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AP World Jeopardy

AP World Jeopardy . Nick Cage. Nickelback. Nick Lachey. Nikita Kruschev. Nick Harriger. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Doom for 1. Aside from the brutal conditions on Saint Domingue , the island erupted in revolt because a.

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AP World Jeopardy

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  1. AP World Jeopardy

  2. Nick Cage Nickelback Nick Lachey Nikita Kruschev Nick Harriger 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

  3. Doom for 1 Aside from the brutal conditions on Saint Domingue, the island erupted in revolt because a. of the intervention of the English navy. b. of the turmoil in revolutionary France. c. all trade and exports were cut off. d. the planter elites started their own government. e. of the mystical visions of its leader. Check Your Answer

  4. Doom for 1 b. of the turmoil in revolutionary France. Back to the Game Board

  5. Doom for 2 One profound effect that industrialization had on the world was that a. Europe and North America were empowered at the expense of the rest of the world. b. the raw material of Africa made it the center of industrialization. c. the availability of cheap labor in Asia caused its markets to expand rapidly. d. Europe went into a slow decline due to worldwide competition. e. workers' wages and quality of living rose quickly. Check Your Answer

  6. Doom for 2 a. Europe and North America were empowered at the expense of the rest of the world. . Back to the Game Board

  7. Doom for 3 The independence of Argentina was accomplished by: a. confederated armies of peasants and loyalists. b. mobilized English soldiers from the Napoleonic wars c. militarized merchants and ranchers. d. creoles from Uruguay e. gauchos and caudillos Check Your Answer

  8. c. militarized merchants and ranchers. Doom for 3 Back to the Game Board

  9. Doom for 4 An argument to end slavery was that it was a. cheaper to turn African-Americans into dependent sharecroppers. b. immoral and violated universal human rights. c. leading to the overpopulation of African Americans. d. slowing down technological development. e. all of these. Check Your Answer

  10. Doom for 4 immoral and violated universal human rights. Back to the Game Board

  11. Doom for 5 When confronted with the choice of economic growth or environmental protection, a. Western Hemisphere nations tried to adopt a balanced policy. b. some nations chose growth over protection. c. all nations chose environmental protection. d. all nations chose economic growth. e. nations did not make a conscious choice between the two. . Check Your Answer

  12. Doom for 5 d. all nations chose economic growth. Back to the Game Board

  13. RRA for 1 In rural areas manufacture was carried out through cottage industries, where a. a factory owner "put out" his workers to work in other factories. b. merchants delivered raw materials to craftspeople and picked up the finished product. c. merchants and factory owners collaborated to "cottage" a lower wage. d. silk and cotton textiles were manufactured together. e. workers led an idyllic working life. Check Your Answer

  14. RRA for 1 b. merchants delivered raw materials to craftspeople and picked up the finished product. Back to the Game Board

  15. RRA for 2 The main force opposing westernization in Russia was a. Slavophiles b. Decembrists c. student clubs d. Orthodox church advocates e. the nobility Check Your Answer

  16. RRA for 2 a. Slavophiles Back to the Game Board

  17. RRA for 3 The first British settlers in Australia were a. soldiers who had been mustered out. b. exiled convicts. c. homesteaders who received grants of land. d. recruited from settlements in India. e. indentured servants. Check Your Answer

  18. RRA for 3 b. exiled convicts. Back to the Game Board

  19. RRA for 4 Workers around the world primarily sought change a. by participating in the political system through voting. b. by overthrowing political institutions. c. by changing jobs. d. through radical socialist ideology. e. by striking. Check Your Answer

  20. RRA for 4 a. by participating in the political system through voting. Back to the Game Board

  21. RRA for 5 The Meiji rulers sought to strengthen Japan by a. attacking the United States naval bases in Korea. b. embracing foreign ideas, institutions, and techniques. c. defeating Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. d. rejecting all foreign ideas and restoring traditional Japanese customs. e. increasing family values. Check Your Answer

  22. RRA for 5 b. embracing foreign ideas, institutions, and techniques. Back to the Game Board

  23. H&H for 1 The better the European weapons became, the more the ____ widened. a. "gun breech" b. "Maxim gap" c. "firepower gap" d. "colonial gap" e. "race gap" Check Your Answer

  24. H&H for 1 c. "firepower gap" Back to the Game Board

  25. H&H for 2 What made Belgian colonialism so different than that of the rest of Europe? a. King Leopold wanted to open trade with Africa for cocoa to build a monopoly on chocolate, not industrial materials. b. King Leopold annexed the Congo as his personal colony, not for the Belgian state. c. Leopold was more interested in scientific exploration than in economic colonialism. d. Leopold established a constitutional federation in the Congo River Valley. e. Leopold was the first European monarch to travel by gunboat up an African river. Check Your Answer

  26. H&H for 2 b. King Leopold annexed the Congo as his personal colony, not for the Belgian state. . Back to the Game Board

  27. H&H for 3 The Mamluks were a. Descendents of Mongols enslaved in the Ottoman Empire. b. the ruling family of Arabia. c. slave-soldiers of Egypt. d. a religious faction in Turkey e. pro-western reformers in the Balkans. Check Your Answer

  28. H&H for 3 c. slave-soldiers of Egypt. Back to the Game Board

  29. H&H for 4 Examples of Ottoman westernization are seen in all of the following examples except: a. styles of military uniform b. formation of a civil service brigade. c. secularization of the legal codes d. allowing women in universities. e. expansion of civil courts with equal access for all men. Check Your Answer

  30. H&H for 4 d. allowing women in universities. Back to the Game Board

  31. H&H for 5 The founder of the Taiping (Great Peace) Movement, Hong Xiquan, a. was assassinated by members of the armed forces. b. was inspired by Christianity. c. led a revolution that transformed Asia forever. d. overthrew the Qing dynasty and became the first peasant emperor. e. advocated nonviolence. Check Your Answer

  32. H&H for 5 b. was inspired by Christianity. Back to the Game Board

  33. Dutch Wildcard for 1 The concept of Social Darwinism argued that a. social and radical differences resulted from natural processes. b. Racism was justified c. Capitalism was the only sound economic model. d. Imperialism was justified by Divine Right. e. "Might makes right." Check Your Answer

  34. Dutch Wildcard for 1 a. social and radical differences resulted from natural processes. Back to the Game Board

  35. Dutch Wildcard for 2 The most harmful aspect of the Western sense of cultural superiority was a. the racist ideas that deemed non-Europeans inferior. b. the use of biological warfare against the colonies. c. the creation of a society of poverty and desperation in Asia. d. the tendency to marginalize non-Western ideas. e. all of these. Check Your Answer

  36. Dutch Oven for 2 a. the racist ideas that deemed non-Europeans inferior. Back to the Game Board

  37. Double Dutch for 3 Why was imperialism so popular with the western general public? a. It served as an expression of nationalism at the time. b. People coveted adventure and new frontiers. c. A driving desire to spread Christianity in the era of the Second Great Reawakening. d. Social Darwinism e. To expand on European hegemony. CheckYourAnswer

  38. Dutch for 3 a. It served as an expression of nationalism at the time Back to the Game Board

  39. Dutch for 4 The system of administering and exploiting the colonies for the benefit of the home country is a. "benevolent neglect." b. "splendid isolation." c. "reluctant imperialism." d. "colonialism." e. "mercantilism." Check Your Answer

  40. Dutch for 4 d. "colonialism." Back to the Game Board

  41. Dutch for 5 A tactic taken by colonial administrations to gain cooperation of indigenous people was to a. hire local youths for "modern jobs" within the new colonial government, ensuring loyalty. b. start a tribal war and then intervene to obtain local cooperation. c. start a pyramid scheme of profit distribution with local elites if they would induce cooperation with locals. d. build hospitals and schools and hope for goodwill. e. set a contract for the length of time before indigenous populations could achieve full self-government. Check Your Answer

  42. Dutch for 5 a. hire local youths for "modern jobs" within the new colonial government, ensuring loyalty. Back to the Game Board

  43. Qing for 1 Egyptian modernization brought an accumulation of foreign debt, which caused a. the government to sell its shares in the Suez Canal to the British. b. the Ottoman Empire to depose Ismail. c. Egypt to borrow money from Europeans at high interest rates. d. none of these. e. A, B, and C. Check Your Answer

  44. Qing 1 e. A, B, and C. Back to the Game Board

  45. Qing for 2 The British wanted to expand to southern Africa because of a. the marauding Zulu armies. b. attacks by the Afrikaners. c. the need for the rich northern farmlands. d. discoveries of gold and diamonds. e. they wanted to beat the Germans there. Check Your Answer

  46. Qing for 2 d. discoveries of gold and diamonds. Back to the Game Board

  47. Qing for 3 Afrikaners were a. "colored colonials." b. descendants of Dutch settlers. c. Germans opposing the British. d. allied with Shaka Zulu. e. immigrants from Madagascar. Check Your Answer

  48. Qing for 3 b. descendants of Dutch settlers. Back to the Game Board

  49. Qing for 4 South Africa's 1913 Natives Land Act was intended to a. forbid Africans from owning land. b. keep Africans on reservations. c. keep Afrikaners from starting a new war. d. stop British financiers from becoming too powerful. e. Both A and B Check Your Answer

  50. Qing for 4 e. Both A and B Back to the Game Board

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