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WISE GIS workshop 7-8 May 2012, Copenhagen. Hans.dufourmont@eea.europa.eu tobias.langanke@eea.europa.eu. GMES: GIO land developments. Introduction GIO land as part of GMES GIO land: status and developments (overview) GIO land: more details on products of interest in WISE context
WISE GIS workshop7-8 May 2012, Copenhagen Hans.dufourmont@eea.europa.eutobias.langanke@eea.europa.eu
GMES: GIO land developments • Introduction GIO land as part of GMES • GIO land: status and developments (overview) • GIO land: more details on products of interest in WISE context • Time for questions and discussion
GMES context Which Information Services ? Atmosphere GIO-land GMES Initial Operations - land Land Marine Security Climate Change Emergency Response
Local component – Urban Atlas EU component - CLC Global component – ECV*s GIO land components • Local EEAzooming on ‘hot spot’ (e.g. urban atlas, protected areas, coastal areas, riparian zones) • Continental EEApan-European products (Corine 2012, 5 HRLs soil sealing, forest, agriculture, wetland, water) • Global JRCbio-physical parameters (Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), food security (Africa) etc.)
Products & Services High Resolution Layers Corine Land Cover & change
GMES land monitoring service Pan-European Continental Component • Post-processing space data + automatic extraction of intermediate products (incl. mosaic of ortho-rectified HR images + other intermediate products e.g. biophysical variables) • Production of 5 High Resolution Layers (HRL) • Artificial surfaces (imperviousness) • Forest areas (tree cover density + forest-type) • Agricultural areas (permanent grassland) • Wetlands (wetness for designated areas of international importance) • Water bodies (small inland and coastal surface waters)
Sealed Area / Imperviousness GMES land monitoring service Pan-European Continental Component Grassland Indicator Tree Crown Cover Density / Forest Types Degree of Imperviousness (%) Wetlands Vegetation Intensity Indicator Tree Crown Cover Density (in %) Wetlands Water Small Water Bodies
Forest area characteristics:crown cover density + forest type Forest (!!) crown cover GIO land: Tree cover density IRS 2008 Forest type Source: Geoland2
Agricultural area characteristics: permanent grasslands Grassy surface indicator Source: Geoland2
“Wetland Inventory” • Maps wetland – non-wetland seasonal variation in “degree of wetness classes” for 2012 • Includes: wetlands both associated and not associated to permanent water bodies; wetlands with vegetation (macrophyte) cover or without vegetation; peatlands (with surface water); coastal wetlands (salt marshes, salines, intertidal flats) • Excludes: · temporary inundations by flood; temporary water-logging because of snow melt or heavy rains; permanent water surfaces (rivers, lakes, lagoons, estuaries); fishponds;· rice fields
Wetland characteristics Products (not final) • Wetland product in 20m and 100m resolution (0-land without wetland, 10-100- degree of wetness, 0- no data • (Wetland vegetation layer in 20m &100m: 22-macrophyte vegetation, 0- without wetland vegetation, 0-no data)
Water bodies • Maps permanent water bodies (based on reference years 2006-2009-2012) • Includes: · Permanent lakes, ponds (artificial and man-made) including fish ponds; Rivers, channels permanently with water ; coastal water surfaces: lagoons, estuaries • Excludes: sea and ocean and liquid dump sites
Water bodies characteristics Permanent water Permanent and temporary water Water classification according to different water levels Source: Geoland2: Image: Eye on Earth
Other relevant datasets through GMES preparatory action on Reference Data Access (RDA) • EU DEM: Coverage EEA 38; data from SRTM&ASTER; 1arc-second resolution, +/- 7m RMSE vertical accuracy; unrestricted access. • Availability: now (May 2012) Distribution through EC (GISCO) and EEA (Eionet) • EU Hydro: 1:100.000 scale, support for WISE applications, relation with national datasets through identifiers is foreseen to start from 2013 onwards. EU Hydro will be fully consistent with EU DEM • Availability: end 2012 Dissemination according to GMES data & information policy (full, open and free)
Local component Riparian zones Urban Atlas
GIO land local component: riparian zones • Riparian zones with a focus on biodiversity, based on VHR images collected between 2011-2013 in combination with other available datasets on EEA39 • Main objective: to provide more detailed and tailored Land Cover information complementary to the Pan-European component on specific areas of interest • Status: Scenarios are currently being produced by the ETC BD and discussed with EEA, no details on thematic and spatial resolution, classes etc. available yet • EEA with support of ETC BD will propose the technical specifications of the service • Timeline: Presentation of final proposal at GMES Committee June 2012; Invitation to tender Sept. 2012; contracts signed December 2012; datasets available mid-2014
Why riparian areas? • have a key ecological role as transitional areas between land and freshwater ecosystems; • are fragile and subject to frequent natural disturbances (floods, fires, droughts) and anthropogenic pressures (water abstraction, agriculture, development, climate change,..); • Provide important ecosystem services (flood protection, improve water quality, filter effect, reduce erosion,..) and connectivity of landscapes; • Include many Natura 2000 areas; • are found in all 27 MS; • represent 2% of European land area, but • include a large number of different habitats… (extracted from draft GMES Work Programme 2013) Source: JRC report: Riparian zones: where green and blue networks meet
Local Component:Urban Atlas 2006 available, update 2012 planned
Time table • Streamlining: March 2012 – May 2012 • Processing: March 2012- December 2013 • Verification and enhancement: mid 2012 to mid 2014 • HRLs becoming available from late 2012 to mid 2014
N Y Countries ? Procurement Image post processing MemberStates EEA Image geometry validation Procurement 2011-12: 1/3 2012-13: 2/3 5 intermediate thematic layers Verification & error reporting technical coordination, QA/QC, contracting, grants, administration Verification & error reporting N Y Countries ? Thematic layer enhancement Thematic layer enhancement Integration Dissemination Independent statistical validation
HRL production Distribution in lots
Participating countries (HRLs)according to letters of intent