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EBUS training: A survey of fellowship directors

EBUS training: A survey of fellowship directors. Background. Pastis NJ, Neitert PJ, Silvestri GA. May 2005. CHEST: Variation in training for interventional pulmonary procedures among US pulm /critical care fellowships: a survey of fellowship directors 122 US programs surveyed

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EBUS training: A survey of fellowship directors

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  1. EBUS training: A survey of fellowship directors

  2. Background • Pastis NJ, Neitert PJ, Silvestri GA. May 2005. CHEST: Variation in training for interventional pulmonary procedures among US pulm/critical care fellowships: a survey of fellowship directors • 122 US programs surveyed • Results: Survey response 77% • The presence of an IP was associated with an increased likelihood of advanced procedural training (stents, brachytherapy, electrocautery, rigid bronchoscopy) • EBUS not examined

  3. Current Survey • Addresses attitudes, trainingand availability of EBUS • 3mailings to 154 US program directors • 103/154 responses (67%)

  4. Fellowship Characteristics

  5. EBUS at these institutions

  6. Programs without EBUS (11/103 surveyed) • All 11 would like to acquire within the next year • Reasons for adding EBUS • Increase fellowship competitiveness (8) • EBUS is standard of care for staging (8) • Improve local market competitiveness (4) • New EBUS trained faculty hired (1) • First choice for venue training (9/11 responded) • Recruit new faculty trained in EBUS (5) • Mini-sabbatical (3) • Animal lab (1)

  7. Programs with EBUS (92/103 surveyed)

  8. Additional Data from those with EBUS

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