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Workshop on Programme of Activities under CDM, Bonn, 7-8 May 2011

DOEs persepctive: Validation of a PoA and CPA Inclusion and best practices for establishing the criteria for CPA inclusion. Workshop on Programme of Activities under CDM, Bonn, 7-8 May 2011. Outline. Par 166 VVM 1.02

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Workshop on Programme of Activities under CDM, Bonn, 7-8 May 2011

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  1. DOEs persepctive: Validation of a PoA and CPA Inclusion and best practices for establishing the criteria for CPA inclusion Workshop on Programme of Activities under CDM, Bonn, 7-8 May 2011

  2. Outline • Par 166 VVM 1.02 The Managing Entity is prime responsible (first port of control) for the inclusion or exclusion of a CPA • Para 167 VVM 1.02 All CPA to have demonstrated compliance with POA-DD criteria on additionality and methodological application or any other additional eligibility criteria set out in POA-DD

  3. What are DOEs looking for ? • DOEs will check: • Overall Capability of the Management Entity • Human resources • Quality Contol System • Legal structure and arrangements • Expected number of CPA’s • Eligibility criteria set out in POA-DD are being clearly defined and capable of • testing and demonstrating additionality of CPA • testing and demonstrating applicablity of methodology • excluding potential CPAs that do not meet the additionality and methodological requirements • Procedures and evidence on how Management Entity assess eligibility criteria of included CPAs • Application process of CPA • Contractual arrangement between Management Entity and CPA • Monitoring Procedures to test continious compliance methodological requirements on CPA • Corrective Action Procedures

  4. Project A1 Monitoring of CPAs Project A2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA POA-DD CPA 1(A1) CPA1 () Project A3 CPA 2 (A2) CPA 2 () Project A4 CPA 3 (A3) CPA 3 () Project B1 CPA 4 (A4) Comply? Yes/No Project B2 Project B2 CPA 4 () CPA 5 (B1) Project B3 CPA 6 (B3) Project B4 CPA 7 (B4) What should the eligibility criteria be able to do? Management / Coordinating Entity PoA CPAs Project A4 CPA 4 (A4) Project B3 CPA 6 (B3) A DOE WILL BE ABLE TO GIVE A POSTIVE VALIDATION IF MANAGEMENT ENTITY CAN DEMONSTRATE THIS PROCESS

  5. THANK YOU !

  6. Safeguarding life, property and the environment www.dnv.com

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