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Efficient transfer reaction method with RI BEams. New Experimental technique = Thick target technique =. d. RI beam experiment is usually by an inverse kinematics and an emitted light particle is detected. Thus Q-value resolutions are determined by the thickness of the target.
New Experimental technique = Thick target technique = d • RI beam experiment is usually by an inverse kinematics and an emitted light particle is detected. Thus Q-value resolutions are determined by the thickness of the target. • We developed two methods to use thick target. • Detection of both particles (determine more than three observables) • Active target (p, d, 4He ... available)
Principle • When we know the incident energy and the species of final state particles with a very thin target, the Q-value and the scattering angle (ϑs) are the only unknown quantities of the reaction. • Therefore by measuring any two observables, for example the scattering angle and the energy of a particle, we can determine the Q-value and θs as typically shown as a clear separation of the kinematic loci in Fig. 2.7 (a), (b), (c). • When the thickness of target becomes significant, an additional unknown is introduced that is the depth of the reaction point in the target. In such a case, the energy losses of involved particles are directly correlated with the depth of the reaction. Therefore the additional unknown is only one. One additional observable, total of three, fixes all the unknown quantities including the depth of the reaction point, in principle. The variables can be selected among observables, the energy and the angle of the light particle, the energy and the angle of the heavy residue, and the depth of the reaction point.
Thick target system= detection of two particles = • Solid hydrogen target • Light particle detectors • Heavy particle detectors
Fiber Scintillator array with MPPC read out (Multi-Pixel Photon Counter)
CsI Wall • 3 walls • Each wall has 5x5 sets of detectors. • Each set consists of 5x5x2 cm3 CsI and light guide to 18x18 mm diode. • Total of 75 sets.
System for Charge radii and density distribution measurements
Budget Scheme • Our present budget is from Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS) • “Study of the tensor interaction” that includes studies • Total request: 50 Myen for 3 years, Approved 19 Myen for the first year. • At Grand RAIDEN to see the high-momentum component of nucleon in nuclei • Also similar experiment at GSI. • p-elastic scattering experiment for EOS of asymmetric nuclear matter, and • Thick target experiment at RCNP and other places. • Budget request include • The active target and chamber system 15,000,000 • The head of the solid hydrogen target and the target chamber. 5,000,000 • The beam monitoring system 2,900,000 • The rf system and the sample cooling system. 5,500,000 • The SSD DE system for charge radii measurement. 1.500,000 Total request for two years 29,900,000
Future perspective • Addition of a set of quadrupoles • Other systems are hoped to be used in the EN course • General purpose scattering chamber • CARP • ... • Other beam line for RI beams • RAIDEN • A combination of RIB with the highest resolution spectrometer. • Neutron TOF system • A combination of RIB with high resolution neutron and charged particle facility.