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From A pples to Zin c : Octob e r, 2 0 11 The V i e w fr o m the Die t it i an’s O f fic e. Newsletters St. Croix Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. V ol. 1 Is s ue 1. From A p p les to Z i nc
FromApplestoZinc: October, 2011 The Viewfromthe Dietitian’sOffice. Newsletters St. Croix Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Vol.1Issue 1 FromApplesto Zinc “FromApplesto Zinc”isanall- encompassingnutritionand wellness newsletter.I’llincorporatenutrition information withusefultips, likehowtoeat wellon abudgetorstayactiveduring the winter.Frompreventionand management ofchronicdiseasestousinglocalfoods, we’llcoverawide varietyoftopics. Proper nutritionisanessentialpart ofgood health. Ahealthydietfuelsyour body,soyou’re readyforwhateverlife throwsatyou. AsaRegistered Dietitian, mytipscan helpyouoptimizeyour health through food and nutrition. Thisnewsletterwillalsobe available online inblogformatat fromapplestozinc.blogspot.com PhotoprovidedbyFotoliafrom office.com NutritionTidbit Didyouknowwildrice isa hearthealthywhole grain? Aimfor atleast50%of your dailygrainsaswholegrains. Meet theDietitian AtrueMidwestern girl, I’ve lived in Minnesota, North Dakota,South Dakota, Iowa, andnow Wisconsin! Iholda Bachelor of Arts degree in Nutrition and Dieteticsfromthe College of Saint Benedict andI completedmydietetic internship at the UniversityofIowa Hospitals and Clinics. I’mthrilledtobe startingmyprofessional life providingoutpatient educationand community nutritionfor the St. CroixTribal Health Clinic. St.CroixTribal HealthClinic 4404StateRd70 Webster,WI54893 E:alishan@stcroixtribalcenter.com P:(715) 349-8554ext. 5213
FromApplestoZinc Recipe Row MoneySavingGroceVrVoyol.lT.1i1IpsIssssuuee11 Makealist—andstickto it Wild Rice and WildMushrooms Falliswildrice season.Mushrooms are a heartyadditiontothisside.Pleasebe carefulif usingwildmushrooms.Onlyafew localmushroomsaredangerous,butone mistake couldbedeadly. Clipcouponsfrom thenewspaper, but onlyforthe thingsonyour list. Online is agreat placeto find themtoo! Shopthe perimeterofastore. Avoid thecenter aisles whereall the processedhighfat, highsodiumfoods lurk. Saveyourmoneyforfreshproduceand leanmeats. Ingredients 2clowsodium chickenbroth 1 cdriedmushrooms* 1cwildrice,rinsedundercoldwater 1 bayleaf(ifyouhaveit) 3/4cchoppedonion 1/2cupfinelychoppedcarrot* 2 garlic cloves,minced 1½ tsp ofyourfavoritedriedherbs Oliveorcanola oil Ifyouhavethespace, stockuponstaples likefrozenor canned vegetableswhen they’reon sale.In order tomake themheart healthy readthelabels foraddedsodium andfat. Directions Combinebroth, wild rice, driedmushrooms andbayleafin a stockpot. Bringto aboil, then coverandreduceheat.Simmerfor40minutes. Whenthe rice is almostdoneplaceasmall amountofoil inanon-stick skillet. Addonions, carrot,garlicandseasonings.Sauté for5minutes.Addto thewild rice andmushroommixture. Cookfor10moreminutes. Servewith your favoriteprotein suchasfish orpoultry. Onlybuytheamountoffoodyourfamilycaneat. Foodwaste=moneyinthetrash! Buyfruits andvegetablesfreshwhen theyare in season.They’recheaperandtastier too! Anythingyou’d like toknowmore about?Pleasesendyour nutrition andwellnessideas to meat: alishan@stcroixtribalcenter.com * Ifyoudon’t havedriedmushroomsyoucansubstitutefresh. Cookthem withtheonions and carrots. Cannedcarrots can also be substituted for fresh. Just add them whenyou add the rice. Noemail?Leavemeaphonemessageorstopbytheclinic andtalk tome! adaptedfromBonAppetit’sWildRicewithWildMushrooms, November1995 “Itishealththatistherealwealthand notpieces ofgoldandsilver” ~Mohandas Gandhi