MIRRI- Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure will be a distributed RI that will provide microbiological services facilitating access to high quality microorganisms, their derivatives and associated data for research, development and application. It includes over 70 microbial domain resource centres in 26 European countries. Estimated Costs Construction costs: 190 M€ Operation costs: 10.5 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Coordination:FRANCE Preparation phase: 2012-2014 Construction phase: 2014-2017 Operation phase: 2014 onwards
new!ESFRI Projects –Energy • on the roadmap 2010 EU-SOLARIS -European Solar Research Infrastructurefor Concentrating Solar Power, a distributed RI, will be a networking approach from outstanding solar research centres in 5 European countries to support the scientific and technological development of Concentrating Solar Power.It includes the upgrading of existing infrastructures along with new installations. Estimated Costs Preparation: 3.5 M€ Construction costs: 80 M€ Operation costs: 3 M€/year Decommissioning: 5 M€ Coordination:SPAIN The upgrading and new installations are expected to be completed by 2015.
new!ESFRI Projects –Energy • on the roadmap 2010 MYRRHA- Multipurpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-Tech Applications will be a European Fast Spectrum Irradiation Facility. The hybrid system will consist of the combination of a high energy proton linear accelerator and a lead-alloy cooled fast spectrum irradiation facility. It can be operated in both sub-critical (accelerator driven system mode) and critical mode. Estimated Costs Construction costs: 960 M€ Operation costs: 46.4 M€/year Decommissioning: 105 M€ Coordination:BELGIUM Preparation phase: 2009-2013 Construction phase: 2014-2019 Operation phase: 2020-2050
new!ESFRI Projects –Energy • on the roadmap 2010 WINDSCANNER- will be a unique, distributed RI providing fundamentally new knowledge about the wind, which will lead to more efficient, stronger and lighter wind turbines. Exploiting recent advances in laser wind measurement techniques, mobile 3-D remote sensing wind scanners will be deployed by seven large energy research institutes. Estimated Costs Preparation: 8 M€ Construction costs: 45-60 M€ Operation costs: 4 M€/year Decommissioning: 0.1 M€ Coordination:DENMARK Preparation phase: 2010-2012 Construction phase: 2012-2015 Operation phase: 2013-onwards
Challenges for World-Class Research Infrastructures • Implementationof ESFRI projects • Ensuring long-term, sustainable funding for bothconstruction and operation • Explore new forms of governance • Involving global partners • Storage and management of and access to data • Training the next generation of RI managers • Making the socio-economic case Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia