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Seine-Scheldt project

Seine-Scheldt project. Flemish view. Decision 93/630/CEE. Realisation missing links and elimination bottlenecks CEMT class of 1992 for international connections minimum class IV (1350 tons) for modernisation: minimum class Va (2000 tons) for new construction: class Vb (3000 to 6000 tons).

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Seine-Scheldt project

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  1. Seine-Scheldt project Flemish view

  2. Decision 93/630/CEE • Realisation missing links and elimination bottlenecks • CEMT class of 1992 for international connections • minimum class IV (1350 tons) • for modernisation: minimum class Va (2000 tons) • for new construction: class Vb (3000 to 6000 tons)

  3. Decision 884/2004/EC • priority sections: • navigability improvements Deûlémont - Ghent • new canal Compiègne - Cambrai

  4. Improvements: 54 km river Lys + 26 km canals

  5. Dimensions existing locks

  6. Construction of new locks • Reason: • Dimensions class Vb • Length: 210 m (230 m) • Width: 12,5 m (25 m) • Depth: 4,7 m (5 m) • Comfort capacity existing locks (“operation regime B”, 24 hours a weekday) • Harelbeke: 5,2 M tons/year • Sint-Baafs-Vijve: 10 M tons/year • (Evergem: 7,7 to 12,3 M tons/year, depending on measures of equal arrival)

  7. Lock Evergem: under construction

  8. Hoogte 1B Hoogte 2B 3 layerscontainers Free heightGhent-Terneuzen Canal to Roeselare-Lys Canal 10,00 9,50 9,00 8,50 8,00 7,50 7,00 6,50 6,00 5,50 5,00 4,50 4,00 Zultebrug Vaartbrug Brug in R4 Olsenebrug Krommebrug Nevelebrug Durmenbrug Bierstalbrug Machelenbrug Brug in E 40 Landegembrug Merendreebrug Schipdonkbrug Lovendegembrug Sluis te Evergem Waalbrug (W 17) Heinakkerbrug (S6) Spoorwegbrug (S7) Eversteinbrug (W18) Sluis te St. Baafs-Vijve Nieuwe Kalebrug (W16) Spoorbrug te Landegem Brug van St. Eloois-Vijve Voetgangersbrug te Nevele Spoorwegbrug te Machelen Brug te St. Eloois-Vijve N772

  9. Hoogte 1B Hoogte 2B 3 layers containers Free heightRoeselare - Lys Canal to Deûlémont 10,00 9,50 9,00 8,50 8,00 7,50 7,00 6,50 6,00 5,50 5,00 4,50 4,00 Pont d'Halluin Brug te Comines Brug van Menen Brug te Warneton Sluis te Harelbeke Brug te Kortrijk in R8 Brug te Menen in N 32 Brug te Harelbeke N36 Hogebrug te Harelbeke Brug te Bissegem in R8 Spoorwegbrug 3 Duikers Brug te Bissegem-Marke Kuurnebrug te Harelbeke Brug van Wervik in RW 304 Brug van Wevelgem-Lauwe Viadukt te Wevelgem in A 17 Balokkenbrug te Wervik Brug van Ooigem-Desselgem

  10. Improvements of the Lys river Leie • Profile • deepening with 1 m • 7 mooring places for one way traffic

  11. Lys and Diversion Canal of the Lys • Two way traffic • class Va or Vb (3,5 m) – class IV (3,0 m) • class Va (≤3,0 m) – class Va (≤3,0 m) • One way traffic • class Va (>3,0 m) – class Va (>3,0 m) • class Vb – class Vb

  12. Improvements of the Northern Section of the Circular Canal around Ghent • Industrial area • rectangular profile • quay walls at both banks Ring Canal

  13. Ghent – Ostend Canal and Northern Section of the Circular Canal Ghent • Two way traffic • class V (3,5 m) – class V (3,5 m) • mooring places on both sides (only on the Circular Canal of Ghent)

  14. Planning • Spring 2009 • Finish lock Evergem • Start rest of the works • First Circular Canal of Ghent • Project completed in 2016

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