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Marib Pirzada & Spencer Wood. Groups and Institutions . DEVELOPMENT of Buddhism . Buddhism was developed through the teachings of Buddha and how Buddhists through time perceived it as.
Marib Pirzada & Spencer Wood Groups and Institutions
DEVELOPMENT of Buddhism Buddhism was developed through the teachings of Buddha and how Buddhists through time perceived it as. The First Sermon was the preaching of Buddha to five monks at Deer Park. The First Sermon was important because it established the Sangha. The Sangha was the first organization composed of Buddhists. The Sangha was important because members wandered all over India spreading the Buddha’s teachings.
ESTABLISHMENT of Various Groups After Buddha’s passing, councils were arranged to discuss problems in the Sangha. In 383 BCE, the Sthaviravadaand the Mahasanghika were called upon to settle a dispute of what the Sutras should contain. Sthaviravada suggested the content of the Sutras should be unchanged while the Mahasanghika wanted more literature included in sacred text. This lead to the formation of two schools: the Theravada and the Mahayana.
SCHOOLSin Buddhism The Vajrayana School The Mahayana School The Thervada School These three schools will be discussed
THERAVADA School Theravada means “Way of the Elders” It’s considered to be the original and more conservative school of Buddhism since they do not recognize any scripture written after Tripitaka. Founded in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. They view the Buddha as a wise man with important teachings rather than a god. They rely on meditation and insight to attain nirvana. The spread of this branch in Buddhism occurred during the 3rd century BCE in India Those who achieve nirvana are considered Arhatswhich is ideal for spiritual perfection.
THERAVADA School Beliefs, Practices & Scriptures Beliefs: Humans are individuals The key virtue is wisdom Religion is for monks The ideal being is the Arhat Buddha is a saint Practices: Pray through meditation Scriptures: Early Scriptures in Pali
MAHAYANA School Mahayana means “the Greater Vehicle” Originated in India and spread to China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan A liberal school of Buddhism that believes that the Buddha is a divine being and believe that heavens are populated with Buddha’s or divinities. The believe that it is better to be a Bodhisattvas, a person who has almost achieved enlightenment but choose to be reborn in one of the heavens in order to help others who pray to them.
MAHAYANA School Beliefs, Practices & Scriptures Beliefs: Humans are involved with others They key virtue is compassion Religion is also for the lay person The ideal being is Bodhisattva Buddha is a savior Practices: Pray for requests Scriptures: Early scriptures in Sanskrit
VAJRAYANA School Also know as Esoteric or Tantric Buddhism. Found in mostly Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal. Emphasizes on rituals such as mantras and on visualization creations such as thangkas (wall hangings) and mandalas. They believe that performing rituals and prayer will help them reach enlightenment. Monks have translated most of the original Buddhist texts into Tibetan. The main scripture is the Tantras.
THE END. Marib Pirzada & Spencer Wood