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Development Highlights of Particle Physics Programs in PPAN Meeting

This report highlights updates on linear and muon colliders, LHeC, Tevatron developments, and the latest inputs to PPAN and ILC projects. The global design effort for ILC is progressing, emphasizing R&D to contain costs while achieving physics specifications. The muon collider program is positioned for advancements in PPAN science, with potential for significant contributions to the field. The LHeC accelerator design and scientific advisors committee are also discussed.

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Development Highlights of Particle Physics Programs in PPAN Meeting

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  1. Updates and input to PPAN C. H. Shepherd-Themistocleous Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PPAP community meeting 5th July 2010

  2. Outline • Updates on: • Linear Colider • Muon Collider • LHeC • Tevatron • Latest input to PPAN

  3. ILC

  4. GDE ILC Timeline 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 GDE process Reference Design Report (RDR) Tech. Design Phase (TDP) 1 TDP 2 LHC physics ~100 participants 55 institutes 12 countries 3 regions Ready for Project Submission Global Design Effort

  5. ILC’s Workhorse - SCRF Niobium superconducting RF cavities Global Design Effort

  6. Progress with gradient from industry Progress over last 9 months ILC-10: ~28 March, 2010 GDE: ~ 1.Oct.2009 AAP: ~ 6-7Jan.2010 Integrated since 1st plot Goal of TDP1 of 50% cavities at 35 MV/m ~ achieved. Global Design Effort

  7. From RDR -> SB2009 RDR SB2009 • Single Tunnel for main linac • Move positron source to end of linac • Reduce number of bunches factor of two (lower power) • Reduce size of damping rings (3.2km) • Integrate central region • Single stage bunch compressor Global Design Effort

  8. Summary and Outlook • The ILC is a machine that could be built tomorrow – • but it is expensive. • Significant R&D is under way to produce savings • & therefore contain cost while maintaining physics • specifications – much has already been achieved. • Collaboration with CLIC is close and growing. We • will build the best machine whenever - and wherever – • political will and funding becomes available. • The GDE will be ready, whenever exciting results at • LHC give us the momentum, to propose a LC. Global Design Effort

  9. m-Collider

  10. Key points for muon – colliders: • Muon accelerators offer unique opportunity for PP science programme: • cLFV • Neutrino Factory (facility of choice) • Upgradable energy frontier lepton-antilepton • UK has established leading role internationally in this through UK Neutrino Factory R&D programme: • E.g.: • IDS-NF (International Design Study), MICE, EMMA, … • Huge leverage potential: • EUROnu, US ‘MAP’ programme etc. • We’ve been energetic to exploit this to enhance programme • Scientific imperative is to make Neutrino Factory an option for the field • And to exploit synergies to: • Contribute strongly to cLFV programme • Leverage support through modest involvement in Muon Collider R&D in partnership with US

  11. Muon Collider: basis of advantages: • Muon mass: 106 Mev/c2 Electron mass: 0.511 MeV/c2 • Consequences: • Negligible synchrotron radiation at Muon Collider: • Rate  m4:  Muon Collider reduction factor: 5  10-10 • Compact, circular, accelerator • Small energy spread • Possible to preserve polarisation at ~30% level • Yields possibility to determine beam energy precisely (0.003%) using (g – 2) precession • Strong coupling to Higgs: • Production rate  m2:  Muon Collider enhancement factor: 5  104 • Large data set allows branching ratios to be measured 100 pb-1

  12. Muon Collider Decision Tree 0.5 TeV e+e- 3 TeV e+e- 3-4 TeV m+m- Pier Oddone Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June, 2010 12

  13. Increasing internation interest in a muon collider – • October 2009 request for Proposal for enhanced R&D programme in the US ( MAP) • Submitted 1st March 2010. • DOE-OHEP review soon. • UK strong presence in development for NF and hence muon-collider. • Exploit synergies of developments for these projects. News: 1st Electron Beam successfully steered through 4 Sectors of EMMA on Tuesday 22n June . This is the 1st beam steered through a non scaling FFAG lattice structure.

  14. LHeC

  15. Accelerator Design [RR and LR] Oliver Bruening (CERN) John Dainton (CI/Liverpool) Interaction Region and Fwd/Bwd Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Uwe Schneeekloth (DESY) Pierre van Mechelen (Antwerpen) Detector Design Peter Kostka (DESY) Rainer Wallny (UCLA) Alessandro Polini (Bologna) New Physics at Large Scales George Azuelos (Montreal) Emmanuelle Perez (CERN) Georg Weiglein (Durham/Hamburg) Precision QCD and Electroweak Olaf Behnke (DESY) Paolo Gambino (Torino) Thomas Gehrmann (Zuerich) Claire Gwenlan (Oxford) Physics at High Parton Densities Nestor Armesto (Santiago) Brian Cole (Columbia) Paul Newman (Birmingham) Anna Stasto (MSU) Scientific Advisory Committee Guido Altarelli (Rome) Sergio Bertolucci (CERN) Stan Brodsky (SLAC) Allen Caldwell -chair (MPI Munich) Swapan Chattopadhyay (Cockcroft) John Dainton (Liverpool) John Ellis (CERN) Jos Engelen (CERN) Joel Feltesse (Saclay) Lev Lipatov (St.Petersburg) Roland Garoby (CERN) Roland Horisberger (PSI) Young-Kee Kim (Fermilab) Aharon Levy (Tel Aviv) Karlheinz Meier (Heidelberg) Richard Milner (Bates) Joachim Mnich (DESY) Steven Myers, (CERN) Tatsuya Nakada (Lausanne, ECFA) Guenther Rosner (Glasgow, NuPECC) Alexander Skrinsky (Novosibirsk) Anthony Thomas (Jlab) Steven Vigdor (BNL) Frank Wilczek (MIT) Ferdinand Willeke (BNL) Organisationfor the CDRon the LHeC Steering Committee Oliver Bruening (CERN) John Dainton (Cockcroft) Albert DeRoeck (CERN) Stefano Forte (Milano) Max Klein - chair (Liverpool) Paul Laycock (secretary) (L’pool) Paul Newman (Birmingham) Emmanuelle Perez (CERN) Wesley Smith (Wisconsin) Bernd Surrow (MIT) Katsuo Tokushuku (KEK) Urs Wiedemann (CERN)) Frank Zimmermann (CERN) Working Group Convenors http://cern.ch/lhec

  16. LHeC – Physics Programme The luminosity and Q2, 1/x range are a hundred times larger than achieved at HERA: + Unfolding completely the parton structure of the proton (neutron and photon) and search for sub-substructure down to ten times below HERA’s limit. + Sensitive exploration of new symmetries and the grand unification of particle interactions with electroweak and strong interaction measurements of unprecedented precision. + Search for and exploration of new, Terascale physics, in particular for singly produced new states (RPV SUSY, LQ, excited fermions) complementary to the LHC + Exploration of high density matter [low x physics beyond the expected unitarity limit for the growth of the gluon density] + Unfolding the substructure and parton dynamics inside nuclei and the study of quark-gluon plasma matter by an extension of the kinematic range by four orders of magnitude. Physics Programme of the LHeC

  17. LHeC – Project Status + Fall 07: CERN and (r)ECFA invite for design study on the LHeC – organisation set up. + CERN-ECFA-NuPECC Workshops (2908/09) towards Conceptual Design Report + Presented to ECFA (08,09), ICFA (08), NuPECC (09,10) and various conferences.. + May 2010: LHeC included in (draft) Long Plan of NuPECC (chaired by G.Rosner/Glasgow) + June 2010: Status [http://cern.ch/lhec] presented to Science Policy Committee and by SPC Chair briefly reported to Council as a future option of CERN + CDR: 3rd Workshop: 28-30.10.  report to ECFA 11/2010  print spring 2011 + 2011/12: Evaluation of CDR in the context of LHC results and CERN/HEP future + With the assumption of LHC to operate until 2030, the LHeC would have to come into operation in the early twenties to be of use. This requires a TDR by 2013/14 and a design with a minimum of R+D. The CDR will contain a detailed plan for building the LHeC and for one detector. This plan has not been worked out yet. Physics Programme of the LHeC

  18. Tevatron

  19. Tevatron running will continue. Current proposal to run to 2014 • Extended Tevatron running is being discussed Fermilab and by Fermilab’s Physics Advisory Committee (PAC). A decision likely later this year. • Physics reason for running is will remain competitive with LHC • Sensitivity to low mass Higgs through bb and WW channels whereas he bb channel will not be accessible to the LHC for a long time. For 16 fb-1 3 sigma sensitivity over the whole favoured mass range 115<M_H<190 GeV. • Further increase in precision of W and top mass measurements will reduce upper limit from EW fits on Higgs mass to ~117 GeV, thereby testing the self-consistency of the SM together with the direct limits mentioned above. • With 16 fb-1, samples of EW processes (top, W, Z) will be of the same order or bigger than LHC samples with 1 fb-1 • Tevatron with ppbar is complementary to LHC in many areas (e.g. AFB(top), CPV in Bs, high x gluon..)

  20. CDF and D0 currently studying options UK groups hold numerous positions of responsibility including current spokesperson of D0 and various physics convener and detector operations roles. D0: 10 academics, 6 RAs + students. CDF: 5.7 FTE ( 7 academics, 1RA, 1 student)

  21. Input to PPAN

  22. Report Submitted Sept 2009 • Introduction • Major scientific challenges • Facilities • Recommendations • framework • short discussion of each area/facility • summary/synthesis • Appendix: more detailed discussion of each facility: UK expertise, capabilities, opportunity …

  23. Subsequent request to condense input for PPAN overview report. • Four major scientific questions • Simplify Roadmap • Questions: • What are the elementary constituents of the Universe that were produced in the Big Bang? • Can the forces between elementary particles be understood in a unified framework? • What unknown properties of particles and forces drove the evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang to its present state? • Why is there more visible matter than antimatter in the Universe and what is the origin of this asymmetry?

  24. Updated Roadmap R&D Construction Exploitation Future opportunity

  25. END

  26. Recommendations: framework Recommended the following principles be followed: • A broad and diverse particle physics programme focussed on high priority science questions is an essential pillar of the UK science + technology base. • Optimal scientific return on long term investment should be supported during the exploitation phase of experiments. • Participation in projects that are likely to form major components of the future global Particle Physics programme should be kept at viable levels. IoP HEPP Conference, UCL 29th March 2010

  27. Recommendations: framework • The potential to engage in possible future activities should be kept open, especially where key decision time frames can be identified. Where the UK is playing a leading role in design studies, appropriate funds should be made available to support these activities. Minimally a watching brief should be kept on other promising future projects. • A strong technological R&D base must be maintained to enable a world-leading UK Particle Physics science programme and future KE opportunities. This should include generic R&D as well as that more focused on specific experiments. IoP HEPP Conference, UCL 29th March 2010

  28. Frontiers in particle physics: • The energy frontier: • Origin of mass (@ the LHC) • Unification of forces: • Undiscovered symmetry? • Extra dimensions? • The flavour frontier: • Origin of neutrino mass and mixing • Hints at undiscovered: • Particles; • Forces; • Symmetries; and/or • All of the above! • Origin of flavour: • Undiscovered symmetry? • Origin of the Universe: • Leptonic-CP violation and lepto-genesis

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