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Prepared by: Denise Welte Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University

ECE5320 Mechatronics Assignment#01: Literature Survey on Sensors and Actuators Topic: Moisture Level Sensor. Prepared by: Denise Welte Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University E: denise.welte@aggiemail.usu.edu ; T: ( 801)390-4899; F: (435)797-3054 (ECE Dept.).

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Prepared by: Denise Welte Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University

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  1. ECE5320 MechatronicsAssignment#01: Literature Survey on Sensors and Actuators Topic: Moisture Level Sensor Prepared by: Denise Welte Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University E: denise.welte@aggiemail.usu.edu ; T: (801)390-4899; F: (435)797-3054 (ECE Dept.) 3/11/2010

  2. Outline • Reference list • To probe further • Major applications • Basic working principle illustrated • Irrigation • Sample configuration • Alternative • Major specifications ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  3. Outline continued • Limitations • Example of Soil Moisture Content • Crop Depths and Sensor Depths • Costs • How to Choose • Making Cheap Moisture Level Sensor • Where to Buy ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  4. Reference list • http://www.dynamax.com/PR2.htm • http://www.acclima.com/ • http://ceeldorado.ucdavis.edu/files/45069.pdf • http://news.ufl.edu/2007/11/13/water-sensors/ • http://www.ncwcd.org/ims/ims_info/practi1d.pdf • http://agbiopubs.sdstate.edu/articles/FS876.pdf ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  5. To explore further (survival pointers of web references etc) • http://ceeldorado.ucdavis.edu/files/45069.pdf • http://www.dynamax.com/IrrigationControl.htm • http://ucanr.org/repository/cao/landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v054n03p38&fulltext=yes ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  6. Major applications • Residential Solutions • Improve turf health and conserve water • Commercial Solutions • Turf • Greenhouses • Water conservation http://www.acclima.com/ ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  7. Basic Working Principle • Gravimetric soil sampling • Dry soil in oven to determine amount of water in soil • Neutron Scatter • Measure the amount of hydrogen • Di-electric Constant • Measure capacity of soil by transmitting electro-magnetic waves ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  8. Basic Working Principle (cont) • Tensiometers • Measure equilibrium by introducing water in a ceramic tip at a certain depth under • Electrical Resistance Blocks • Higher resistance readings mean lower block water content • Thermal Dissipation Blocks • Applying heat and measuring heat dissipation ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  9. Basic Working Principle cont. http://www.aquapro-sensors.com/Independant-Tests.htm ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  10. Irrigation • Irrigation is the most common use of soil sensors. http://www.taia.org/ ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  11. Sample Configuration • Use of soil moisture sensor while watering crops to conserve water • Use multiple sensors to make different watering areas and to converse even more water • Reduce overall amount of costs with little overhead cost http://ucanr.org/repository/cao/landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v054n03p38&fulltext=yes ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  12. Alternative Squeeze a handful of soil and look at the chart below: http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/CROPS/04700.html ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  13. Major Specifications • Sensing depths • Measurement • Range • Accuracy • Salinity errors • Soil sampling volume • Environment • Response time Power requirement Outputs Cable Construction Size/Weight ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  14. Limitations • Specific to the area that the probe is in, if the moisture level isn’t the same throughout a certain area it will all get watered based off one sensor. • Most probes require a reader, or a circuit to run with. • Varies with soil type. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LyraEDISServlet?command=getImageDetail&image_soid=FIGURE%201&document_soid=AE354&document_version=38536 ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  15. Example of Soil Moisture Content http://ucanr.org/repository/cao/landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v054n03p38&fulltext=yes ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  16. Crop Depths and Sensor Depths http://agbiopubs.sdstate.edu/articles/FS876.pdf ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  17. Costs • Vegetronix - $29.95 soil moisture probe • Onset - $139 SMC soil moisture smart sensor • Amazon - $49.95 davis soil moisture sensor • BenMeadows - $329 TURF TEC soil moisture sensor • Gemplers - $40.85 watermark soil moisture sensor ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  18. How to Choose • Adjustable Moisture Level • Indicator Light • Override position • Sensor wire • Special tools • Track record http://www.austingolf.com/images/courses/course_detail_images_1.jpg ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  19. Making Cheap Moisture Level Sensor • The following website goes through instructions on how to create a cheap moisture level sensor. • http://www.cheapvegetablegardener.com/2009/03/how-to-make-cheap-soil-moisture-sensor.html ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

  20. Where to Buy • http://www.dynamax.com/PR2.htm • http://www.vegetronix.com/Products/VG400/ • http://baselinesystems.com/ • http://www.irrometer.com/sensors.html • http://www.decagon.com/soil_moisture/?gclid=CILzuZbptKACFQaiagod7zVLSQ • http://www.stevenswater.com/soil_moisture_sensors/index.aspx ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators

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