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ILC Beam Dynamic. ILC= International Linear Collider. It is a project designed to smash together electrons and positrons at the center of mass energy of 0.5 TeV initially and 1 TeV later.
ILC Beam Dynamic ILC= International Linear Collider It is a project designed to smash together electrons and positrons at the center of mass energy of 0.5 TeV initially and 1 TeV later. The ILC Global Design Effort team, established in 2005, has been making its accelerator design. Recently, it worked out the baseline configuration for the 30-km-long 500 GeV collider. Freddy Poirier FLC / EUROTEV group
m,E R At high energy, linear collider is more cost effective Circular Collider cost Linear Collider Energy Why a straight machine? • Synchrotron Radiation Bending a particle = loosing some energy DE ~ (E4 /m4 R) • From a cost point of view:
Physics at the ILC (1) Exemple with e+/e- LEP experiment: Indirect determination of the top quark mass. Proves high energy reach through virtual processes • Explore new Physics through high precision at high energy • Study the properties of new particles (Cross-sections, BR’s, Quantum numbers) ILC=microscope • Study known SM processes to look for tiny deviations through virtual effects (needs precision of measurements and theoretical predictions) • Precision measurements will allow: • Distinction of different physics scenarios • Extrapolation to higher energies ILC=telescope ILC will provide a detailed map of new physics
Physics at ILC (2) • Comprehensive and high precision coverage of energy range from Mz to ~ 1TeV • Physics Topics: • Higgs Mechanism • Supersymmetry • Strong Electroweak Symmetry Breaking • Precision Measurements at lower energies cross sections few fb to few pb e.g. O(10,000) HZ/yr
Luminosity • Parameters for the ILC from physics point of view: • Ecms adjustable (90500GeV) • Luminosity int Ldt=500 fb-1 in 4 years • Ability to scan • Energy stability and precision below 0.1% • Polarisation of electrons (at least 80%) To achieve high luminosity small sizes at the interaction point have to be achieved What is needed to reach high luminosity? Before going to the world of beam dynamic, let’s have a look at the ILC
Layout of the ILC Long straight sections (e-/e+) 500 GeV 10 km ~31 km Upgraded energy (~1TeV) Nominal:
Scheme of the ILC Electron source To produce electrons, light from a titanium-sapphire laser hit a target and knock out electrons. The laser emits 2-ns "flashes," each creating billions of electrons. An electric field "sucks" each bunch of particles into a 250-meter-long linear accelerator that speeds up the particles to 5 GeV. Damping Ring for electron beam In the 6-kilometer-long damping ring, the electron bunches traverse a wiggler leading to a more uniform, compact spatial distribution of particles. Each bunch spends roughly 0.2 sec in the ring, making about 10,000 turns before being kicked out. Exiting the damping ring, the bunches are about 6 mm long and thinner than a human hair. Main Linac 2 main linear accelerators, one for electrons and one for positrons, accelerate bunches of particles up to 250 GeV with 8000 superconducting cavities nestled within cryomodules. The modules use liquid helium to cool the cavities to - 2°K. Two ~10-km-long tunnel segments, house the two accelerators. An adjacent tunnel provides space for support instrumentation, allowing for the maintenance of equipment while the accelerator is running. 5 nano m Squeeze the beam as small as possible for High luminosity
Beam Dynamic • Beam dynamic is the study of the evolution of the beam through the various sections: • Here we’ll look at the beam dynamic in the linear accelerator section. • i.e. after the Bunch compressor and before the Beam Delivery System (BDS) • The accelerator section is part of the LET (Low Emittance Transport): • The goal of game here is to accelerate the beam from 15 GeV up to 250 GeV (for center of mass energy of 500 GeV) • Keep the emittance growth as low as possible
Lattice • The lattice is a series of components (periodic arrangement) in the beam line • It is constituted mainly of • Magnets (quadrupoles, dipoles,…) • Accelerating cavities - SuperConducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) • Diagnostic Systems • The most basic repetitive sequence of components is called a FODO cell (focusing and defocusing quadrupole interspaced with drift space) x • Trajectory of an individual electron in the FODO lattice. • The magnetic lattice is periodic (2d) • The pseudo-sinusoidal motion is referred to as the Betatron oscillation. • The phase advance per FODO cell period is here µ=π. QF QD 1 FODO cell
Betatron Oscillation • Property of the focusing arrangement phase advance variation • The betatron oscillation are e.g. dependent on the strength of the quadrupole, (independently) for x and y: Nominal focus. Quad. strength |k0|= 0.0524 m-2 Changed to |k1|= 0.0624 m-2 k0 k1 QD QF
Phase advance (dependant on focusing strength) Emittance: e (initial condition) Beta amplitude: b, periodic (dependant on focusing strength) Motion • From the equation of motion (Hill’s equa.): Where K(S) is the quadrupole strength and is periodic i.e. K(S)=K(S+2d) One can get the solution in the form (Floquet’s theorem): Initial phase And get the differentiate along the beam axis:
Emittance • To talk to an accelerator physicist, talk in phase-space diagram (x’ vs x): • 1 particle travelling along the linac will describe in x’,x plane an ellipse (approx.) • Now we are not dealing with 1 particle but with a bunch of them. • At 1 location, x’,x plane: • All particles travelling will form an elliptical surface on the plane. • The ellipse envelope is a characteristic of the quality of the beam (it encompasses 95% particles). It is called the emittance e.
Beam Size • The Beam size is computed with Luminosity is then defined (gaussian beam) by: Dispersion not included Quality of the beam at IP and dependent of emittance prior to IP Defined by focussing arrangement at IP The challenge with the (normalised) emittance is that along a transport line it can only get worse.
Degradation of emittance • In a linac the emittance will inevitably degrade due to: • Synchrotron Radiation • Collective effects • Wakefields • Residual gas scattering • Accelerator errors: • Beam mismatch (field errors) • Dispersion, x-y coupling • Magnet alignment errors
Wakefields • Passage of charged particle beams induce electromagnetic field in RF cavities and other structures in accelerator. • These wakefields act back on the beams and may cause instabilities • Long range Wakes: acts on following beam • Short range W: head of bunch acts on its tail
Wakefields • Bunch ‘current’ generates wake that decelerates trailing bunches. • Bunch current generates transverse deflecting modes when bunches are not on cavity axis • Fields build up resonantly: latter bunches are kicked transversely Long range: Short range: When bunch is offset wrt cavity axis, transverse (dipole) wake is excited. Wtαa-3.5
Effect of misalignment Multibunch emittance growth for cavities with 500mm RMS misalignment The misalignements contribute largerly into the emittance growth along the linac.
A challenge RMS random misalignments to produce 5% vertical emittance growth BPM offsets 11 mm RF cavity offsets 300 mm RF cavity tilts 240 mrad • Impossible to achieve with conventional mechanical alignment and survey techniques • Typical ‘installation’ tolerance: 300 mm RMS • On BPM this would imply an emittance growth of 3800% • At Beginning of linac gey=20 nm.rad • At IP gey=~40 nm.rad Beam Based Alignment is crucial
gij Yi Yj Ki Beam Based Alignment • Alignment performed on the beam using the beam itself. • It involves steerers and BPM (measure beam centroid position) • BACK to BASIC: • A particle arriving non centered on a quad will get a kick. • Betatron oscillation surimposed • Emittance grows yj Standard notation used: i.e. focusing for x, but defocusing of y
quad mover dipole corrector steerer A BBA solution? 1-to-1 steering • To limitate the kick one could think of a solution: • Assuming: • A BPM adjacent to each quad, • A ‘steerer at each quad simply apply one to one steering to orbit: i.e. at each BPM zeroing the orbit with a steerer such that the bunch centroid is in the central axis of the quad. But BPM are offset wrt quad. Dispersion are increased (Particle with different energy will undergo a different angle in electromagnetic field) Emittance grows
BBA - DFS • Dispersion Free Steering (DFS) • Measure beam orbit (BPM) for a beam at E0 • Measure beam orbit for beam(s) at other energies • Find a set of steerer settings which minimise the orbit difference. (for the case of curved linac: minimize wrt to the designed orbit difference)
BBA (2) • An exemple of results for the BBA: DFS lower emittance growth DFS along linac With 2 beams With jitter Normalized emittance (m.rad) Good result for DFS technique. - Benchmarking of the various DFS algorithm are being done - Dynamic effect of ground motion not included No position jitter Energy (GeV)
BBA(3) • BBA when? • In general following a startup, or at regular intervals (DFS for SLC: monthly basis) • this process takes time; during which the machine is not integrating luminosity (TT) • typically takes ~ 100 pulses per focusing magnet; with ~5 different energies. • 300 magnets: ~ 2 hours per linac
Measuring the Emittance How to measure the emittance: At Several (≥3) locations measure beam size emittance • Conventional (wire scanners) diagnostic: damaged • Need for a non-invasive system It is foreseen to use laser-wires (finally focused laser) diagnotics system to perform emittance measurements.
Laser-Wire Principle • Collision between electron and laser beam • Detection of scattered photons • Waist of laser < e- beam size • Number of scattered photons depend on: • Compton cross section • Number of electrons / bunch • Laser power and wavelength • 1/ interaction area • relative position of laser and el. beam
Energy Bunch Length Charge/bunch Hor. beam size Ver. beam size E/GeV z/ps nC x/m y/m 4.5 to 12 ~100 3 to 20 1000 to 100 100 to 10 Laser-Wire at PETRA • Positron Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator • Long free straight section • Easy installation of hardware due to existing access pipe and hut outside tunnel area • 1 IP
Laser-Wire (2) First vertical beam size measurements: 2003 2005: New vacuum chamber faster scan • m = (68 ± 3 ± 14) m A new high power laser is being installed at PETRA will be used in 2006 2nd vertical plane at IP is in place for horizontal measurements
InternationalLinear Collider Timeline 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design Effort Project Baseline configuration Reference Design Technical Design ILC R&D Program Expression of Interest to Host
Bob Palmer 1990 ILC Design Here was presented a snapshot of studies related to the ILC Beam Dynamic. More is done at DESY on: Damping Ring, Bunch Compressor, Failure mode, Vibrations,… Check Beam Dynamic activities website at DESY. • Linear collider design is complex due to the interrelationships among the various parameters and the soft constraints on their values.
References Picked up of lot of the plots, drawings, … from: • recent ILC school: • http://www.linearcollider.org/school/ • Accelerator school: • USPAS 2003 • and other reference papers or conference: • Baseline Configuration Design (BCD) website: http://www.linearcollider.org/wiki/doku.php?id=bcd:bcd_home • Talks at Snowmass 2005
Ground motion spectra Both frequency spectrum and spatial correlation important for LC performance
Bunch Compression • bunch length from ring ~ few mm • required at IP 100-300 mm dispersive section
Test of Unification MSSM: 105 parameters: some from LHC, some from ILC Extrapolation of SUSY parameters from weak to GUT scale (e.g. within mSUGRA) Gauge couplings unify at high energies, Gaugino masses unify at same scale Precision provided by ILC for sleptons, charginos and neutralinos will allow to test if masses unify at same scale as forces Gluino (LHC) SUSY partners of electroweak bosons and Higgs
Extra dimensions cross section for anomalous single photon production Emission of gravitons into extra dimensions Experimental signature: single photons d = # of extra dimensions e+e- -> gG measurement of cross sections at different energies allows to determine number and scale of extra dimensions (500 fb-1 at 500 GeV, 1000 fb-1 at 800 GeV) Energy
Precision Electroweak Tests • high luminosity running at the Z-pole • Giga Z (109 Z/year) ≈ 1000 x “LEP” in 3 months • with e- and e+ polarisation ΔsinΘW = 0.000013 together with ΔMW = 7 MeV (threshold scan) and ΔMtop = 100 MeV