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King of Grace Church and School. King of Grace - Opportunities for Service A Description of Boards, Committees, and Council Roles 2014/15. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms 1 Peter 4:10.
King of Grace Church and School King of Grace - Opportunities for ServiceA Description of Boards, Committees, and Council Roles2014/15 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms 1 Peter 4:10
Nomination Committee Timeline Updated 02/24/14 • January • Reach out to each respective Board Director and Committee Chair to request that they ask current members of their intent to continue service into the upcoming year during their February meeting (send Nomination Grid) • February • Document Director and Chair feedback • Set up a meeting for early March with Pastors, Principal, and Nominating members to review the Nomination Grid openings and potential candidates • March • Host the Nominating Kick-off meeting • Announce Nomination Process in the Church bulletin and in Services • Perform member outreach to fill open roles • April • Perform member outreach to fill open roles • Introduce Initial Nomination Grid in Voters Meeting • May • Present Final Nomination Grid in Voters Meeting Annual Events and Timeline
President (2015)Updated 02/24/14 Coordinated Long Range Plan Updates for all Boards and Committees Helped create the 100 year anniversary planning committee Helping coordinate urgently needed technology enhancements and working to create an official King of Grace Technology Committee Provided support to the 2014-15 budgeting process • The President shall: • Preside at Voters Assembly and Church Council meetings. • To the best of his ability, enforce the Constitution and By-Laws of the Congregation and carry out the expressed will of the Congregation as embodied in the resolutions of the Voters Assembly. • Have responsible to him all Officers of the Congregation. • Have responsible to him all Boards, Committees, Societies, etc., in the Congregation. He, or his representative, shall be welcome at any and all meetings of these organizations. • Endeavor to coordinate the functions, plans and activities of the Congregation in all its parts for the total furtherance of Christ's kingdom. • In the absence of the Treasurer, have authority to sign all checks for disbursement of monies. • Sign official documents of the congregation. The President may designate the Vice-President to sign in his absence. Current Year Initiatives Position Description • Tim Bechtold Current Member(s)
Vice President (2014)Updated 02/24/14 Coordinated and participated in the Nomination Process for King of Grace Formalized a Nomination Process and King of Grace Service Opportunity document • The Vice-President shall: • As the President's representative, have responsible to him all Boards, Committees, Societies, etc., in the Congregation, and be welcome at any and all meetings of these organizations. • In the absence of the President, assume the President’s duties and act as President. • Be a member of the Nominating Committee and serve as its chairman. • Be responsible for updating the Church By-Laws and Handbook and recommend any corrections or changes to the Voters Assembly for action. • Oversee any ad hoc committees formed by the Church Council. • Be available for whatever duties are assigned to him by the President. Current Year Initiatives Position Description • David F. Nelson Current Member(s)
Secretary (2015)Updated 02/24/14 Recorded minutes for all Council and Voters Meetings • The Secretary shall: • Keep accurate minutes of Voters Assembly and Church Council meetings and maintain a register of all members attending those meetings for the permanent record of the Congregation. He shall provide these records to the Administration Committee for permanent storage. • Be responsible for making sure all Board and Committee minutes are submitted in a timely manner and appropriately distributed and recorded according to procedures and policies as determined by the Church Council. • Be in possession of a current copy of the Constitution, By-Laws and Handbook, and make them readily available to all members of the Congregation. He shall deliver copies of these documents to all Officers, Board Directors and Committee Chairs upon entering their offices. • Maintain an accurate, updated roster of Voting Members. The Secretary shall present a list of candidates eligible to be elected to the Voters Assembly at all regular quarterly meetings. The Secretary shall also report on those who by action of the Board of Elders (By-Law I, Section D) have been removed from the roster of Voting Members. • Be responsible for sending written notice to all persons elected, advising them of the position to which they have been elected and the date of induction into office. • Send written notice of meetings as provided in the Constitution and By-Laws • Act as parliamentarian at all Voters Assembly, Church Council and specially called meetings of the Congregation. • Perform other duties or responsibilities as assigned by the Voters Assembly or the Church Council which are normally the responsibility of a Secretary. Current Year Initiatives Position Description • Randy Voelker Current Member(s)
Treasurer (2014)Updated 02/24/14 Maintained, distributed, and socialized King of Grace budget records for Council and Voters Meetings • The Treasurer shall: • Be a member of the Administration Committee. • Keep an accurate record of congregational receipts and disbursements, budgeted and actual expenditures, in accordance with proper accounting procedures. • Present a written annual financial summary to the Voters Assembly that includes a listing of sub-accounts for liabilities, a written quarterly financial report to the Voters Assembly and a written monthly report to the members of the Church Council. • Submit permanent financial records for annual audit. • Monthly remit offerings to Synod and other church agencies and make prompt payment of salaries and bills as authorized by the Congregation or the Boards. • Coordinate the flow of monies from the treasury to the various Boards in such a way that an adequate balance is retained for the payment of all salaries and regularly recurring expenses. • Remit to the professional workers of the Congregation payment for documented expenses for workshops, conferences, conventions, etc., as approved by the Board under whose jurisdiction they function. • Receive from the Financial Secretary a report of all monies received through worship services, special offerings or any other sources, and duly record same. • Sign all checks for payment of all bills, salaries or any other financial commitments of the Congregation of any sort. • Make available to all Boards a record of their expenditures and budget allotments. • Take authority for furnishing salaried workers of the Congregation a breakdown of the worker's total compensation into salary and fringe benefits as the worker requests and the law permits. • File necessary financial reports for Social Security, assessments, insurance and the like. • Provide policies, direction and training to the Assistant Treasurer and be responsible for his decisions and actions in all financial matters. • Furnish the Congregation a surety bond, as required by action of the Voters Assembly, and paid for by the Congregation, provided it is not already covered by existing insurance. Current Year Initiatives Position Description • Mark Honerbrink Current Member(s)
Assistant Treasurer (2015)Updated 02/24/14 Supported the King of Grace Treasurer and financial activities • The Assistant Treasurer shall: • Represent the Treasurer at Church Council and Voters Assembly Meetings in the Treasurer’s absence. • In the event of a vacancy, assume the duties of the Treasurer and become Treasurer for the remainder of the term. • Serve as a member of the School Board with duties to include: submitting monthly financial reports, gathering delinquent tuition payments and guiding the School Board in the preparation of its proposed annual budget. • Be available for whatever duties are assigned to him by the Treasurer. • Furnish the Congregation a surety bond, as required by action of the Voters Assembly, and paid for by the Congregation, provided it is not already covered by existing insurance. Current Year Initiatives Position Description • Andrew Reckard Current Member(s)
Financial Secretary (2015)Updated 02/24/14 Assisted in the maintenance of financial record keeping for King of Grace • The Financial Secretary shall: • Be elected by the Voters Assembly. • Be a member of the Administration Committee. • Keep an accurate record of the amount and type of individual contributions. • Issue a statements to each Communicant Member. • Be responsible for depositing all monies in a bank. • Submit records for annual audit as directed by the Church Council. Current Year Initiatives Position Description • Jack Hinnenthal Current Member(s)
Synod DelegatesUpdated 02/24/14 Attended the ELS Synod Convention on behalf of King of Grace Congregation • The Synodical Convention Delegates shall: • At such time as the Congregation is a member of a Synod, it shall be the Congregation's responsibility to be duly represented at the Synod convention by the Pastor(s) and such delegates as are authorized by the Synod. • Delegates shall be chosen for their ability to properly represent the Congregation on the committees and on the floor of the convention in all matters that may be before the delegates. • The delegates shall be elected at the regular Voters Assembly election meeting. A number of alternates equal to the number of authorized delegates shall also be elected. Current Year Initiatives Position Description • Norm Werner • Jim Minor • Chan Handberg Sr. - Alternate Current Member(s)
Boards Updated 02/24/14 • Boards can be established or abolished only by amendment to these By-Laws. • Members of Boards shall be elected to their positions by the Voters Assembly. Members of Boards shall be Communicant Members of this Congregation, with the added provision that members of the Board of Elders be members of the Voters Assembly. • The members of the pastoral office and the President shall serve on all Boards in an advisory capacity. • Called workers and employees are encouraged to serve on Boards and Committees, with the provision that they cannot serve on the Board or Committee responsible for their employment, with the exception that the members of the pastoral office and the Principal do serve on their governing Boards in an advisory capacity. • Boards shall submit to the Church Council and Voters Assembly at their October meetings for their endorsement a two-year list of goals in keeping with their mission. Boards shall consult the King of Grace Handbook when developing their plan. The King of Grace Handbook: • Consists of a list of previously adopted goals for each Board and Committee. • May include information on which goals were formally adopted for a particular fiscal year and the progress made toward achieving those goals. • May include any suggestions or recommendations a Board or Committee wishes to include in the Handbook. • May include Congregational and Board/Committee Long-Range Plans and comments on how annual objectives and plans fit into individual long-range action items. • May be revised upon Board or Committee recommendation and approval of the Church Council. • Can in no way govern or modify the Constitution or By-Laws of King of Grace Lutheran Church. • Each Board shall submit a written report of its activities and the activities of its Committees at each regular Voters Assembly and Church Council meeting. Reports shall include specific recommendations, if any, for Congregational action or approval. • Each Board shall submit to the Secretary for appropriate distribution and record keeping its minutes and the minutes of its Committees. Minutes should be submitted within two weeks of a Board or Committee meeting. • Each Board shall initiate and carry out activities and programs within the Congregation in order to perform the functions and duties assigned to it by the Constitution and By-Laws, or by specific resolution of the Voters Assembly. • Each Board is empowered to administer all funds set aside for its work by budget appropriation or by special resolution of the Voters Assembly, with the provision that the Voters Assembly may, at its discretion, restrict such expenditures to conform with the actual financial condition of the Congregation at any given time. Each Board is jointly and severally liable for all expenditures not authorized by the budget or by special resolution of the Voters Assembly. Board Overview
Committees Updated 02/24/14 Standing Committees of the Congregation shall be Membership, Stewardship, Shepherding, Administration, Nominating and Auditing. Other Committees may be established by the Voters Assembly, Church Council, or any Board or Standing Committee in order to assist the Congregation in its public ministry. The Membership, Stewardship and Shepherding Committees shall serve under the auspices of the Board of Elders. The Administration, Nominating and Auditing Committees shall serve under the auspices of the Church Council. Chairs and Members of Standing Committees shall be Communicant Members of the Congregation and shall be elected by the Voters Assembly. Chairs and Members of other Committees may be appointed. Terms of office for Chairs and Members of Standing Committees shall be one year. The members of the pastoral office and President shall serve on all Standing Committees in an advisory capacity and may serve on other Committees in an advisory capacity as well. Standing Committees can be established or abolished only by amendment to these By-Laws. Committee Overview
Board of EldersUpdated 02/24/14 Worship Service attendance growth each year Worship services consistent with our doctrinal position Increased membership retention Effective membership assimilation, nurturing and assistance Formally trained stewards, witnesses and lay leaders The Board of Elders shall consist of at least six members in addition to the Director. The mission of this Board is to: oversee the overall welfare of the church workers and the spiritual welfare of Congregation members, individually and corporately; and supervise all matters pertaining to Congregational worship, member spiritual growth and Bible studies. The Board of Elders shall oversee the Membership, Stewardship and Shepherding Committees. Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Loren Braun – Board Director • Scott Roeber • Butch Broberg • John Anderson • Curt Merchant • Craig Schilling • Chuck Thomforde Current Member(s)
Membership CommitteeUpdated 02/24/14 The Membership Committee shall consist of at least four members in addition to the Chair. The mission of this Committee is to: strengthen the spiritual and social fellowship between Congregation members. Increased member retention Increased individual involvement in congregational service, programs, and social activities Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Dan Browning - Chair • Christina Madson • Janet Blythe • Aline Tyler • Jennifer Merseth • Emily Schoop • Deb Anderson • Dustin Lange • Angie Lange Current Member(s)
Stewardship CommitteeUpdated 02/24/14 The Stewardship Committee shall consist of at least four members in addition to the Chair. The mission of this Committee is to: initiate programs for the development of good stewardship in the members of the Congregation in regard to time, talents and treasures; provide for the training and utilization of members of the Congregation for the work of Christ's Kingdom; and ensure the financial stability of the Congregation through a developed program of dedicated, proportionate, first-fruits giving. Effective membership assimilation, nurturing and assistance Formally trained stewards, witnesses and lay leaders Increased individual involvement in congregational service, programs and social activities Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Brian James – Chair • Leah Wandersee • Ann Hengel • Stephanie James Current Member(s)
Shepherding CommitteeUpdated 02/24/14 The Shepherding Committee shall consist of at least four members in addition to the Chair. The mission of this Committee is to: inform new members of the various aspects of church life, foster personal relationships with new members; and assimilate and integrate new members into the life of the congregation. Effective membership assimilation, nurturing and assistance Increased individual involvement in congregational service, programs and social activities Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Open – Chair • Kaye Anderson • John Woodington • Nate Veach • Lon Rogness Current Member(s)
School BoardUpdated 02/24/14 The School Board shall consist of at least six members in addition to the Director. The Principal shall serve on the School Board in an advisory capacity. The mission of this Board is to: oversee the overall welfare of the school workers; plan, direct, supervise and administer the total educational program of the School and Preschool; determine policies; recommend and/or select personnel for the various programs; and provide the necessary means and facilities for these programs. Enrollment growth and program improvements in all Christian education ministries Engaging youth in Christ-centered fellowship opportunities Improve management of all resources and better use of technology Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Bret Torfin – Director • Gina Thomforde • Deb Silbernagel • Peter Archer • Tom Walz • Linda Johnson • Ron Milke • Theresa Kiihn • Darin Gunderman Current Member(s)
Board of YouthUpdated 02/24/14 The Board of Youth shall consist of at least six members in addition to the Director. The mission of this Board is to: involve the young people of the Congregation in the work of Christ; provide for their spiritual growth and nurture; and promote genuine Christian fellowship for the young people of the Congregation. In keeping with its mission, the Board of Youth shall oversee the Sunday School and Vacation Bible School in addition to its other youth programs. The Board, together with the Pastor, shall appoint a Sunday School Superintendent who shall be responsible for the Sunday School teachers and program. The Bible lessons used shall be reviewed by the Pastor. The Board shall appoint a VBS director or directors who shall be responsible for the VBS teachers and program. Enrollment growth and program improvements in all Christian education ministries Engaging Youth in Christ-centered fellowship opportunities (Support) Increased individual involvement in congregational service, programs and social activities. (Financial) support for members who wish to attend Christian colleges, universities or seminaries that are in doctrinal agreement with King of Grace Lutheran Church Active fellowship and association with Lutheran Churches and Synods with whom we are in doctrinal agreement Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Ron Sonnek – Director • Susan Nelson • Jim Ringen • Derek Nelson • Jennifer Stavig • Sheila Degner • Ryan McDowell Current Member(s)
Board of TrusteesUpdated 02/24/14 The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least six members in addition to the Director. The mission of this Board is to: oversee the proper inventory, maintenance, and repair of church property; and recommend areas where improvements may be required or desired. A unified budget based on well defined, prioritized ministries and capital projects including normal operating expenses Increased individual involvement in congregational service, programs and social activities Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Open – Open • David Blythe • Bruce Christensen • Ron Vollrath • Tony McLaughlin • Paul Ekhoff • Robert Silbernagel • Randy Gauger • Roger Keske Current Member(s)
Board of EvangelismUpdated 02/24/14 The Board of Evangelism shall consist of at least six members in addition to the Director The mission of this Board is to: bring the Gospel to the unchurched; encourage, enlist and train all of God's people in the work of spreading the Gospel; and find ways to tell others who we are and what we believe. Improve management of all resources and better use of technology Effective internal and external communications that promotes the ministry of King of Grace Formally trained stewards, witnesses and lay leaders Greater participation in community outreach and educational activities Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Paul Boecher – Director • Peggy Thorpe • Larry Tyler • Kathy Boecher • Chris Lambkin • Mark Anderson • Alex Rank Current Member(s)
Administration CommitteeUpdated 02/24/14 The Administration Committee shall consist of at least four members in addition to the Chair. Two of these members shall be the congregational Treasurer (By-law V, Section F, 1) andthe Financial Secretary (By-Law VII, Section B, 3b). The mission of the Administration Committee is to: supervise the administrative affairs of the Congregation, including the representation of the congregation in all legal and financial matters, maintain a knowledge of the laws governing churches, oversee matters of insurance and coverage, managing the technology infrastructure and to prepare and present the budget. This committee shall review all salaries proposed by Boards for consistency and equity. The mission of this Committee is to also oversee the communication of all information regarding the congregation, its services and other activities to the members and to others who have an interest in the affairs of the congregation; and oversee the means by which such information is communicated. Improved management of all resources and better use of technology Effective internal and external communications that promotes the ministry of King of Grace A unified budget based on well-defined, prioritized ministries and capital projects including normal operating expenses Formally trained stewards, witnesses and lay leaders Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Marty Handberg – Chair • Kirk Guillaume • Jack Hinnenthal • Mark Honerbrink • Larry MacDonald Current Member(s)
Auditing CommitteeUpdated 02/24/14 The Auditing Committee shall consist of three members and a Chair. Members of the body being audited shall not audit their own work. The duties of this Committee are to audit the records of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary, and such other records of Officers, Boards, Committees and organizations as may be directed by the Church Council. A report shall be made to the body being audited, the Church Council and the Voters Assembly, and shall include recommendations as the Committee deems proper and beneficial for the welfare of the Congregation. A unified budget based on well-defined, prioritized ministries and capital projects including normal operating expenses Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Gerry Hoem - Chair • Veronika Werner • Administration Member • Open Current Member(s)
Endowment CommitteeUpdated 02/24/14 • The Endowment Committee shall consist of at least four members in addition to the Chair. At least one member shall be a member of the Administration Committee. • The mission of this Committee is to: receive and administer bequests, estates, insurance, designated memorials and other assets to be perpetual and perpetuating; and to be accountable to the congregation as the custodian of the Endowment Fund; and to enhance the work of the congregation and the work of the synod of which the congregation is a member by supporting the work of the congregation and the Synod both at home and at large. Improved management of all resources and better use of technology Effective internal and external communications that promotes the ministry of King of Grace Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Barb Beltrand - Chair • Sharon Gieseke • Open - Administration • Open • Open Current Member(s)
Technology CommitteeUpdated 03/20/14 • The Technology Committee shall consist of at least four members in addition to the Chair. Members of other King of Grace Boards and Committees may serve concurrently on the Technology Committee and at least one teacher from our Christian Day School should serve on this committee as an advisory member • The mission of this Committee is to: oversee the proper review, maintenance and repair of the church and school technology infrastructure, stay current on new technology innovations and recommend hardware, software and other technology application enhancements as may be required or desired to help maximize our effectiveness in growing God’s Kingdom and accomplishing our mission. Address strategic and tactical issues surrounding King of Grace’s technology infrastructure Effective internal and external communications that promotes the ministry of King of Grace Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • Chair • Open • Open • Open Current Member(s)
Nominating CommitteeUpdated 02/24/14 The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Vice-President, who shall serve as Committee Chair, and four members, who shall be nominated and elected from the floor at the May Voters Assembly meeting and serve as the Nominating Committee for the year following their election The duties of this Committee are to: inform itself about the authority, responsibility and duties of each office to be filled; identify members to serve on the boards and committees as specified in the By-Laws and determine the eligibility of each potential nominee to serve in the position for which they are being nominated; contact all potential nominees regarding the position to which they are being nominated and determine if they are willing to be placed on a ballot for election; and present to the Voters Assembly at the April and May meetings, a list of candidates for the various elective offices required by this Constitution and these By-Laws, and such other nominations as may be deemed appropriate Creation of a Service Opportunity Deck available for the Church Website and for sharing with new members to show available areas to serve King of Grace Create an awareness and desire on behalf of the congregation to know of, and volunteer for, service opportunities within the church and school Board/Committee Responsibilities Board/Committee Goals • David F. Nelson - Chair • Randy Voelker • John Woodington • Open • Open Current Member(s)