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Merit Award Program S. 1012.225, F.S. Kathy Hebda Bureau of Educator Recruitment, Development and Retention Florida Department of Education. Overview. Summary of 1012.225, F.S. (SB 1226) Possible considerations related to the areas for rule development:
Merit Award ProgramS. 1012.225, F.S. Kathy Hebda Bureau of Educator Recruitment, Development and Retention Florida Department of Education
Overview • Summary of 1012.225, F.S. (SB 1226) • Possible considerations related to the areas for rule development: • Calculation of the average teacher salary per district • Plan Review Procedures, and • Reporting formats
Summary of Merit Award Program (SB 1226) • Districts seeking state funding for performance-based supplements must adopt a Merit Award Program (MAP) plan • Awards must be 5%-10% of the average teacher salary for that district • Applies to all instructional personnel, except paraprofessionals and substitute teachers, and to school-based administrators • Awards may be distributed to individuals or instructional teams
Summary of Merit Award Program (SB 1226) • At least 60% of the individual’s evaluation must be based on their students’ performance as measured by • Statewide standardized tests where applicable • National, state, or district-developed assessments (end-of-course tests) that measure the Sunshine State Standards for all other courses • Districts must balance measurement of proficiency and gains in learning for equity
Summary of Merit Award Program (SB 1226) • Up to 40% of a teacher’s evaluation is the professional practices component, evaluated by principal (or district supervisor for school-based administrators) • Maintaining appropriate discipline • Subject matter, instructional planning and delivery, use of technology • Use of diagnostic and assessment data to design and differentiate instruction • Collaborating with students and families • Educator Accomplished Practices • For principals, also: resource management for instruction, teacher recruitment and retention
Summary of Merit Award Program (SB 1226) • By 2007-08 school year, MAP districts must be able to administer end-of-course exams to participate • District-adopted, negotiated plans are due to Commissioner each October 1 • Commissioner reports to Leadership each year on district compliance with next year’s plan and last year’s implementation • DOE provides technical assistance upon request and posts best practices • State Board of Education will adopt rules on how to calculate the district average teachers’ salary, reporting formats and plan review procedures
Considerations for Calculation of the Average Teacher Salary • Who is considered in the definition of a “teacher” for this purpose? • Based on which survey data? • Should we use the current method of calculating the average teacher salary for publication purposes? • What are the other purposes for calculation of the “average teacher salary?” • Others?
Considerations for Review of Plan Procedures • What must be evident in plan documentation to demonstrate compliance with the statute, s. 1012.225, F.S.? • Assessment requirements outlined in section (3)(a)-(d) and SB 1226 section 6 • Professional practices assessment outlined in section (3)(e) • Plan construction requirements outlined in sections (1) and (2) • Negotiation and adoption requirements outlined in section (1) • Timelines outlined in sections (5) and (6) • Others?
Considerations for Reporting Formats • What must be reported to demonstrate that the previous year’s plan was implemented in compliance with the statute? • What evidence demonstrates that: • Bonuses were distributed to individuals according to the adopted plan? • Funds were fully dispersed and bonuses distributed on time? • Would a standard form or template be helpful to districts? • Others?
Questions? Merit Award Program Requirements Average Teacher Salary Calculation Review of Plan Procedures Reporting Formats
Kathy Hebda Kathy.hebda@fldoe.org 850.245.0891 Pam Stewart, Deputy Chancellor for K-12 Educator Quality Pam.stewart@fldoe.org 850.245.0509 Contact Information