Itcan be red or white, dry or sweet, or even desktop, and fruit as well. Hungary - In addition to the excellence of many of the famous wines as well. Hungarianwinemakershave an excellent sense of taste and smell sothatthey make thebestwines in the world. However that pet sipping a beneficial impact on the health, of course keeping in moderation.
However, beforeyoucouldtastethisdrink, it has to go through a very tricky process. This process start with the harvest itselfwhich is the best part of autumn.
Fromtheharvesttothewinery First of all, the grapes are taken into winery and prepared for primary ferment. After that yeast is added to convert sugars into alcohol (which everybody loves). The next step is letting the acid the wine decrease and soften the taste of this. Then wine is transferred to barrels and matures for period of months.
Ingredients The ingredients of wineare alcohol, sugar in the stum, acids, the tannin, the glycerin and water. These are the inevitable ingredients, that affect the taste and the color as well.
Positiveeffects • Reducecholesterollevel • Anti-oxidanteffectreducethearteriosclerosis • Bettermetabolism • Well-being Ifyoudrinkhighqualitywine.
1Sopron(Soproni wineregion) 2 Nagy-Somló(Nagy-Somlói wineregion) 3 Zala(Zalai wineregion) 4 Balaton-felvidék(Balaton-felvidéki wineregion) 5 Badacsony (Badacsonyi wineregion) 6 Balatonfüred-Csopak (Balatonfüred- Csopaki wineregion) 7 Balatonboglár (Balatonboglári wineregion) 8 Pannonhalma (Pannonhalmi wineregion) 9 Mór (Móri wineregion)10 Etyek-Buda (Etyek-Budai wineregion)11 Neszmély (Neszmélyi wineregion)12 Tolna (Tolnai wineregion)13 Szekszárd (Szekszárdi wineregion)14 Pécs (Pécsi wineregion)15 Villány (Villányi wineregion)16 Hajós-Baja (Hajós-Bajai wineregion)17 Kunság (Kunsági wineregion)18 Csongrád (Csongrádi wineregion)19 Mátra (Mátrai wineregion)20 Eger (Egri wineregion)21 Bükk (Bükki wineregion)22 Tokaj (Tokaji wineregion)
Harvesthome The harvest and hardwork is thenfollowedby a danceevening. The harvesters march out, in aharvest wreath on their shoulders.This wreath isa metal or wooden frame is hung withbunches , which is decorated with wheat, tapes, or wine bottle. Afterallpeoplecan go tothedanceevenings.