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Explore the anxious beauty of waiting for long-awaited moments in this poetic symphony of emotions. Reflect on the anticipation of blizzards, bays, chipped melodies, and surrounded symphonies as you delve into the essence of time's embrace.
Anxiously • Anxiously means nervously or in a worried manner. • The bank robber was ________waiting for his partner to arrive. • Has there ever been a time where you have been anxiously waiting for something to happen? • Talk to your partner about a time when you would be anxiously waiting for something to be over or done.
Bay • Bay means a part of an ocean enclosed by a coastline. • I went to a ____ this summer and looked at the sparkling water. • Have you ever seen a bay before?
Blizzards • Blizzards are heavy snowstorms with very strong winds. • _______ can go on for a long time without stopping. • Blizzards occur all around the world. • Do you think that it is possible to have blizzards in two places at once? • Talk with your partner and discus if you would ever want to be in blizzardsor not.
Channel • Channel means a body of water joining two bodies of water. • One time I went to the English______. • I have seen a channel before. • Have you ever heard of a famous channel before?
Chipped • Chipped means broke of small pieces of something. • I accidentally _______ off part of my pencil box. • Usually when you have chipped something off, it is not a good thing. • Have you chipped an object before? • Talk to your partner about something that you have chipped before.
Melody • Melody means a series of musical notes that make up a tune. • The band played a______. • The melody was beautiful. • Have you ever heard a melody before? • Talk to your partner and make up a melody.
Supplies • Supplies means quantities of something needed. • When we went to town, we got _______. • We got supplies from Wal-Mart for next week. • Have you ever gotten a lot of supplies before? • Talk to your partner about some place that might need supplies.
Surrounded • Surrounded means encircled; enclosed. • When I went hiking, I was _________ by trees. • In an assembly, some of the teachers are surrounded by kids. • When was a time you were surrounded by something? • Talk to your partner about a time when you were surrounded by something.
Symphony • Symphony means a long musical work written for an orchestra. • The orchestra played a______ and everyone loved it. • I heard a symphony last year for Thanksgiving. • Have you ever heard a symphony before?
This power point was created by Paige Krupinski. We would like to thank her for creating this wonderful power point!!