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Supplement Material Direct Diffusion-based Parcellation of the Human Thalamus Vinod Kumar 1,2

Supplement Material Direct Diffusion-based Parcellation of the Human Thalamus Vinod Kumar 1,2 Wolfgang Grodd 1 1 Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University Hospital, Aachen, RWTH Aa­chen University, Aachen, Germany; JARA-Translational Brain Medicine, Germany

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Supplement Material Direct Diffusion-based Parcellation of the Human Thalamus Vinod Kumar 1,2

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  1. Supplement Material Direct Diffusion-based Parcellation of the Human Thalamus Vinod Kumar1,2 Wolfgang Grodd1 1Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University Hospital, Aachen, RWTH Aa­chen University, Aachen, Germany; JARA-Translational Brain Medicine, Germany 2Graduate School of Neural & Behavioral Sciences, International Max Planck Research School, Tübingen, Germany Corresponding author: Wolfgang Grodd Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Biol. Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen Pauwelstr. 30 D-52074 Aachen, Germany Tel.: +49 241/8037159 FAX: +49 241/8082401 E-Mail: wgrodd@ukaachen.de

  2. Table S1: Summary of the size and spatial location (number of voxels) and center of Gravity (CoG) in MNI 2mm space of of five male clusters of the left hemisphere surviving at 90% probability level and thalamic structures of four major nuclei groups (Morel 4) derived from the atlas of Morel (2007) and seven thalamic areas derived from the Oxford connectivity atlas[Johansen-Berg et al.. 2005].

  3. Table S2: Anatomical correspondence of five selected clusters (# 1. 3. 6. 7. 13) in respect to the closest distance of their center of gravity (CoG) and the maximal spatial overlap given in number of voxels and percentage with the four major thalamic regions and 29 nuclei of the atlas of Morel (Morel 4 and Morel 29) and seven regions of the Oxford thalamic atlas (Oxford 7).

  4. Table S3: Subcortical connectivity. Mean number and standard deviation (SD) of streamlines to 9 different subcortical areas from the five thalamic clusters (C1. C3. C6. C7 and C13) for the males and females group.

  5. Table S4: Cortical connectivity. Mean number and standard deviation (SD) of streamlines to 9 different subcortical areas from the five thalamic clusters (C1. C3. C6. C7 and C13) for the males and females group.

  6. Cluster AN (#6) MALES FEMALES right left Video V1: Cluster AN (#6): Axial views of the course of the AN tracks for the males group (left) and the female group (right) in radiological convention. Clusters color code according of the assignment given in Fig. 3b. Tracks are displayed are cluster color for at 50% and in yellow at 100% probability.

  7. Cluster MED (#7) MALES FEMALES right left Video V2: Cluster MED (#7): Axial views of the course of the MED tracks for the males group (left) and the female group (right) in radiological convention. Clusters color code according of the assignment given in Fig. 3b. Tracks are displayed are cluster color for at 50% and in yellow at 100% probability.

  8. Cluster PO (#1) MALES FEMALES right left Video V3: Cluster PO (#1): Axial views of the course of the PO tracks for the males group (left) and the female group (right) in radiological convention. Clusters color code according of the assignment given in Fig. 3b. Tracks are displayed are cluster color for at 50% and in yellow at 100% probability.

  9. Cluster LA (#13) MALES FEMALES right left Video V4: Cluster #13: Axial views of the course of the LA tracks for the males group (left) and the female group (right) in radiological convention. Clusters color code according of the assignment given in Fig. 3b. Tracks are displayed are cluster color for at 50% and in yellow at 100% probability.

  10. Cluster LP (#3) MALES FEMALES right left Video V5: Cluster LP (#3): Axial views of the course of the LP tracks for the males group (left) and the female group (right) in radiological convention. Clusters color code according of the assignment given in Fig. 3b. Tracks are displayed are cluster color for at 50% and in yellow at 100% probability.

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